Raku Modules Documentation
Sorted and Grouped Modules (1136)
Choose ecosystem:
- Cache::Async Concurrent and async cache implementation
- Calendar Provides class data for producing calendars
- CBOR::Simple Simple codec for the CBOR serialization format
- CheckSocket very simple Raku function to test if a TCP or UNIX domain socket is listening on a given address
- Chemistry::Elements do things with the Periodic Table
- Chemistry::Stoichiometry Package for Stoichiometry procedures: chemical formula parsing, chemical equations balancing. Contains relevant chemical element data. Multi-language support.
- Chronic Low-level Scheduling thingy for Raku
- CLI::AWS::EC2-Simple Simple AWS EC2 CLI command
- CLI::Ecosystem Raku® Programming Language Ecosystem Inspector
- CLI::Graphing::BarChart A library for generating command line bar charts
- CLI::Help add -h / --help parameters to your script
- CLI::Version add -V / --version parameters to your script
- CLI::Wordpress Simple wpcli command
- Clipboard Raku package for using clipboards of different operating systems. (I.e., copy and paste with any OS.)
- cmark::Simple Native port of the CommonMark library
- Collection Collects a content in Pod6 (aka Rakudoc) files and creates output based on configuration
- Collection-Plugin-Development Development and working repository for Collection plugins
- Collection-Raku-Documentation Use Cro and Collection to supply Raku documentation. Different search system. Global and local TOCs and Glossaries.
- Color Format conversion, manipulation, and math operations on colors
- Color::Names A fairly comprehensive collection of lists of named colors.
- Color::Palette Module for working with color palettes.
- Compress::Bzip2 High-level bindings to libbzip2
- Compress::Bzip2::Raw Low-level bindings to libbzip2
- Compress::PDF Provides PDF compression binary executables
- Concurrent::PChannel Concurrency-safe prioritized channel
- Concurrent::PriorityQueue provide a thread-safe priority queue
- Config::BINDish Extensible BIND9-like Configuration Files Support
- Config::Netrc .netrc file parser module for Perl 6
- Config::Parser::NetRC A NetRC parser for L<Config|https://github.com/scriptkitties/p6-Config>
- Config::Parser::toml TOML parser for Config
- Configuration A brand new and very nice module
- Contact Contact, Address, Name, etc Parsing
- Contact::Name parse contact names
- Cookie::Jar A minimalist HTTP user agent cookie jar
- Cooklang A raku variant of Cooklang
- CoreHackers::Q Raku QAST Visualizer
- CoreHackers::Sourcery Show source locations of core methods and subs
- CPAN::Uploader::Tiny Upload tarballs to CPAN
- CRDT Conflict-free Replicated Data Type
- cro Libraries and tools for building reactive services in Raku. This installs the cro command line and web tool, along with HTTP (including HTTPS and HTTP/2.0) and WebSocket support.
- Cro::CBOR Support CBOR in Cro for body parsing/serializing
- Cro::Core Implements the asynchronous pipeline at the heart of all Cro libraries.
- Cro::FCGI FastCGI support for Cro
- Cro::HTTP Asynchronous HTTP, both client and server side. Includes HTTP/2.0 support.
- Cro::HTTP::BodyParser::JSONClass Parse and deserialise application/json HTTP body to a specified JSON::Class
- Cro::HTTP::BodySerializerJSONClass A Cro::HTTP::BodySerializer that knows about JSON::Class objects
- Cro::RPC::JSON JSON-RPC 2.0 framework built on top of Cro
- Cro::TLS Cro pipeline components for building services that use TLS.
- Cro::WebApp Support for building server-side web applications with Cro, including templates and form handling.
- Cro::WebApp::Evaluate blah blah blah
- Cro::WebSocket WebSocket client, and WebSocket support in the Cro HTTP router.
- Cromtit Cromtit - Crontab (and more) for your Tomtit scenarios
- Crypt::AnyPasswordHash Hash and verify a password using the best available means
- Crypt::Libcrypt Simple binding to crypt(3) from unix-like systems
- Crypt::LibGcrypt Yet another Raku bindings for GNU libgcrypt
- Crypt::LibScrypt Binding for libscrypt password hashing
- Crypt::RC4 Raku implementation of the RC4 encryption algorithm
- Crypt::SodiumPasswordHash Binding for libsodium password hashing
- Crypt::SodiumScrypt Binding for libsodium password hashing
- CSS CSS Stylesheet processing
- CSS::Font::Resources CSS Font Resource selection and loading
- CSS::Grammar Raku core CSS grammars
- CSS::Module Perl 6 CSS extended and property-specific grammars
- CSS::Module::CSS3::Selectors CSS3 Module Level 3 Selectors
- CSS::Properties CSS property manipulation library
- CSS::Selector::To::XPath Raku CSS Selector to XPath compiler
- CSS::Specification CSS Property definition grammar and generation tools
- CSS::Stylesheet CSS Stylesheet representation
- CSS::TagSet CSS Markup Tag-Sets
- CSS::Writer AST Serializer; compatible with CSS::Grammar and CSS::Module
- CSV-AutoClass Define a class with a CSV file and provide data for a list of class objects in the same file
- CSV::Parser Parses CSV files, duh
- CSV::Table Provides routines for manipulating a CSV file with or without a header row
- Curry Library for making curried functions.
- CustomImporting Selective importing in Raku
- CWT-Repository-Hash Uses Cro templates stored in a Hash
- Dan Top level roles for Data Analytics.
- Dan::Pandas Bridge Dan to Python Pandas
- Dan::Polars Bridge Dan to Rust Polars
- Data::Cryptocurrencies Cryptocurrency data retrieval.
- Data::Dump a colorful? data dumper for perl6
- Data::ExampleDatasets Obtaining example datasets.
- Data::Generators Random data generation functions: strings, words, numbers, pet names, job titles, vectors, arrays, and tabular datasets.
- Data::Geographics Country data and city data.
- Data::Importers Various data importing routines with a unified interface (import and slurp).
- Data::MessagePack Raku implementation of MessagePack
- Data::RandomKeep Randomly keep a given number of offered items.
- Data::Record Record types!
- Data::Reshapers Data reshaping functions for different data structures (arrays, lists of hashes, Text::CSV tables.)
- Data::Summarizers Data summarizing functions for different data structures (arrays, lists of hashes, Text::CSV tables.)
- Data::Translators Translation of datasets, JSON specs, or JSON-like data structures into other formats.
- Data::Tree rooted-tree data structure and utils for Raku
- Data::TypeSystem Data type system for different data structures (arrays, lists of hashes, etc.)
- Data::UkraineWar::MoD Raku distribution template
- Date::Christian::Advent Provides routines to calculate the date of the First Sunday of Advent in the Christian calendar
- Date::Discordian Convert Gregorian Dates to Discordian
- Date::Easter Provides a routine to calculate the date of Easter in the Christian calendar
- Date::Event Provides a class suitable for use with calendars or any Raku program associated with the Raku Date type
- Date::Names Provides names for month and weekday numbers (multilingual).
- Date::Utils Provides helpful date routines for calendar creation
- Date::WorkdayCalendar Calendar and Date objects to handle business days, holidays and weekends
- Date::YearDay Provides creation of a Raku Date object by year and day-of-year
- DateTime::Format strftime and other DateTime formatting libraries
- DateTime::Grammar DateTime grammar and actions.
- DateTime::Julian Provides a DateTime::Julian class (a child class of Raku's DateTime)
- Datetime::Math Add common math operations to DateTime objects
- DateTime::Monotonic is a Never-Decreasing Time-Elapsed Counter
- DateTime::Posix Provides a DateTime object that returns posix values with fractional seconds
- DateTime::React A module that produces a notification when clock events such as hour rollovers or daylight savings time begins)
- DateTime::TimeZone A Raku library for working with Time Zones
- DateTime::Timezones A module enabling experimental timezone support to DateTime
- DateTime::US Provides time zone and Daylight Saving Time (DST) infomation for US states and territories
- DB::Migration::Declare Specify database migrations using a Raku DSL. Currently Postgres only.
- DB::Migration::Simple Simple DB Migration. Go up and down in versions.
- DB::ORM::Quicky Easy Prototyping ORM for Perl 6
- DB::Xoos An ORM, with support.
- DB::Xoos::MySQL An ORM, with support (and no meta model syntax). mysql
- DB::Xoos::Pg An ORM, with support (and no meta model syntax). postgres
- DB::Xoos::SQLite An ORM, with support.
- DBIish Database connectivity for Raku
- DBIish::Pool Database connection pooling
- Ddt Distribution Development Tool
- Debugging::Tool Print debugging info during development
- Deepgrep Grep elements inside nested iterables
- Definitely An implementation of the Maybe Monad
- delete-old-until-size Delete (old) files from a folder (until size is less than a threshold).
- deredere Simple scraping framework
- Desktop::Notify A simple interface to libnotify
- Desktop::Notify::Progress Show the progress of processing in a notification popup
- Dev::ContainerizedService Uses containers to provide services (such as databases) to ease getting a local development environment set up.
- Devel::ExecRunnerGenerator A tool to generate native wrapper executables (similar to the infamous .bat/.sh wrappers)
- Device::Velleman::K8055 A Raku interface to the Velleman USB Experiment Kit
- Die Perl like die routine for note + exit
- Digest Raku implementation of digest algorigthms.
- Digest::FNV FNV[1|0|1a] for the masses
- Digest::HMAC Generic HMAC implementation
- Digest::PSHA1 Pseudorandom hashing algorithm as per RFC5246
- Directory an object representing a directory
- DirHandle Raku port of Perl's DirHandle
- Discogs::API Provide basic API to Discogs
- Display::Listings A Raku module for displaying lines in a listing.
- Dist::META Creates a single method for accessing META6 values that might be in two places
- Distribution::Builder::Cmake A zef builder to aid in binding CMake projects to Raku
- Distribution::Extension::Updater Update legacy file extensions in a Raku distribution.
- Distribution::Resources::Menu Navigate the files in the resources directory
- Doc::Executable Executable Raku examples
- Doc::TypeGraph Parse a type graph description file
- Doublephone Implementation of the Double Metaphone phonetic encoding algorithm
- DSL::Bulgarian Computational workflows building by natural language commands in Bulgarian.
- DSL::English::ClassificationWorkflows Classification workflows building by natural language commands.
- DSL::English::DataQueryWorkflows Data query workflows building by natural language commands.
- DSL::English::LatentSemanticAnalysisWorkflows Latent Semantic Analysis workflows building by natural language commands.
- DSL::English::QuantileRegressionWorkflows Quantile Regression workflows building by natural language commands.
- DSL::English::RecommenderWorkflows Recommender workflows building with natural language commands.
- DSL::English::SearchEngineQueries Search queries building by natural language commands.
- DSL::Entity::AddressBook Grammars for AddressBook entities: person names, company names, etc.
- DSL::Entity::Geographics Grammars for geographic entities: countries, states, cities, ZIP codes, etc.
- DSL::Entity::MachineLearning Grammars for Machine Learning entities: classifier names, classifier measures, etc.
- DSL::Entity::Metadata Grammar and role for metadata entities: data types, column names, schema names, etc.
- DSL::Entity::WeatherData Grammar and role for metadata entities: data types, column names, schema names, etc.
- DSL::FiniteStateMachines Finite State Machines (FSMs) roles and classes for making conversational agents based on Domain Specific Languages (DSLs).
- DSL::Shared DSL::Shared provides utilities and grammar roles for making DSL translators.
- HarfBuzz bindings to the HarfBuzz font shaping library (experimental)
- HarfBuzz::Font::FreeType binds to the HarfBuzz font shaping library
- HarfBuzz::Shaper::Cairo Cairo integeration for the HarfBuzz font shaping library
- HarfBuzz::Subset HarfBuzz font subsetting compactor
- has-word A quick non-regex word-boundary checker
- Hash-with Roles for automatically mapping keys in hashes
- Hash::Agnostic be a hash without knowing how
- Hash::Consistent Basic Consistent Hash implementation.
- Hash::int provide a hash with native integer keys
- Hash::LRU trait for limiting number of keys in hashes by usage
- Hash::Ordered role for ordered Hashes
- Hash::Restricted trait for restricting keys in hashes
- Hash::Sorted customizable role for sorted Hashes
- Hash::str provide a hash with native string keys
- Hash::Timeout Role for hashes whose elements timeout and disappear
- Hash::Util Raku port of Perl's Hash::Util module 0.23
- Hash2Class A role to create class instances out of a Hash
- head-skip-tail provide sub versions of .head|skip|tail
- Heap Simple Heap implementation
- HexDump::Tiny Generate hexadecimal dump
- Hey Command Line Time Tracking with a SQLite db.
- hide-methods hide methods of classes during runtime
- highlighter highlight something inside a string
- Hiker MVC Framework built on HTTP::Server HTTP::Server::Router
- Holidays::Miscellaneous Provides perpetual data for miscellaneous holidays
- Holidays::US::Federal Provides dates, names, alternate names, and dates observed for US Federal holidays
- HomoGlypher Toolset for handling similarly looking characters in strings.
- HowToUseModuleResources Demonstrates access to $?DISTRIBUTION and %?RESOURCES for installed module distributions
- HTML::Canvas Construction and rendering of HTML-5 Canvases
- HTML::Canvas::To::PDF PDF Rendering backend for the HTML Canvas (2D) API
- HTML::Component is the beginning of components (WiP)
- HTML::Entity::Fast Encode / Decode HTML entities
- HTML::EscapeUtils A Raku module to deal with HTML special characters
- HTML::Functional blah blah blah
- HTML::Parser role for HTML parsing
- HTML::Parser::XML Parses HTML to produce an XML::Document
- HTML::Tag Generate simple, interleafable, HTML tags.
- HTML::Template A simple almost-port of CPAN's HTML::Template to Raku
- HTTP::Easy HTTP servers made easy, including PSGI
- HTTP::HPACK Implementation of RFC 7541 HPACK: Header Compression for HTTP/2
- HTTP::Roles Roles for an HTTP::Server with interchangeable backends
- HTTP::Server::Async Asynchronous Base HTTP Server
- HTTP::Server::Async::Plugins::Router::Simple Basic routing for http server
- HTTP::Server::Logger A common log format logger for anything abiding by HTTP::Server
- HTTP::Server::Middleware::JSON Middleware to parse JSON for HTTP::Server-s
- HTTP::Server::Router Router for HTTP::Server based servers
- HTTP::Server::Router::YAML YAML routing for HTTP::Server::Router-s
- HTTP::Status Information about HTTP Status Codes
- HTTP::Tiny A small, simple, correct HTTP/1.1 client
- HTTP::Tinyish Raku port of HTTP::Tinyish
- Humming-Bird A simple, composable Web Framework.
- Humming-Bird::Core A simple, composable Web Framework.
- hyperize helper subs to hyperize iterables with defaults
- L10N All official localizations of Raku
- L10N::CY Welsh localization of Raku
- L10N::DE German localization of Raku
- L10N::EN English localization of Raku
- L10N::FR French localization of Raku
- L10N::HU Hungarian localization of Raku
- L10N::IT Italian localization of Raku
- L10N::NL Dutch localization of Raku
- L10N::PT Portuguese localization of Raku
- L10N::TLH Klingon localization of Raku
- Learn::Raku::With A way to learn Raku by rendering balls to an HTML page
- LEB128 Encoding and decoding of integers in the LEB128 encoding.
- lemmatize Lemmatize strings and lists using a provided English dataset or by providing your own.
- LibraryCheck Quick hack to determine whether a shared libray is present
- LibraryMake An attempt to simplify native compilation
- LibXML Raku bindings to the libxml2 native library
- LibXML::Class General purpose XML de-/serialization for Raku
- LibXML::Writer Raku bindings to the libxml2 streaming writer
- LibXSLT Interface to the GNOME libxslt library
- License::SPDX The SPDX licence list
- Linenoise Raku bindings to linenoise
- Lines::Containing look for lines containing a given needle
- Lingua::Conjunction Convert lists into linguistic conjunctions and fill them into a template
- Lingua::EN::Fathom Measure readability of English text
- Lingua::EN::Numbers Various number-string conversion utilities
- Lingua::EN::Sentence Module for splitting text into sentences
- Lingua::EN::Stem::Porter Implementation of the Porter stemming algorithm
- Lingua::EN::Syllable Guess the number of syllables in an English word
- Lingua::NumericWordForms Lingua::NumericWordForms has generators, parsers, and interpreters of numeric word forms in different languages.
- Lingua::Stem::Portuguese Package for stemming Portuguese words.
- Lingua::Stem::Russian Package for stemming Russian words.
- Lingua::Translation::DeepL Lingua::Translation::DeepL provides access to the language translation service DeepL (https://www.deepl.com).
- Linux::Cpuinfo Get the kernel CPU information on Linux
- Linux::Fuser Discover which process has a file open, in pure Raku
- Linux::Joystick Read a stream of joystick events under Linux
- Linux::NFTables An interface to libnftables, a library to interact with Linux NFTables
- List::Agnostic be a list without knowing how
- List::Allmax Find all of the maximum or minimum elements of a list.
- List::AllUtils Raku port of Perl's List::AllUtils module 0.14
- List::Divvy Positional object partion by element value
- List::MoreUtils Raku port of Perl's List::MoreUtils module 0.430
- List::Operator::DoublePlus Another operator for list concatenation
- List::SomeUtils Raku port of Perl's List::SomeUtils module 0.56
- List::Util Raku port of Perl's List::Util module 1.49
- List::UtilsBy Raku port of Perl's List::UtilsBy module 0.11
- Listicles Adds convenience methods to Array
- LLM::Containerization Docker containers, Cro Web API, and CLI scripts packaging LLM functionalities.
- LLM::DWIM Do What I Mean, with help from large language models
- LLM::Functions LLM::Functions provides functions and function objects to access, interact, and utilize LLMs
- LLM::Prompts Facilitating the creation, storage, retrieval, and curation of LLM prompts.
- LN Get $*ARGFILES with line numbers via $*LN
- Locale::Codes::Country A pure Raku library implementing the ISO-3166 standard
- Locale::US Two letter codes for identifying United States territories and vice versa
- LocalTime A wrapper of class DateTime with varied formatters depending on time zone entry
- Log::Dispatch Multi-source, multi-destination log dispatcher
- Log::Reader extended log format log parser
- Log::Syslog::Native Provide logging to POSIX native syslog facility
- Log::Timeline Log tasks with start/end periods and phases, as well as individual events.
- Logger A simple logging class
- LogP6::Writer::StackDriver LogP6 writer for StackDriver service.
- Lumberjack A simple logging framework.
- Lumberjack::Application A web facility for the Lumberjack logging framework
- Lumberjack::Config::JSON Simple Lumberjack configuration through JSON
- Lumberjack::Dispatcher::EventSource A Lumberjack dispatcher that dispatches to server sent events for a web application
- Lumberjack::Dispatcher::Syslog A Syslog dispatcher for the Lumberjack logger
- Lumberjack::Message::JSON Lumberjack::Message represented as JSON
- LWP::Simple LWP::Simple quick & dirty implementation for Raku
- Mac::Applications::List List installed apps found in standard and other directories
- Mac::Battery::Alerter Raku script to alert with speech in case of low battery on macOS
- Manifest::StopWar This is the manifest to stop the war between Russia and Ukraine in Raku
- Manifesto Make a supply of the results of Promises
- Map::Agnostic be a map without knowing how
- Map::Match Provide a Map where keys are regular expressions
- Map::Ordered role for ordered Maps
- Markdown::Grammar Grammar for parsing Markdown documents and converting them to notebook-, org-, or Pod6 files.
- Markup::Calendar Raku package with Markup (HTML, Markdown) calendar functions for displaying monthly, yearly, and custom calendars.
- Marpa Raku interface to the libmarpa C library.
- Marrow Marrow (MRO) the reverse ORM. Generates code to create REST APIs for a Postgresql database.
- Math::Angle a class to handle geometric angles
- Math::Combinatorics Combinatoric functions
- Math::Constants A few Math and Physics constants
- Math::ConvergenceMethods Raku convergence methods to solve lineal and non lineal equations
- Math::DistanceFunctions Raku package with a collection of mathematical distance functions and a corresponding role.
- Math::DistanceFunctions::Edit Raku package of fast Damerau-Levenshtein distance functions based on C code via NativeCall.
- Math::DistanceFunctions::Native Raku package for distance functions based on C implementations.
- Math::FFT::Libfftw3 High-level bindings to libfftw3 Complex-to-Complex transform
- Math::FFT::Libfftw3::C2C High-level bindings to libfftw3 Complex-to-Complex transform
- Math::Fitting Raku package with algorithms for line, curve, and hyper-plane fitting over sets of points.
- Math::FractionalPart Provides routines for operating on fractional parts of numbers
- Math::Handy Handy math routines and operators that aren't in CORE Raku.
- Math::Interval A noddy implementation of Interval Arithmetic using raku Ranges
- Math::Libgsl::BLAS An interface to libgsl, the Gnu Scientific Library - BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms).
- Math::Libgsl::Combination An interface to libgsl, the Gnu Scientific Library - Combinations.
- Math::Libgsl::Complex An interface to libgsl, the Gnu Scientific Library - complex numbers.
- Math::Libgsl::Constants An interface to libgsl, the Gnu Scientific Library - constants and exceptions.
- Math::Libgsl::DigitalFiltering An interface to libgsl, the Gnu Scientific Library - Digital Filtering
- Math::Libgsl::Eigensystem An interface to libgsl, the Gnu Scientific Library - Eigensystems
- Math::Libgsl::Elementary An interface to libgsl, the Gnu Scientific Library - elementary functions.
- Math::Libgsl::Function An interface to libgsl, the Gnu Scientific Library - Special functions.
- Math::Libgsl::Histogram An interface to libgsl, the Gnu Scientific Library - Histograms
- Math::Libgsl::Interpolation An interface to libgsl, the Gnu Scientific Library - Interpolation
- Math::Libgsl::LinearAlgebra An interface to libgsl, the Gnu Scientific Library - Linear Algebra.
- Math::Libgsl::Matrix An interface to libgsl, the Gnu Scientific Library - Vectors and Matrices.
- Math::Libgsl::MovingWindow An interface to libgsl, the Gnu Scientific Library - Moving Window Statistics
- Math::Libgsl::Multiset An interface to libgsl, the Gnu Scientific Library - Multisets.
- Math::Libgsl::Permutation An interface to libgsl, the Gnu Scientific Library - Permutations.
- Math::Libgsl::Polynomial An interface to libgsl, the Gnu Scientific Library - Polynomials.
- Math::Libgsl::QuasiRandom An interface to libgsl, the Gnu Scientific Library - Quasi-Random Sequences.
- Math::Libgsl::Random An interface to libgsl, the Gnu Scientific Library - Random Number Generation.
- Math::Libgsl::RandomDistribution An interface to libgsl, the Gnu Scientific Library - Random Number Distributions
- Math::Libgsl::RunningStatistics An interface to libgsl, the Gnu Scientific Library - Running Statistics
- Math::Libgsl::Series An interface to libgsl, the Gnu Scientific Library - Series Acceleration
- Math::Libgsl::Sort An interface to libgsl, the Gnu Scientific Library - Sort.
- Math::Libgsl::Statistics An interface to libgsl, the Gnu Scientific Library - Statistics
- Math::Libgsl::Wavelet An interface to libgsl, the Gnu Scientific Library - Wavelet Transform
- Math::Nearest Raku package with algorithms for finding nearest neighbors for different sets of objects.
- Math::Polygons Some perl6 polygon objects that draw using SVG.
- Math::Polynomial::Chebyshev Raku package with functionalities based on Chebyshev polynomials.
- Math::Random Random numbers à la java.util.Random
- Math::Root High precision root and Integer root calculations
- Math::SpecialFunctions Raku package for mathematical special functions.
- Math::Trig Trigonometric routines not already built-in
- Mathematica::Serializer Serializer of Raku objects and expressions into Mathematica (aka Wolfram Language) expressions.
- MeCab A Raku bindings for libmecab ( http://taku910.github.io/mecab/ )
- Memoize Raku port of Perl's Memoize module 1.03
- Menu::Simple Create, display, and execute a simple option menu on the command line
- MergeOrderedSeqs Merge multiple ordered Seqs into a single ordered one.
- MessagePack::Class Serialize/Deserialize Raku classes to/from MessagePack blobs
- MessageStream Message handling to multiple destinations
- META::constants distribution related constants from META info
- META6 Work with Raku META files
- MetamodelX::Dataclass A dataclass for Raku
- Method::Also add "is also" trait to Methods
- Method::Protected add "is protected" trait to methods
- Metropolis Generate sequence of random samples from probability distribution function.
- Mi6::Helper An aid for converting Raku modules to use App::Mi6
- MIDI::Make A Raku module to make MIDI files.
- Migration::RTtoGithub mapping of old RT tickets to GitHub issues
- MIME::Base64 Encoding and decoding Base64 ASCII strings
- MIME::Types determine mime type by file extension
- ML::AssociationRuleLearning Package for association rule learning. (Apriori, Eclat, support, confidence, lift, leverage, conviction.)
- ML::Clustering Package for clustering algorithms
- ML::FindTextualAnswer ML::FindTextualAnswer provides function(s) for finding sub-strings in a given text that appear to answer given questions.
- ML::NLPTemplateEngine ML::NLPTemplateEngine provides function(s) for making computational workflows.
- ML::ROCFunctions Package for computations of Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) functions.
- ML::TriesWithFrequencies Package with functions for creation and manipulation of tries (prefix trees) with frequencies.
- Mmap::Native interface to posix mmap() and mmunmap() calls
- MoarVM::Bytecode Provide introspection into MoarVM bytecode
- MoarVM::Remote A library for working with the MoarVM remote debugging API
- Modf Provides routine 'modf' as used in other languages
- Module::Does role for finding loaded modules in global scope that 'does' some role or class, useful for modules that want to support hot swapping modules with minimal end user code
- Module2Rpm Create RPM's from raku modules.
- Moneys A library to facilitate using monetary values in Raku
- Monitor::Monit Provide an interface to the monit monitoring daemon
- MQ::Posix binding for POSIX message queues
- MUGS Multi-User Gaming Services - A Raku-based platform for game service development
- MUGS::Core Core modules for MUGS (Multi-User Gaming Services)
- MUGS::Games Free-as-in-speech game implementations for MUGS (Multi-User Gaming Services)
- MUGS::UI::CLI CLI UI for MUGS, including App and game UIs
- MUGS::UI::TUI Fullscreen Terminal UI for MUGS, including App and game UIs
- MUGS::UI::WebSimple WebSimple UI for MUGS, including HTTP gateway and game UIs
- Mux parallel worker queue, designed to mux your work and demux your life
- P5__FILE__ Raku port of Perl's __FILE__ and associated functionality
- P5-X Raku port of Perl's -X built-ins
- P5built-ins Raku port of Perl's built-ins
- P5caller Raku port of Perl's caller() built-in
- P5chdir Raku port of Perl's chdir() built-in
- P5chomp Raku port of Perl's chomp() / chop() built-ins
- P5chr Raku port of Perl's chr() / ord() built-ins
- P5defined Raku port of Perl's defined() / undef() built-ins
- P5each Raku port of Perl's each() built-in
- P5fc Raku port of Perl's fc() built-in
- P5fileno Raku port of Perl's fileno() built-in
- P5getgrnam Raku port of Perl's getgrnam() and associated built-ins
- P5getnetbyname Raku port of Perl's getnetbyname() and associated built-ins
- P5getpriority Raku port of Perl's getpriority() and associated built-ins
- P5getprotobyname Raku port of Perl's getprotobyname() and associated built-ins
- P5getpwnam Raku port of Perl's getpwnam() and associated built-ins
- P5getservbyname Raku port of Perl's getservbyname() and associated built-ins
- P5hex Raku port of Perl's hex() / oct() built-ins
- P5index Port of Perl's index() / rindex() built-ins
- P5lc Raku port of Perl's lc() / uc() built-ins
- P5lcfirst Raku port of Perl's lcfirst() / ucfirst() built-ins
- P5length Raku port of Perl's length() built-in
- P5localtime Raku port of Perl's localtime() / gmtime() built-ins
- P5math Port of Perl's math built-ins to Raku
- P5opendir Raku port of Perl's opendir() and related built-ins
- P5pack Raku port of Perl's pack() / unpack() built-ins
- P5print Raku port of Perl's print() and associated built-ins
- P5push Raku port of Perl's push() / pop() built-ins
- P5quotemeta Raku port of Perl's quotemeta() built-in
- P5readlink Raku port of Perl's readlink() built-in
- P5ref Raku port of Perl's ref() built-in
- P5reset Raku port of Perl's reset() built-in
- P5reverse Raku port of Perl's reverse() built-in
- P5seek Raku port of Perl's seek() built-in
- P5shift Raku port of Perl's shift() / unshift() built-ins
- P5sleep Raku port of Perl's sleep() built-in
- P5study Raku port of Perl's study() built-in
- P5substr Raku port of Perl's substr() built-in
- P5tie Raku port of Perl's tie() built-in
- P5times Raku port of Perl's times() built-in
- P5unlink Raku port of Perl's unlink() built-in
- Pakku Package Manager for the Raku Programming Language
- Parameterizable Make a class parameterizable
- ParaSeq Parallel execution of Iterables
- Parse::Paths A Raku module to provide path parsing and validation for assorted programs.
- Pastebin::Gist Raku interface to https://gist.github.com/
- Pastebin::Shadowcat Raku interface to http://fpaste.scsys.co.uk/
- path-utils low-level path introspection utility functions
- Path::Finder Iterative, recursive file finder for Perl 6
- paths a fast recursive file finder
- PatternMatching Library for pattern matching.
- PDF Base classes for reading, manipulation and writing of PDF data
- PDF::API6 Facilitates the creation and modification of PDF files
- PDF::Class PDF Document Object Model
- PDF::Combiner Provides routines and a program to combine and title PDF documents
- PDF::Content PDF content related classes; including text, images, fonts and graphics
- PDF::Document Provides higher level classes and routines to create PDF documents
- PDF::Extract simple extract PDF to text|html|xml
- PDF::Font::Loader Font loading and embedding for the PDF tool-chain
- PDF::Font::Loader::CSS CSS driven font loading for the PDF tool-chain
- PDF::Font::Loader::HarfBuzz HarfBuzz integration for PDF::Font::Loader
- PDF::Grammar Raku grammars for parsing PDF Content Streams and File Structure
- PDF::ISO_32000 Tables and roles, mined from the PDF ISO-32000 specification
- PDF::ISO_32000_2 PDF 2.0 Tables and roles, mined from the PDF ISO-32000-2 specification
- PDF::Lite Minimal class for the creation and editing of PDF documents
- PDF::Native Native drop-in routines for PDF
- PDF::Tags Reads and manipulates tagged PDF files
- PDF::Tags::Reader Tagged PDF reader
- PDF::To::Cairo Cairo rendering backend for PDF::Content (experimental)
- Pg::Notify Reactive interface to PostgreSQL notifies
- Pheix Pheix is the Raku driven Content Management System: extremely lightweight, simple and customizable.
- Physics::Constants Some support for physical constants.
- Physics::Error some code to handle physical measurement errors (nothing to do with programming errors!)
- Physics::Measure Some support for physical measurements.
- Physics::Navigation Some units for navigation.
- Physics::Unit Some support for physical units.
- Physics::Vector Physics::Vector with Units
- Pluggable Find plugin classes or modules
- Pod::Contents Library for recursively getting contents of Pod blocks and returning them as a list of strings or string. And more.
- Pod::EOD Moves declarative POD blocks to the end of the POD
- Pod::From::Cache Looks for POD6 files recursively under a root directory, returns POD for recompiled or specified file.
- Pod::Load Loads and compiles the Pod documentation of an external file
- Pod::To::Man Render Raku POD as Roff for C<man(1)>
- Pod::To::PDF Pod rendering via Cairo to PDF
- Pod::To::PDF::Lite Minimal Pod to PDF draft rendering
- Pod::TreeWalker Walk a Pod tree and generate an event for each node
- Pod::Usage extracts POD documentation to show usage information
- Pod::Utils Toolset of functions to ease working with Pod6s!
- Point Point class
- Polyglot::Brainfuck A module that allows true inline use of Brainfuck code
- Polyglot::Regexen A module enabling different flavors of regex to be used directly in Raku code
- Pop A simple 2D game engine
- POSIX::getaddrinfo POSIX getaddrinfo with added interfaces
- POSIX::PWDENT Access to POSIX passwd and group DBs via dynamic vars
- Prettier::Table A simple Raku module to generate smooth looking ASCII tables
- Prime::Factor Returns all prime factors of an integer.
- Printing::Jdf Parse JDF files
- Proc::Easier run processes with OO goodness
- Proc::Easy Provides an easier interface to the 'Proc' class and the 'run' routine
- Proc::Q Queue up and run a herd of Procs
- Proc::ZMQed Proc::ZMQed provides external evaluators (Mathematica, Python, R, Raku, etc.) via ZMQ.
- Protocol Protocol
- Protocol::Postgres A sans-io postgresql client
- Proxee A more usable Proxy with bells
- PSGI Helper library for creating P6SGI/PSGI compliant frameworks
- PSpec An RSpec-like testing framework for Raku
- PublicSuffix Query Mozilla's Public Suffix List
- python::itertools Port of python itertools
- Pythonic::Str Index into strings like Pythonistas do!
- SantaClaus::Utils Provides Raku software tools for Santa Claus and his Elves
- Scalar::Util Raku port of Perl's Scalar::Util module 1.55
- SCGI A SCGI library for Raku
- Scientist Perl 6 Scientist - Test new code against old.
- Script::Hash Exports md5($*PROGRAM-NAME~@*ARGS.join) as $script-hash
- SDL2-ttf FreeType interface to render text in SDL2
- SelectiveImporting Yet another selective importing in Raku
- SeqSplitter Creates `.pull-while`, `.pull-until`, `.pull`, `.skip-while`, `.skip-until` and `.skip` on `Seq` and `Any`.
- Services::PortMapping Constants with TCP and UDP port mappings
- Set::Equality Implement (==) for older Raku versions
- Shareable blah blah blah
- Shell::Command provide **cross-platform** routines emulating common \*NIX shell commands
- Shell::DSL Run commands and pipe from one to another like you would in a Unix command line shell.
- Shodan A raku-lang API client for Shodan.
- shorten-sub-commands allow partial specification of sub-commands
- sigpipe set up SIGPIPE correctly for CLI applications
- silently prevent any output from a block
- SixPM Raku module dependency manager (aka npm for Raku)
- Slang::Date Slang adding date literals to source
- Slang::Emoji allow single emojis as scalar variables
- Slang::Forgiven When a for loop meets a given statement
- Slang::Kazu Japanese numerals in your Perl 6
- Slang::Mosdef Use def and λ as declarators.
- Slang::Otherwise Slang to add 'otherwise' block to 'for' loops
- Slang::Piersing allow ? and ! at end of identifiers
- Slang::Roman lets you use Roman numerals in your code
- Slang::SQL A slang to make SQL a more integrated part of the language
- Slang::Subscripts Allow subscripts in identifiers, just as digits
- Slang::Tuxic allow whitespace between subroutine and the opening parenthesis
- Slang:Date Slang adding date literals to source
- Slangify Provide an easy interface to activating slangs
- Smooth::Numbers Given a list of factors, return a smooth number iterator
- snip Provide functionality similar to Haskell's span
- SnowFlake A tool for generating unique ID numbers.
- SOAP::Client Quick and dirty SOAP client
- Sort-Fast Fast numeric sorting
- Sort::Naturally Provides several routines to ease natural sorting.
- sortuk sorts strings by Ukrainian alphabet.
- sourcery turn a sub / method call into file(s) / linenumbers(s)
- span Provide Haskell's span functionality
- Sparky Sparky is a flexible and minimalist continuous integration server written in Raku
- Sparky-Job-Api Sparky Job Api
- Sparrow6 Sparrow is a Raku based automation framework
- Sparrow6::Rakudo::Install Sparrow6 plugin to install various versions of Rakudo
- SparrowCI-SandBox SparrowCI::Sandbox
- Sparrowdo Run Sparrow tasks remotely (and not only)
- Spreadsheet::Libxlsxio An interface to libxlsxio, a C library to read and write XLSX files
- Spreadsheet::ODS Work with Open Document (ODS) spreadsheets.
- Spreadsheet::XLSX Work with Excel (XLSX) spreadsheets.
- SQL::Abstract blah blah blah
- SQL::Builder build SQL statements
- SQL::Builder::ExecuteWithDBIish Execute SQL::Builder queries with DBIish
- SSH::LibSSH::Tunnel blah blah blah
- Staticish Make a singleton class that wraps the methods so they appear like class methods
- Statistics Raku module for doing statistics
- Statistics::Distributions Raku package for statistical distributions and related random variates generations.
- Storable::Lite Provides persistent storage of Raku classes and other types in the local user's file system
- String::Color map strings to a color code
- String::Fields class for setting fixed size fields in a Str
- String::Rotate Rotate, but for Strings directly instead of through Lists
- String::Splice Splice, but on strings rather than arrays
- String::Utils Provide some optimized string functions
- Sub::Memoized trait for memoizing calls to subroutines
- Sub::Name Raku port of Perl's Sub::Name module
- Sub::Util Raku port of Perl's Sub::Util module 1.55
- sublist Find where one list lies inside another
- subs Raku port of Perl's 'subs' pragma
- Subset::Helper create awesome subsets
- Subsets::Common Some common subsets to built-in types.
- Subsets::IO Subsets for various types of `IO::Path` instances
- Sway::Config Library and script for parsing Sway window manager's config file.
- Sway::PreviewKeys Program for showing Sway window manager's key bindings associated with a mode.
- Syntax::Highlighters A Raku module to do basic syntax highlighting.
Some syntax highlighting stuff:
grammars to parse basic Raku forms and highlight them with colours.
And functions to use them.
- Sys::Chown Better chown, ported from Perl's File::Chown
- Sys::Domainname Determine System Domain Name
- Sys::HostAddr Get IP address information about this host
- Sys::Hostname Raku port of Perl's Sys::Hostname module
- Sys::IP Get host IP / Interfaces
- Sys::Lastlog Raku access to Lastlog information on Unix-like systems
- Sys::Utmp Raku access to Utmp entries on Unix-like systems
- Syslog::Parse Creates a supply out of syslog entries
- System::Passwd easily search for system users on Unix based systems
- System::Query A utility for collapsing JSON dependent upon certain environmental information
- T Library and slang for writing test assertions which output good test descriptions and error messages.
- TCP::LowLevel Raku bindings for NativeCall TCP on Linux w/ Non-NativeCall Fallback`
- Template::Mojo A templating system similar to Perl's Mojo::Template
- Template::Nest::XS Manipulate a generic template structure via a Raku hash
- Template::Protone Perl6 embedded templates
- Template6 A Template Engine for Raku
- Term::Choose Choose items from a list interactively.
- Term::Choose::Util TUI-related functions for selecting directories, files, numbers and subsets of lists.
- Term::TablePrint Print a table to the terminal and browse it interactively.
- Term::termios termios routines for Raku
- Terminal-MakeRaw Switch a terminal to and from raw mode
- Terminal::ANSIColor Color screen output using ANSI escape sequences
- Terminal::ANSIParser ANSI/VT stream parser
- Terminal::Boxer Draw boxed tables in a terminal.
- Terminal::Capabilities Container for terminal capabilities, with useful defaults
- Terminal::Getpass A getpass implementation for Raku
- Terminal::Graphing::BarChart A library for generating command line bar charts
- Terminal::LineEditor Generalized terminal line editing
- Terminal::Print Asynchronous printing to your terminal -- as a simple grid
- Terminal::ReadKey Read non-blocking key presses from the keyboard buffer.
- Terminal::Size Raku library to getting the size of your terminal.
- Terminal::Tests Terminal emulator, multiplexer, and font quality tests
- Terminal::WCWidth returns character width on a terminal
- Terminal::Widgets Basic TUI Widgets
- Terminal::Width Get the current width of the terminal
- Test::Assertion provide 'is test-assertion' trait for older Rakus
- Test::Async Thread-safe testing framework
- Test::Builder flexible framework for building TAP test libraries
- Test::Class Raku version of Perl's Test::Class
- Test::ContainerizedService Sets up containerized services (such as databases) to ease writing integration test cases that depend on them.
- Test::Describe blah blah blah
- Test::Differences Test and show structural diff between got and wanted
- Test::Grammar Raku distribution template
- Test::HTTP::Server Simple to use wrapper around HTTP::Server::Async designed for tests
- Test::META Test a distributions META file
- Test::NoTabs Test module for tabs checking
- Test::Notice Display noticable messages to users during tests
- Test::Output Test the output to STDOUT and STDERR your program generates
- Test::Run Test STDOUT, STDERR and exit code of processes. Custom tests and operators can be used for testing output as well.
- Test::Script A set of white-box tests for scripts
- Test::Script::Output Tests the output of scripts using special comments
- Test::Selector Mark and selectively run only parts of test files
- Test::Stream Stream test events
- Test::Util::ServerPort Get a free server port for testing with
- Test::When Selectively run tests based on the environment and installed modules and libs
- Testo Raku Testing Done Right
- Text::Calendar Raku package with text calendar functions for displaying monthly, yearly, and custom calendars.
- Text::Center Easy centering of text fields
- Text::Chart A simple module to generate text charts
- Text::CodeProcessing A package with functions for processing of code chunks in documents of different types (like Markdown, Org-mode, Pod6.)
- Text::CSV Handle CSV data. API based on Text::CSV_XS
- Text::CSV::LibCSV libcsv wrapper + Parser
- Text::Diff Perform line-by-line diffs on files and record sets
- Text::Flags easy interface to Unicode flags
- Text::FriBidi Bindings to the FriBidi bidirectional Unicode implmentation
- Text::Levenshtein A port of the Perl 5 Text::Levenshtein
- Text::Markdown Markdown parser / HTML generator
- Text::Markov Generate superficially real-looking text.
- Text::MathematicalCase convert to/from mathematical case
- Text::MiscUtils A bag of small text processing tricks
- Text::Plot Text plots.
- Text::Sorensen Calculate the Sorensen-Dice or Jaccard similarity coefficient
- Text::SubParsers Text::SubParsers is for extracting and processing of interpret-able sub-strings in texts
- Text::Tabs Raku port of Perl's Text::Tabs
- Text::Utils Miscellaneous text utilities
- Text::Wrap Wrap texts.
- Tie::Array Raku port of Perl's Tie::Array module
- Tie::Hash Raku port of Perl's Tie::Hash module
- Tie::StdArray Raku port of Perl's Tie::StdArray module
- Tie::StdHash Raku port of Perl's Tie::StdHash module
- Time::Duration Rounded or exact English expression of durations
- Time::Duration::Parser Parse duration strings into seconds
- Time::gmtime Raku port of Perl's Time::gmtime module
- Time::localtime Raku port of Perl's Time::localtime module
- TimeBomb Trait to provide forced deprecation of Raku Code
- Timer Simple timer for callable code blocks
- Timer::Stopwatch Schedule and reset repeated time measurements
- TimeUnit Library for conversion a time from one unit to another.
- Timezones::US Provides timezone data for the US for use with modules 'DateTime::US' and 'LocalTime::US'
- Timezones::ZoneInfo A module providing timezone data and routines, based on IANA’s tz database and code
- Tinky An Experimental Workflow / State Management toolkit
- Tinky::Declare Create Tinky machines in a more declarative fashion
- Tinky::JSON Describe Tinky Workflows in JSON
- TinyFloats Convert to/from tiny float formats
- TinyID Shorten and obfuscate IDs.
- Today provide a 'today' term
- TOML TOML 1.0.0 compliant Encoding/Decoding
- TOML::Thumb Tiny TOML (de)serializer
- Tomtit Tomtit - Raku Task Runner
- Tomtit::Profile::Python Tomtit scripts for Python development
- Tomty Tomty - Raku Test Framework
- TooLoo TooLoo helps you document & find your utility scripts
- TOP Table-Oriented Programming (TOP) module for Raku
- Touch Change file timestamps
- Trait::Env Trait to set an attribute from an environment variable.
- Trait::IO Helper IO traits
- Trap Trap $*OUT and/or $*ERR output
- Tree::Binary Simple Binary Tree Role with pretty printing
- Trie A Trie implementation
- Trove Yet another test harness
- Tuple provide an immutable List value type
The Camelia image is copyright 2009 by Larry Wall. "Raku" is trademark of the Yet Another Society.
All rights reserved.