
FreeType interface to render text in SDL2


SDL2-ttf - FreeType interface to render text in SDL2


use SDL2::Raw;
use SDL2-ttf;

# initialize

# set a render color
my $color = TTF_Color(255, 28, 174); # Pink

# select a font file
my $font-file = '/path/to/font/my_Font.ttf';

# open it at a certain point size (May be scaled later by SDL2)
my $font = TTF_OpenFont($font-file, 64);

# render text using the selected font and color as a SDL2 texture
my $raku = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(
    SDL_CreateRenderer(), TTF_Render_Blended($font, ' Raku ', $color)

# Clean up afterwords

The $raku variable now contains a rendered texture that may be used in SDL2.


Provides a convenient interface to FreeType to assist in loading and using TrueType fonts as rendering textures in SDL2.

Needs to have the libsdl2-dev and libsdl2-ttf-dev development libraries installed.

On Debian derived distributions:

sudo apt-get install libsdl2-dev libsdl2-ttf-dev

Similar for others.

Documentation for the SDL2_ttf library, which works very similar to, but not exactly the same as these bindings:

Several routines are called slightly differently, and many are not exposed at due to the different requirements and capabilities of the Raku runtime and the C library.

Try out the ttftest.p6 script in the examples folder to get a feel for how it can be used.


There are a few enumerations provided.

TTF_STYLE - The various font styles that may be available and/or specified:

TTF_HINTING - The various font hints that may be available and/or specified:





Rendering modes

  • Solid - Quick and Dirty

  • Shaded - Slow and Nice, but with a Solid Box

  • Blended - Slow Slow Slow, but Ultra Nice over another image


  • Initialize the truetype font API.

  • Must be called before using other functions in this library, except TTF_WasInit or TTF_Color.

  • SDL does not have to be initialized before this call.

  • Takes: Nothing.

  • Returns: 0 on success, -1 on any error


  • Query the initilization status of the truetype font API.

  • Takes: Nothing.

  • Returns: 1 if already initialized, 0 if not initialized.


  • Shutdown and cleanup the truetype font API.

  • Takes: Nothing.

  • Returns: Nothing.


  • Returns the last error set as a string.

  • Takes: Nothing

  • Returns: String.

TTF_OpenFont($file, $ptsize)

  • Load file for use as a font, at ptsize size.

  • Takes:

    • $file - File name to load font from.

    • $ptsize - Point size (based on 72DPI) to load font as. Basically pixel height.

  • Returns: Pointer to the font as a TTF_Font. NULL is returned on error.

TTF_OpenFontIndex($file, $ptsize, $index)

  • Load file for use as a font, at ptsize size, selecting $index face.

  • Takes:

    • $file - File name to load font from.

    • $ptsize - Point size (based on 72DPI) to load font as. Basically pixel height.

    • $index - Choose a font face from a file containing multiple font faces. The first face is always index 0.

  • Returns: Pointer to the font as a TTF_Font. NULL is returned on error.


  • Free the memory used by font, and free font itself as well.

  • Takes: $font - Pointer to loaded font.

  • Returns: Nothing.


  • Get the rendering style of the loaded font.

  • Takes: $font - Pointer to loaded font.

  • Returns: The bitwise or of the set styles codes. See the TTF_STYLE ENUM


  • Get the rendering style of the loaded font, enumerated list.

  • Takes: $font - Pointer to loaded font.

  • Returns: An enumerated list of the set styles. See the TTF_STYLE ENUM

TTF_SetFontStyle($font, $style)

  • Set the rendering style of the loaded font.

  • Takes:

    • $font - Pointer to loaded font.

    • $style - The bitwise or of the desired styles codes. See the TTF_STYLE ENUM

  • Returns: Nothing


  • Get the current outline size of the loaded font.

  • Takes: $font - Pointer to loaded font.

  • Returns: The size of the outline currently set on the font, in pixels.

TTF_SetFontOutline($font, $outline)

  • Set the current outline size of the loaded font.

  • Takes:

    • $font - Pointer to loaded font.

    • $outline - The size of outline desired, in pixels.

  • Returns: Nothing.


  • Get the current hinting setting of the loaded font.

  • Takes: $font - Pointer to loaded font.

  • Returns: The hinting type matching one of the enumerated values. See the TTF_HINTING ENUM

TTF_SetFontHinting($font, $hint)

  • Set the current hinting setting of the loaded font.

  • Takes:

  • Returns: Nothing.


  • Get the current kerning setting of the loaded font.

  • Takes: $font - Pointer to loaded font.

  • Returns: Returns: 0(zero) if kerning is disabled; a non-zero value when enabled.

TTF_SetFontKerning($font, $allowed)

  • Set the current hinting setting of the loaded font.

  • Takes:

    • $font - Pointer to loaded font.

    • $allowed - 0 to disable kerning; non-zero to enable kerning. The default is 1, enabled.

  • Returns: Nothing.


  • Get the maximum pixel height of all glyphs of the loaded font. Minimum size for adjacent rows of text to not overlap.

  • Takes: $font - Pointer to loaded font.

  • Returns: The maximum pixel height of all glyphs in the font.


  • Get the maximum pixel ascent of all glyphs of the loaded font. - The maximum distance from the baseline to the top.

  • Takes: $font - Pointer to loaded font.

  • Returns: The maximum pixel ascent of all glyphs in the font.


  • Get the maximum pixel descent of all glyphs of the loaded font. - The maximum distance from the baseline to the bottom.

  • Takes: $font - Pointer to loaded font.

  • Returns: The maximum pixel descent of all glyphs in the font.


  • Get the recommended pixel height of a rendered line of text of the loaded font. - Usually larger than the TTF_FontHeight of the font.

  • Takes: $font - Pointer to loaded font.

  • Returns: The maximum pixel height of all glyphs in the font.


  • Get the number of faces ("sub-fonts") available in the loaded font.

  • Takes: $font - Pointer to loaded font.

  • Returns: The number of faces in the font.


  • Test if the current font face of the loaded font is a fixed width font.

  • Takes: $font - Pointer to loaded font.

  • Returns: >0 if $font is a fixed width font. 0 if not a fixed width font.


  • Get the current font face family name from the loaded font.

  • Takes: $font - Pointer to loaded font.

  • Returns: The current family name of the face of the font, or NULL if not available.


  • Get the current font face style name from the loaded font.

  • Takes: $font - Pointer to loaded font.

  • Returns: The current style name of the face of the font, or NULL if not available.

TTF_GlyphIsProvided($font, $character or $ordinal)

  • Get the status of the availability of the glyph for $character from the loaded font.

  • Takes:

    • $font - Pointer to loaded font.

    • Either: character to check for.

    • Or: ordinal of character.

  • Returns: The index of the glyph location in the font for $character, or 0 for an undefined character code. (Note: returns the font file index, NOT the character ordinal.)

TTF_GlyphMetrics($font, $character)

  • Get the metrics of the char given in $character from the loaded font.

  • Takes:

    • $font - Pointer to loaded font.

    • $character - String containing the character to get metrics for.

  • Returns: A hash containing the following information:

    • :font(TTF_FontFaceFamilyName($font)) - The Family Face name

    • :style(TTF_FontFaceStyleName($font)) - The style

    • :char($character) - The character checked

    • :$min-x - The minimum X offset into the character.

    • :$max-x - The maximum X offset into the character.

    • :$min-y - The minimum Y offset into the character.

    • :$max-y - The maximum Y offset into the character.

    • :$advance - The distance from the end of the previous glyph to the start of the next.

Glyph Metrics explained: (image copyright

TTF_GetTextSize($font, $text)

  • Get the width and height in pixels of the given text in the currently loaded font.

  • Takes:

    • $font - Pointer to loaded font.

    • $text - Text string to get the dimensions.

  • Returns: A list of Pairs

    • :width(width)

    • :height(height)

TTF_Color($red, $green, $blue, $alpha = 255)

  • Generate a packed ARGB TTF_color suitable to pass to the rendering routines.

  • Takes:

    • $red - 0-255 integer value for red.

    • $green - 0-255 integer value for green.

    • $blue - 0-255 integer value for blue.

    • $alpha - 0-255 integer value for alpha. Optional, default 255

  • Returns: The packed TTF_Color.

TTF_Render_Solid($font, $text, $fg)

  • Render the passed font with $fg color onto a new surface, using Solid mode.

  • Takes:

    • $font - Pointer to loaded font.

    • $text - Text string to render.

    • $fg - TTF_Color to use as the foreground color.

  • Returns: A pointer to a new SDL Surface.

TTF_Render_Shaded($font, $text, $fg, $bg)

  • Render the passed font with bg colored surface, using Shaded mode.

  • Takes:

    • $font - Pointer to loaded font.

    • $text - Text string to render.

    • $fg - TTF_Color to use as the foreground color.

    • $bg - TTF_Color to use as the background color.

  • Returns: A pointer to a new SDL Surface.

TTF_Render_Blended($font, $text, $fg)

  • Render the passed font with $fg color onto a new surface, using Blended mode.

  • Takes:

    • $font - Pointer to loaded font.

    • $text - Text string to render.

    • $fg - TTF_Color to use as the foreground color.

  • Returns: A pointer to a new SDL Surface.

TTF_Render_Blended_Wrapped($font, $text, $fg, $length)

  • A convenience routine to render wrapped text, in Blended mode.

  • Takes:

    • $font - Pointer to loaded font.

    • $text - Text string to render.

    • $fg - TTF_Color to use as the foreground color.

    • $length - Length in pixels to use as a wrap threshold.

  • Returns: A pointer to a new SDL Surface.


SDL2_ttf library: Sam Lantinga

Raku bindings: Steve Schulze (thundergnat)


Copyright 2020 Steve Schulze (thundergnat)

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.

SDL2-ttf v0.0.3

FreeType interface to render text in SDL2


  • Steve Schulze (thundergnat)





Test Dependencies


  • SDL2-ttf

The Camelia image is copyright 2009 by Larry Wall. "Raku" is trademark of the Yet Another Society. All rights reserved.