
Easy Prototyping ORM for Perl 6

Quicky ORM

What is it? It's a lazy ORM that I threw together because I end up prototyping a lot of things before building them out with proper schemas. So, it's meant for lazy column typing and minimal code from the user side.

How it works

The DB::ORM::Quicky::Model (you'll never have to instantiate this object) degrades column types in the order of Int, Num, Str to whatever an equivalent type is in the selected DB. Essentially to integer, float, varchar columns. varchar type columns auto resize if the width isn't great enough to hold the requested value.

The model also tracks what columns were changed and only updates those fields.

Example - CRUD (Create Read Update Delete)

For the examples, I'll use SQLite and keep comments to a minimum.




use DB::ORM::Quicky;

my $orm = DB::ORM::Quicky.new;

  driver  => 'SQLite',
  options => %(
    database => 'local.sqlite3',

# the `users` table does NOT exist yet.
my $newuser = $orm.create('users'); #this is creating a new 'row', not necessarily a new table

# the `users` table exists with no columns or just a `DBORMID`
#   column (only in SQLite) yet.

  username => 'tony-o',
  password => 'top secret',
  age      => 6,
  rating   => 'lame',
  decimal  => 6.66,

$newuser.save;  #at this point all required columns are checked or created


my $usersearch = $orm.search('users', { rating => 'lame' });

my @users = $usersearch; #array of all users with 'lame' rating

for $usersearch.next -> $user { ... }

"User count: {$usersearch.count}".say;


for $usersearch.next -> $user {
    joindate => time, #decided we want to track when a user signed up


$orm.search('users', { }).delete; #delete all of our users

More "Advanced" Querying

The ORM can take a lot of different types of values. The usual example by code follows:

$orm.search('table', {
  '-or' => [ #-and is also valid
      username => ['user1', 'user2']
      joindate => ('-gt' => time - 5000), # -gt and -lt both work
    '-and' => [
      rating  => 'lame',
      decimal => ('-lt' => 50),
#       (username = 'user1' or username = 'user2')
#    OR (joindate > ?)
#    OR (rating = 'lame' and decimal < 50);
#  with ? = (time - 5000)

$orm.search('table', {
  -raw => ' strftime(\'%Y%m%d\', joindate) = strftime(\'%Y%m%d\', \'now\') '
#  SELECT * FROM table WHERE strftime('%Y%m%d', joindate) = strftime('%Y%m%d', 'now');

Joining Tables

my $orm = qw<initialize your orm as above>;

# initialize some data
my $user = $orm.create('user');
$user.set('username', 'user1');
$user.set('password', 'user1-pass!');
$user.set('source', 'facebook');
$user.save; #$user.id is now an actual value, yay

my $profile = $orm.create('profile');
$profile.set('name', 'tim tow dee');
$profile.set('uid', $user.id);
$profile.set('source', 'facebook');

# here we'll query them as one unit
my @users = $orm.search('user', { #user table will be our main table
  '-join' => {
    '-table' => 'profile', #join the profile table to user
    '-type'  => 'inner',   #user an inner join, the default is 'left outer'
    '-on'    => {
      '-and' => {
        'uid' => 'DBORMID', #these are autoquoted where the key from the pair is quoted for the joining table and the value is quoted for the main table
                            #you can also use things like a pair here, ie: ('-lt' => 'some other column in user table')
        'source' => 'source', #becomes "profile"."source" = "user"."source" in the SQL
  '"profile"."name"' => ('-ne' => ''), #normal 'where' parameters, notice that quoting the table and field name for the joined table *may* be necessary

for my $user (@users) {
  $user.get(qw<any field from either the profile or user table here>);

The way that the internals work on the -on key value pairs is that the .key is from the table to be joined, and the .value for the parent table. So, the pair of 'uid' => 'DBORMID' translates to profile.uid and user.DBORMID, respectively. You can avoid this behavior by providing the table names as part of the field, IE 'profile.uid' => 'user.DBORMID'


  • There isn't a mechanism to use a raw value in the '-on' section of the join.

  • There is also only one join possible right now.

Both of those features are being worked on.

Bugs, comments, feature requests?

Yes, there are probably bugs. Put 'em in the github bugs area or catch me in #perl6 on freenode.


Whatever, it's free. Do what you want with it.

Other crap


DB::ORM::Quicky v0.1.4

Easy Prototyping ORM for Perl 6






    Test Dependencies


    • DB::ORM::Quicky
    • DB::ORM::Quicky::Model
    • DB::ORM::Quicky::Search

    The Camelia image is copyright 2009 by Larry Wall. "Raku" is trademark of the Yet Another Society. All rights reserved.