
A Raku module for managing the users GUI Editor preferences in a variety of programs.


Table of Contents




Francis Grizzly Smit ([email protected])






A Raku module for managing the users GUI Editor preferences in a variety of programs.

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A Raku module for managing the users GUI Editor preferences in a variety of programs.


A constant which contains the location of the users editors file

# the home dir #
constant $home = %*ENV<HOME>.Str();

# config files
constant $editor-config is export = "$home/.local/share/gui-editors";

NB: the $home is the value of the users HOME environment variable.

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An array containing the configuration files of the program, by default it is set to contain editors the editors configuration file the remainder should be added by init-gui-editors(...) the initialization procedure for the module.

# The config files to test for #
my Str:D @config-files = qw{editors};

sub config-files( --> Array[Str:D]) is export {
    return @config-files;


An array of known GUI editors.

my Str:D @guieditors;

sub guieditors( --> Array[Str:D]) is export {
    return @guieditors;

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grammar Editors & action class EditorsActions

grammar Editors is export {
    regex TOP                 { [ <line> [ \v+ <line> ]* \v* ]? }
    regex line                { [ <white-space-line> || <override-gui_editor> || <config-line> || <editor-to-use> || <comment-line> ] }
    regex white-space-line    { ^^ \h* $$ }
    regex override-gui_editor { ^^ \h* 'override' \h+ 'GUI_EDITOR' \h* $$ }
    regex comment-line        { ^^ \h* '#' <-[\v]>* $$ }
    regex config-line         { ^^ \h* 'guieditors' \h* '+'? '=' \h* <editor> \h* [ '#' <comment> \h* ]? $$ }
    regex editor-to-use       { ^^ \h* 'editor' \h* ':'? '=' \h* <editor> \h* [ '#' <comment> \h* ]? $$ }
    regex editor              { <editor-name> || <path> <editor-name> }
    regex comment             { <-[\n]>* }
    regex path                { <lead-in>  <path-segments>? }
    regex lead-in             { [ '/' | '~' | '~/' ] }
    regex path-segments       { <path-segment> [ '/' <path-segment> ]* '/' }
    token path-segment        { [ <with-space-in-it> || <with-other-stuff> ] }
    token with-space-in-it    { \w+ [ ' ' \w+ ]* }
    token with-other-stuff    { <start-other-stuff> <tail-other-stuff>* }
    token start-other-stuff   { \w+ }
    token tail-other-stuff    { <other-stuff>+ <tails-tail>? }
    token tails-tail          { \w+ }
    token other-stuff         { [ '-' || '+' || ':' || '@' || '=' || ',' || '&' || '%' || '.' ] }
    token editor-name         { <with-other-stuff> }

class EditorsActions is export {
    method TOP($made) {
        my @top = $made<line>Ā».made;
        $made.make: @top;
} # class EditorsActions #

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grammar EditorLine & class EditorLineActions

A grammar and associated action class to parse and recognise the editor := value # comment lines in the editors file.

grammar EditorLine is export {
    regex TOP                 { ^ \h* 'editor' \h* ':'? '=' \h* <editor> \h* [ '#' <comment> \h* ]? $ }
    regex editor              { <editor-name> || <path> <editor-name> }
    regex comment             { <-[\n]>* }
    regex path                { <lead-in>  <path-segments>? }
    regex lead-in             { [ '/' | '~' | '~/' ] }
    regex path-segments       { <path-segment> [ '/' <path-segment> ]* '/' }
    token path-segment        { [ <with-space-in-it> || <with-other-stuff> ] }
    token with-space-in-it    { \w+ [ ' ' \w+ ]* }
    token with-other-stuff    { <start-other-stuff> <tail-other-stuff>* }
    token start-other-stuff   { \w+ }
    token tail-other-stuff    { <other-stuff>+ <tails-tail>? }
    token tails-tail          { \w+ }
    token other-stuff         { [ '-' || '+' || ':' || '@' || '=' || ',' || '&' || '%' || '.' ] }
    token editor-name         { <with-other-stuff> }

class EditorLineActions is export {
    #token other-stuff         { [ '-' || '+' || ':' || '@' || '=' || ',' || '%' || '.' ] }
    method other-stuff($/) {
        my $other-stuff = ~$/;
        make $other-stuff;
  • ...

  • ...

  • ...

    method config-line($/) {
        my %cfg-line = type => 'config-line', value => $/<editor>.made;
        if $/<comment> {
            my $com = $/<comment>.made;
            %cfg-lineĀ«commentĀ» = $com;
        make %cfg-line;
    method TOP($made) {
        my %top = type => 'editor-to-use', value => $made<editor>.made;
        if $made<comment> {
            my $com = $made<comment>.made;
            %topĀ«commentĀ» = $com;
        $made.make: %top;
} # class EditorLineActions #

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grammar OverrideGUIEditor & actions class OverrideGUIEditorActions

A grammar to parse/recognise the override GUI_EDITOR # comment line.

grammar OverrideGUIEditor is export {
    regex TOP     { ^ \h* [ <commented> \h* ]? 'override' \h+ 'GUI_EDITOR' [ \h+ '#' <comment> ]? \h* $ }
    regex comment { <-[\n]>* }
    token commented { '#' }

class OverrideGUIEditorActions is export {
    method comment($/) {
        my $comment = (~$/).trim;
        make $comment;
    method commented($/) {
        my $commented = (~$/).trim;
        make $commented;
    method TOP($made) {
        my %top = type => 'override-gui_editor', :value;
        if $made<commented> {
            %topĀ«valueĀ» = False;
        if $made<comment> {
            my $com = $made<comment>.made;
            %topĀ«commentĀ» = $com;
        $made.make: %top;
} # class OverrideGUIEditorActions #

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Some useful variables

NB: All these variables are available outside of the module as a sub of the same name. That way I can give read only access to them.


The value of the %*ENVĀ«GUI_EDITORĀ» environment variable or '' if not set.


The value of the %*ENVĀ«VISUALĀ» environment variable or '' if not set.


The value of the %*ENVĀ«EDITORĀ» environment variable or '' if not set.

my Str:D $GUI_EDITOR = ((%*ENV<GUI_EDITOR>:exists) ?? ~%*ENV<GUI_EDITOR> !! '');
my Str:D $VISUAL     = ((%*ENV<VISUAL>:exists) ?? ~%*ENV<VISUAL> !! '');
my Str:D $EDITOR     = ((%*ENV<EDITOR>:exists) ?? ~%*ENV<EDITOR> !! '');

sub GUI_EDITOR( --> Str:D) is export {
    return $GUI_EDITOR;

sub VISUAL( --> Str:D) is export {
    return $VISUAL;

sub EDITOR( --> Str:D) is export {
    return $EDITOR;

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The Array of Hashes that the Editors grammar and EditorsActions generate from parsing the editors file.


The Array of GUI Editors defined in the editors file.


The array of editors selected in the file should have only one element otherwise the file is miss configured.

my Str:D @gui-editors;
my Str:D @default-editors;

sub GUIEDITORS( --> Array[Hash]) is export {
    return @GUIEDITORS;

sub gui-editors( --> Array[Str:D]) is export {
    return @gui-editors;

sub default-editors( --> Array[Str:D]) is export {
    return @default-editors;

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An array of True values one for each of the times the override GUI_EDITOR directive appears in the editors file, it is an error for it to appear more than once, (it's a zero or one rule).


True if the override GUI_EDITOR directive is present in the editors file. If True then the setting in the file overrides the %*ENVĀ«GUI_EDITORĀ» variable, otherwise %*ENVĀ«GUI_EDITORĀ» wins.

my Bool:D @override-gui_editor;

sub override-gui_editor( --> Array[Bool:D]) is export {
    return @override-gui_editor;

my Bool:D $override-GUI_EDITOR = False;

sub override-GUI_EDITOR( --> Bool:D) is export {
    return $override-GUI_EDITOR;

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In init-gui-editors

sub init-gui-editors(Str:D @client-config-files, Str:D $client-config-path,
                              &gen-configs:(Str:D, Str:D --> Bool:D),
                                  &check:(Str:D @cfg-files, Str:D $config --> Bool:D)
                                                                    --> Bool:D) is  export




@GUIEDITORS = Editors.parse(@editors-file.join("\x0A"), :enc('UTF-8'), :$actions).made;
@gui-editors = @GUIEDITORS.grep( -> %l { %lĀ«typeĀ» eq 'config-line' } ).map: -> %ln { %lnĀ«valueĀ»; };
@default-editors = @GUIEDITORS.grep( -> %l { %lĀ«typeĀ» eq 'editor-to-use' } ).map: -> %ln { %lnĀ«valueĀ»; };
if @default-editors > 1 {
    $*ERR.say: "Error: file $editor-config/editors is miss configured  more than one editor defined should be 0 or 1";
@override-gui_editor = @GUIEDITORS.grep( -> %l { %lĀ«typeĀ» eq 'override-gui_editor' } ).map: -> %ln { %lnĀ«valueĀ»; };
if @override-gui_editor > 1 {
    my Int:D $elems = @override-gui_editor.elems;
    $*ERR.say: qq[Make up your mind only one "override GUI_EDITOR" is required, you supplied $elems are you insane???];
    $override-GUI_EDITOR = True;
} elsif @override-gui_editor == 1 {
    $override-GUI_EDITOR = True;
if @gui-editors {
    for @gui-editors -> $geditor {
        if [email protected]: { $geditor } {
            my Str $guieditor = $geditor;
            $guieditor .=trim;

if $override-GUI_EDITOR && @default-editors {
    $editor = @default-editors[@default-editors - 1];
}elsif %*ENV<GUI_EDITOR>:exists {
    my Str $guieditor = ~%*ENV<GUI_EDITOR>;
    if ! @guieditors.grep( { $_ eq $guieditor.IO.basename } ) {
} elsif $editor-guessed && @default-editors {
    $editor = @default-editors[@default-editors - 1];

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The editor the user has chosen.

# the editor to use #
my Str:D $editor = '';

sub editor( --> Str:D) is export {
    return $editor;


A function to open the users configuration files in their chosen editor.

sub edit-configs() returns Bool:D is export {
    if $editor {
        my $option = '';
        my @args;
        my $edbase = $editor.IO.basename;
        if $edbase eq 'gvim' {
            $option = '-p';
        for @config-files -> $file {
            if $file eq 'editors' {
            } else {
        my $proc = run($editor, |@args);
        return $proc.exitcode == 0 || $proc.exitcode == -1;
    } else {
        $*ERR.say: "no editor found please set GUI_EDITOR, VISUAL or EDITOR to your preferred editor.";
        $*ERR.say: "e.g. export GUI_EDITOR=/usr/bin/gvim";
        $*ERR.say: "or set editor in the $editor-config/editors file this can be done with the set editor command.";
        $*ERR.say: qq[NB: the editor will be set by first checking GUI_EDITOR then VISUAL then EDITOR and
                    finally editor in the config file so GUI_EDITOR will win over all.
                    Unless you supply the "override GUI_EDITOR" directive in the $editor-config/editors file
                    and also supplied the "editor := <editor>" directive];
        return False;

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Editor functions


List all known GUI Editors, flagging the selected editor with '*' note if none is flagged either $editor is set to a non GUI Editor or $editor is set to the empty string.

sub list-editors(Bool:D $colour is copy, Bool:D $syntax --> Bool) is export


List all GUI Editors in the configuration file.

sub list-editors-file(Bool:D $colour is copy, Bool:D $syntax --> Bool) is export


Show the values of some editors parameters.

sub editors-stats(Bool:D $colour is copy, Bool:D $syntax --> Bool) is export

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BadEditor is an Exception class for the GUI::Editors module.

class BadEditor is Exception is export {
    has Str:D $.msg = 'Error: bad editor specified';
    method message( --> Str:D) {


A function to set the editor of choice.

sub set-editor(Str:D $editor, Str $comment = Str --> Bool:D) is export

**NB: this will still be overridden by %*ENVĀ«GUI_EDITORĀ» unless you set **override GUI_EDITOR****.


Add an editor to the list of known GUI Editors.

sub add-gui-editor(Str:D $editor, Str $comment = Str --> Bool:D) is export

NB: please make sure it really is a GUI Editor otherwise this module will not work correctly. You are completely free to set the chosen editor to what ever you like.


Set or unset the override GUI_EDITOR flag.

sub set-override-GUI_EDITOR(Bool:D $value, Str $comment = Str --> Bool:D) is export

If set then the file always wins else %*ENVĀ«GUI_EDITORĀ» always wins if set.

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Backup the editors file.

sub backup-editors(Bool:D $use-windows-formatting --> Bool) is export

NB: if $use-windows-formatting is true or the program is running on windows then B<<. will become Ā·> and : will become ., this is to avoid problems with the special meaning of : on windows.

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Restore the editors file from a backup.

sub restore-editors(IO::Path $restore-from --> Bool) is export

If $restore-from is relative and not found from the current directory $editor-config/$restore-from will be tried.


List all the available backups in the $editor-config.

sub list-editors-backups(Bool:D $colour is copy, Bool:D $syntax --> True) is export

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Presents a menu so you can choose which backup to restore from.

sub backups-menu-restore(Bool:D $colour, Bool:D $syntax,
                                    Str:D $message = "" --> Bool:D) is export
  • Where:

    • $colour if True represents the menu in colours.

    • $syntax if True represents the menu in colours.

      • for now $syntax just does the same as colour, but in future it will lead to a more complex formatting.

        • uses the Gzz::Text::Utils::menu(ā€¦), which uses the Gzz::Text::Utils::dropdown(ā€¦) function for colour and syntax.

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Edit arbitrary files using chosen editor.

sub edit-files(Str:D @files --> Bool:D) is export

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GUI::Editors v0.1.0

A Raku module for managing the users GUI Editor preferences in a variety of programs.


  • Francis Grizzly Smit





Test Dependencies


  • GUI::Editors

The Camelia image is copyright 2009 by Larry Wall. "Raku" is trademark of the Yet Another Society. All rights reserved.