
Test and show structural diff between got and wanted


Test complex data structures and output the differences between them in diagnostics. This is helpful for spotting minor changes over a large dataset.


   use Test;
   use Test::Differences;

   eq_or_diff $got,  "a\nb\nc\n",   "testing strings";
   eq_or_diff @got, [{foo => <a b c>}, 1, Nil], "testing compex structure";


When the code you're testing returns multiple lines, records or data structures and they're just plain wrong, an equivalent to the Unix C utility may be just what's needed. Here's output from an example test script that checks two text documents and then two (trivial) data structures:

# Failed test 'Differences in text'
# +---+----------------+----------------+
# | Ln|Got             |Expected        |
# +---+----------------+----------------+
# |  0|this is line 1  |this is line 1  |
# *  1|this is line 2  |this is line b  *
# |  2|this is line 3  |this is line 3  |
# +---+----------------+----------------+
not ok 1 - Differences in text
# Failed test 'Differences in whitespace'
# +---+--------------+--------------+
# | Ln|Got           |Expected      |
# +---+--------------+--------------+
# |  0|    indented  |    indented  |
# *  1|indented      |indented      *
# |  2|    indented  |    indented  |
# +---+--------------+--------------+
not ok 2 - Differences in whitespace
# Failed test 'Differences in structure'
# +---+-----------------------------------+---+---------------------------+
# | Ln|Got                                | Ln|Expected                   |
# +---+-----------------------------------+---+---------------------------+
# *  0|{                                  *  0|[                          *
# *  1|ITEM => "Dry humourless message",  *  1|"ITEM",                    *
# *  2|}                                  *  2|"Dry humourless message",  *
# |   |                                   *  3|]                          *
# +---+-----------------------------------+---+---------------------------+
not ok 3 - Differences in structure
# You failed 3 tests of 3

eq_or_diff() compares two strings or (limited) data structures and either emits an ok indication or a side-by-side diff. Test::Differences is designed to be used with Test.


eq_or_diff $got, $want, $test-title, OutputStyle :output-style = Table, :context-lines = 5, :dump-overrides => {};
  • output-style may be any OutputStyle supported by Text::Diff.

  • context-lines is the number of lines above/below within the formatted output around the change to present.

  • dump-overrides is a set of overrides to default Data::Dump styling.


Copyright Barrie Slaymaker, Curtis "Ovid" Poe, and David Cantrell.

Ported, with non-trivial restructuring, to Raku by Rod Taylor.


You can use and distribute this module under the terms of the The Artistic License 2.0. See the LICENSE file included in this distribution for complete details.

Test::Differences v1.0.3

Test and show structural diff between got and wanted


  • Rod Taylor





Test Dependencies


  • Test::Differences


The Camelia image is copyright 2009 by Larry Wall. "Raku" is trademark of the Yet Another Society. All rights reserved.