
Library for recursively getting contents of Pod blocks and returning them as a list of strings or string. And more.


Pod::Contents - a Raku module for getting Pod contents as a list or string.


Pod::Contents is a Raku module for getting the Pod contents as a list of strings or string.

Pod formatters can get inlined, pod contents can be indented (with custom level) and joined with a custom string and titles can be included for table headers and defn terms.


use Pod::Contents:auth<zef:CIAvash>;

=NAME My App

=DESCRIPTION An B<app> that does U<stuff>

=begin pod
=head1 A heading

=item An B<item>
=begin item2
Another C<item>

=begin table
hcell00 | hcell01
cell11  | cell12
cell21  | cell22
=end table

     my $app;
     say 'some code';

=end item2

=end pod

put $=pod.&join_pod_contents_of: 'NAME';
=output My App␤

put $=pod.&get_first_pod('NAME').&join_pod_contents;
=output My App␤

put $=pod[0].&join_pod_contents;
=output My App␤

put $=pod[0].&get_pod_contents.join("\n\n");
=output My App␤

put $=pod.&join_pod_contents_of: 'DESCRIPTION';
=output An app that does stuff␤

put $=pod.&join_pod_contents_of: 'DESCRIPTION', :!inline_formatters;
=output An ␤␤app␤␤ that does ␤␤stuff␤

put $=pod.&join_pod_contents_of: 'DESCRIPTION', "\n", :!inline_formatters;
=output An ␤app␤ that does ␤stuff␤

put $=pod.&get_pod_contents_of('DESCRIPTION', :!inline_formatters).raku;
=output ("An ", "app", " that does ", "stuff")␤

put $=pod.&get_first_pod('pod').&join_pod_contents_of: Pod::Heading;
=output A heading␤

put $=pod.&join_pod_contents_of: Pod::Item, :recurse;
=output An item␤

put $=pod.&get_pod_contents_of(Pod::Block::Table, :recurse).raku;
=output (("cell11", "cell12"), ("cell21", "cell22"))␤

put $=pod.&get_pod_contents_of(Pod::Block::Table, :recurse, :include_title).raku;
=output (("hcell00", "hcell01"), ("cell11", "cell12"), ("cell21", "cell22"))␤

put $=pod.&join_pod_contents_of: Pod::Block::Table, :recurse;
=output cell11 cell12␤cell21 cell22␤

put $=pod.&join_pod_contents_of: Pod::Block::Table, :recurse, :include_title;
=output hcell00 hcell01␤cell11 cell12␤cell21 cell22␤

put $=pod.&join_pod_contents_of: Pod::Block::Code, :recurse;
=output my $app;␤say 'some code'␤

put $=pod.&join_pod_contents_of: Pod::Block::Code, :indent_content, :recurse;
=output     my $app;␤    say 'some code'␤

put $=pod.&get_first_pod('pod').contents.grep(Pod::Item)[1].&join_pod_contents(:indent_content);
=output     Another item␤␤   cell11 cell12␤cell21 cell22␤␤        my $app;␤        say 'some code'␤

put $=pod.&get_first_pod('pod').&get_pods(Pod::Item)[1].&join_pod_contents(:indent_content, :indent_level(2));
=output   Another item␤␤ cell11 cell12␤cell21 cell22␤␤      my $app;␤      say 'some code'␤

put $=pod.&get_pods(Pod::Item, :recurse)[1].&join_pod_contents(:indent_content, :indent_level(2));
=output   Another item␤␤ cell11 cell12␤cell21 cell22␤␤      my $app;␤      say 'some code'␤


You need to have Raku and zef, then run:

zef install --/test Pod::Contents:auth<zef:CIAvash>

or if you have cloned the repo:

zef install .


prove -ve 'raku -I.' --ext rakutest


sub get_pod_contents_of

sub get_pod_contents_of(
    $pod where { ... },
    $thing where { ... },
    Bool :$recurse,
) returns List:D

Returns a list of pod contents.

  • Can recursively find pod with :recurse.

  • Can indent pod contents with :indent_content.

  • Can include pod titles with :include_title.

  • Can disable inlining pod formatters with :!inline_formatters.

  • Can put same level items next to each other with :adjacent_items.

sub join_pod_contents_of

sub join_pod_contents_of(
    $pod where { ... },
    $thing where { ... },
    Bool :$recurse,
) returns Str:D

Joins pod contents of the requested Pod with the passed string or 2 newlines.

  • Can recursively find pod with :recurse.

  • Can indent pod contents with :indent_content.

  • Can include pod titles with :include_title.

  • Can disable inlining pod formatters with :!inline_formatters.

  • Can put same level items next to each other with :adjacent_items.

sub get_first_pod

sub get_first_pod(
    $pod where { ... },
    $thing where { ... },
    Bool :$recurse
) returns Pod::Contents::POD

Finds the first Pod using the passed pod or name, does so recursively if :recurse is passed.

sub get_pods

sub get_pods(
    $pod where { ... },
    $thing where { ... },
    Bool :$recurse
) returns List:D

Finds all Pods using the passed pod or name, does so recursively if :recurse is passed

sub get_pod_contents

sub get_pod_contents(
) returns Mu

Recursively gets the Pod contents of a Pod block as a list of (list of) strings.

  • Can indent pod contents with :indent_content.

  • Can include pod titles with :include_title.

  • Can disable inlining pod formatters with :!inline_formatters.

  • Can put same level items next to each other with :adjacent_items.

sub check_pod

sub check_pod(
    $pod where { ... },
    $pod_type where { ... }
) returns Bool is export(:helpers)

Returns True if pod matches pod_type

sub indent_content

sub indent_content(
    Str:D $string,
    Int:D $indent_level where { ... } = 4
) returns Str is export(:helpers)

Indents string by indent_level






Siavash Askari Nasr - https://www.ciavash.name


Copyright © 2021 Siavash Askari Nasr


This file is part of Pod::Contents.

Pod::Contents is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

Pod::Contents is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with Pod::Contents. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.

Pod::Contents v0.1.0

Library for recursively getting contents of Pod blocks and returning them as a list of strings or string. And more.


  • Siavash Askari Nasr




Test Dependencies


  • Pod::Contents


The Camelia image is copyright 2009 by Larry Wall. "Raku" is trademark of the Yet Another Society. All rights reserved.