
Array-based binary heap


BinaryHeap - Array-based binary heap


use BinaryHeap;

my $heap =, 11);
say $heap.pop; # OUTPUT: «11␤»
say $; # OUTPUT: «42␤»


role BinaryHeap[&infix:<precedes> = * cmp * == Less] {}

Role BinaryHeap stores values in an implicit binary tree that satisfies the heap property: the value of a node never precedes the value of its parent node.

Infix precedes defines a priority relation, such that the root of the tree, known as the top of the heap, has a priority higher than or equal to all other nodes of the tree. The default relation defines a min heap, i.e. the top value compares Less than or Same as every other value on the heap.


method Bool

Defined as:

multi method Bool(BinaryHeap:D: --> Bool:D)

Returns True if the heap contains at least one node, and False if the heap is empty.

method new

Defined as:

method new(+values --> BinaryHeap:D)

Creates a new heap instance. The provided values are stored in heap order.

method pop

Defined as:

method pop(BinaryHeap:D:) is nodal

Removes the value stored at the top of the heap and returns it, or returns a Failure if the heap is empty.

method push

Defined as:

method push(BinaryHeap:D: **@values is raw --> BinaryHeap:D)

Inserts the provided values into the heap and returns the modified heap.

method push-pop

Defined as:

method push-pop(BinaryHeap:D: Mu \value)

Functionally equivalent, but more efficient than a push followed by a pop. Replaces the top of the heap if it precedes the provided value; otherwise returns the provided value.

method replace

Defined as:

method replace(BinaryHeap:D: Mu \new)

Functionally equivalent, but more efficient than a pop followed by a push. Replaces the top of the heap with the new value and returns the old value, or Nil if the heap was empty.

method top

Defined as:

method top(BinaryHeap:D:)

Returns the value stored at the top of the heap, or Nil if the heap is empty.

method values

multi method values(BinaryHeap:D: --> Seq:D)

Returns a Seq of the values encountered during a breadth-first traversal of the heap.



Peter du Marchie van Voorthuysen

Source can be located at:


Copyright 2022 Peter du Marchie van Voorthuysen

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.

BinaryHeap v0.0.1

Array-based binary heap


  • Peter du Marchie van Voorthuysen




Test Dependencies


  • BinaryHeap

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