
helper subs to hyperize iterables with defaults


hyperize - helper subs to hyperize iterables with defaults


use hyperize;

sub MAIN(:$batch, :$degree) {
    my @foo = ^1000;
    @foo.&hyperize($batch, $degree);  # don't worry about defaults


hyperize exports two subroutines to make it easier to handle defaults for batch and degree from e.g. CLI scripts. As such, these subs are intended to replace the .hyper and .race methods on Iterables.

The problem with these methods, is that they (currently) do not take undefined values for their :batch and :degree arguments, forcing the caller to decide what sane defaults are. With the subroutines provided by this module, you don't have to worry about that as a developer of CLI scripts anymore.



@foo.&hyperize($batch).map: { ...  }

@foo.&hyperize($batch, $degree).map: { ...  }

The hyperize subroutine takes 2 or 3 arguments. The first argument is an Iterable on which a hyper sequence (aka HyperSeq) should be returned. This is then typically the invocant of a .map of .grep.

The second argument is the size of batches that should be used (aka the :batch argument to .hyper. If the value specified is undefined, then the default value for batches will be assumed (whatever that may be, as determined by the core).

The third argument is optional. It indicates the degrees of parallelization (aka the number of CPU cores to be used, aka the :degree argument to .hyper. If it is not specified, or the value specified is undefined, then the default value for degree will be assumed (whatever that may be, as determined by the core).


@foo.&racify($batch).map: { ...  }

@foo.&racify($batch, $degree).map: { ...  }

The same as hyperize, but will call the .race method (causing unordered results) rather than the .hyper method.


Elizabeth Mattijsen [email protected]

Source can be located at: https://github.com/lizmat/hyperize . Comments and Pull Requests are welcome.

If you like this module, or what Iā€™m doing more generally, committing to a small sponsorship would mean a great deal to me!


Copyright 2022 Elizabeth Mattijsen

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.

hyperize v0.0.1

helper subs to hyperize iterables with defaults


  • Elizabeth Mattijsen




Test Dependencies


  • hyperize

The Camelia image is copyright 2009 by Larry Wall. "Raku" is trademark of the Yet Another Society. All rights reserved.