
An interface to libgsl, the Gnu Scientific Library - Statistics


Math::Libgsl::Statistics - An interface to libgsl, the Gnu Scientific Library - Statistics


use Math::Libgsl::Statistics;

my @data = ^10;
say "mean = { mean(@data) }, variance = { variance(@data) }";


Math::Libgsl::Statistics is an interface to the Statistics functions of libgsl, the Gnu Scientific Library.

The functions in this module come in 10 data types:

  • Math::Libgsl::Statistics (default: num64)

  • Math::Libgsl::Statistics::Num32

  • Math::Libgsl::Statistics::Int8

  • Math::Libgsl::Statistics::Int16

  • Math::Libgsl::Statistics::Int32

  • Math::Libgsl::Statistics::Int64

  • Math::Libgsl::Statistics::UInt8

  • Math::Libgsl::Statistics::UInt16

  • Math::Libgsl::Statistics::UInt32

  • Math::Libgsl::Statistics::UInt64

All the following functions are available in the modules correspondiing to each datatype, except where noted.

mean(@data!, Int() :n? = (@data.elems / $stride).Int --> Num)

This function returns the arithmetic mean of @data.

variance(@data!, Int() :n? = (@data.elems / $stride).Int --> Num)

This function returns the estimated variance of @data. This function computes the mean, if you already computed the mean, use the next function.

variance-m(@data!, Num() stride? = 1, Int() :stride)

This function returns the sample variance of @data relative to the given value of $mean.

sd(@data!, Int() :n? = (@data.elems / $stride).Int --> Num)

This function returns the estimated standard deviation of @data.

sd-m(@data!, Num() stride? = 1, Int() :stride).Int --> Num)

This function returns the sample standard deviation of @data relative to the given value of $mean.

tss(@data!, Int() :n? = (@data.elems / $stride).Int --> Num)

These functions return the total sum of squares (TSS) of @data.

tss-m(@data!, Num() stride? = 1, Int() :stride).Int --> Num)

These functions return the total sum of squares (TSS) of @data relative to the given value of $mean.

variance-with-fixed-mean(@data!, Num() stride? = 1, Int() :stride).Int --> Num)

This function computes an unbiased estimate of the variance of @data when the population mean $mean of the underlying distribution is known a priori.

sd-with-fixed-mean(@data!, Num() stride? = 1, Int() :stride).Int --> Num)

This function calculates the standard deviation of @data for a fixed population mean $mean.

absdev(@data!, Int() :n? = (@data.elems / $stride).Int --> Num)

This function computes the absolute deviation from the mean of @data.

absdev-m(@data!, Num() stride? = 1, Int() :stride).Int --> Num)

This function computes the absolute deviation of the dataset @data relative to the given value of $mean.

skew(@data!, Int() :n? = (@data.elems / $stride).Int --> Num)

This function computes the skewness of @data.

skew-m-sd(@data!, Num() sd!, Int() :n? = (@data.elems / $stride).Int --> Num)

This function computes the skewness of the dataset @data using the given values of the mean sd,

kurtosis(@data!, Int() :n? = (@data.elems / $stride).Int --> Num)

This function computes the kurtosis of @data.

kurtosis-m-sd(@data!, Num() sd!, Int() :n? = (@data.elems / $stride).Int --> Num)

This function computes the kurtosis of the dataset @data using the given values of the mean sd,

autocorrelation(@data!, Int() :n? = (@data.elems / $stride).Int --> Num)

This function computes the lag-1 autocorrelation of the dataset @data.

autocorrelation-m(@data!, Num() stride? = 1, Int() :stride).Int --> Num)

This function computes the lag-1 autocorrelation of the dataset @data using the given value of the mean $mean.

covariance(@data1!, @data2! where *.elems == @data1.elems, Int() :stride2? = 1, Int() :stride1).Int --> Num)

This function computes the covariance of the datasets @data1 and @data2.

covariance-m(@data1!, @data2! where *.elems == @data1.elems, Num() mean2!, Int() :stride2? = 1, Int() :stride1).Int --> Num)

This function computes the covariance of the datasets @data1 and @data2 using the given values of the means, mean2.

correlation(@data1!, @data2! where *.elems == @data1.elems, Int() :stride2? = 1, Int() :stride1).Int --> Num)

This function efficiently computes the Pearson correlation coefficient between the datasets @data1 and @data2.

spearman(@data1!, @data2! where *.elems == @data1.elems, Int() :stride2? = 1, Int() :stride1).Int --> Num)

This function computes the Spearman rank correlation coefficient between the datasets @data1 and @data2.

wmean(@w!, @data!, Int() :stride? = 1, Int() :stride).Int --> Num)

This function returns the weighted mean of the dataset @data using the set of weights @w. This function is available only for Numeric types, so only when using Math::Libgsl::Statistics or Math::Libgsl::Statistics::Num32.

wvariance(@w!, @data!, Int() :stride? = 1, Int() :stride).Int --> Num)

This function returns the estimated variance of the dataset @data using the set of weights @w. This function is available only for Numeric types, so only when using Math::Libgsl::Statistics or Math::Libgsl::Statistics::Num32.

wvariance-m(@w!, @data!, Num() wstride? = 1, Int() :n? = (@data.elems / $stride).Int --> Num)

This function returns the estimated variance of the weighted dataset @data using the given weighted mean $wmean. This function is available only for Numeric types, so only when using Math::Libgsl::Statistics or Math::Libgsl::Statistics::Num32.

wsd(@w!, @data!, Int() :stride? = 1, Int() :stride).Int --> Num)

This function returns the standard deviation of the weighted dataset @data. This function is available only for Numeric types, so only when using Math::Libgsl::Statistics or Math::Libgsl::Statistics::Num32.

wsd-m(@w!, @data!, Num() wstride? = 1, Int() :n? = (@data.elems / $stride).Int --> Num)

This function returns the standard deviation of the weighted dataset @data using the given weighted mean $wmean. This function is available only for Numeric types, so only when using Math::Libgsl::Statistics or Math::Libgsl::Statistics::Num32.

wvariance-with-fixed-mean(@w!, @data!, Num() wstride? = 1, Int() :n? = (@data.elems / $stride).Int --> Num)

This function computes an unbiased estimate of the variance of the weighted dataset @data when the population mean $mean of the underlying distribution is known a priori. This function is available only for Numeric types, so only when using Math::Libgsl::Statistics or Math::Libgsl::Statistics::Num32.

wsd-with-fixed-mean(@w!, @data!, Num() wstride? = 1, Int() :n? = (@data.elems / $stride).Int --> Num)

This function computes an unbiased estimate of the standard deviation of the weighted dataset @data when the population mean $mean of the underlying distribution is known a priori. This function is available only for Numeric types, so only when using Math::Libgsl::Statistics or Math::Libgsl::Statistics::Num32.

wtss(@w!, @data!, Int() :stride? = 1, Int() :stride).Int --> Num)

These functions return the weighted total sum of squares (TSS) of @data. This function is available only for Numeric types, so only when using Math::Libgsl::Statistics or Math::Libgsl::Statistics::Num32.

wtss-m(@w!, @data!, Num() wstride? = 1, Int() :n? = (@data.elems / $stride).Int --> Num)

These functions return the weighted total sum of squares (TSS) of @data when the population mean $mean of the underlying distribution is known a priori. This function is available only for Numeric types, so only when using Math::Libgsl::Statistics or Math::Libgsl::Statistics::Num32.

wabsdev(@w!, @data!, Int() :stride? = 1, Int() :stride).Int --> Num)

This function computes the weighted absolute deviation from the weighted mean of @data. This function is available only for Numeric types, so only when using Math::Libgsl::Statistics or Math::Libgsl::Statistics::Num32.

wabsdev-m(@w!, @data!, Num() wstride? = 1, Int() :n? = (@data.elems / $stride).Int --> Num)

This function computes the absolute deviation of the weighted dataset @data about the given weighted mean $wmean. This function is available only for Numeric types, so only when using Math::Libgsl::Statistics or Math::Libgsl::Statistics::Num32.

wskew(@w!, @data!, Int() :stride? = 1, Int() :stride).Int --> Num)

This function computes the weighted skewness of the dataset @data. This function is available only for Numeric types, so only when using Math::Libgsl::Statistics or Math::Libgsl::Statistics::Num32.

wskew-m-sd(@w!, @data!, Num() wsd!, Int() :stride? = 1, Int() :stride).Int --> Num)

This function computes the weighted skewness of the dataset @data using the given values of the weighted mean and weighted standard deviation, wsd. This function is available only for Numeric types, so only when using Math::Libgsl::Statistics or Math::Libgsl::Statistics::Num32.

wkurtosis(@w!, @data!, Int() :stride? = 1, Int() :stride).Int --> Num)

This function computes the weighted kurtosis of the dataset @data. This function is available only for Numeric types, so only when using Math::Libgsl::Statistics or Math::Libgsl::Statistics::Num32.

wkurtosis-m-sd(@w!, @data!, Num() wsd!, Int() :stride? = 1, Int() :stride).Int --> Num)

This function computes the weighted kurtosis of the dataset @data using the given values of the weighted mean and weighted standard deviation, wsd. This function is available only for Numeric types, so only when using Math::Libgsl::Statistics or Math::Libgsl::Statistics::Num32.

smax(@data!, Int() :n? = (@data.elems / $stride).Int --> Num)

This function returns the maximum value in @data.

smin(@data!, Int() :n? = (@data.elems / $stride).Int --> Num)

This function returns the minimum value in @data.

sminmax(@data!, Int() :n? = (@data.elems / $stride).Int --> List)

This function returns both the minimum and maximum values in @data in a single pass.

smax-index(@data!, Int() :n? = (@data.elems / $stride).Int --> Int)

This function returns the index of the maximum value in @data.

smin-index(@data!, Int() :n? = (@data.elems / $stride).Int --> Int)

This function returns the index of the minimum value in @data.

sminmax-index(@data!, Int() :n? = (@data.elems / $stride).Int --> List)

This function returns the indexes of the minimum and maximum values in @data in a single pass.

median-from-sorted-data(@sorted-data! where { [<] @sorted-data }, Int() :n? = (@sorted-data.elems / $stride).Int --> Num)

This function returns the median value of @sorted-data.

median(@data!, Int() :n? = (@data.elems / $stride).Int --> Num)

This function returns the median value of @data.

quantile-from-sorted-data(@sorted-data! where { [<] @sorted-data }, Num() stride? = 1, Int() :stride).Int --> Num)

This function returns a quantile value of @sorted-data. The quantile is determined by the percentile should have the value 0.75.

select(@data!, Int() stride? = 1, Int() :stride).Int --> Num)

This function finds the k-th smallest element of the input array @data.

trmean-from-sorted-data(Num() stride? = 1, Int() :stride).Int --> Num)

This function returns the trimmed mean of @sorted-data.

gastwirth-from-sorted-data(@sorted-data! where { [<] @sorted-data }, Int() :n? = (@sorted-data.elems / $stride).Int --> Num)

This function returns the Gastwirth location estimator of @sorted-data.

mad0(@data!, Int() :n? = (@data.elems / $stride).Int --> Num)

mad(@data!, Int() :n? = (@data.elems / $stride).Int --> Num)

These functions return the median absolute deviation of @data. The mad0 function calculates the MAD statistic without the bias correction scale factor.

Sn0-from-sorted-data(@sorted-data! where { [<] @sorted-data }, Int() :n? = (@sorted-data.elems / $stride).Int --> Num)

Sn-from-sorted-data(@sorted-data! where { [<] @sorted-data }, Int() :n? = (@sorted-data.elems / $stride).Int --> Num)

These functions return the Sā‚™ statistic of @sorted-data. The Sn0 function calculates the Sā‚™ statistic without the bias correction scale factors.

Qn0-from-sorted-data(@sorted-data! where { [<] @sorted-data }, Int() :n? = (@sorted-data.elems / $stride).Int --> Num)

Qn-from-sorted-data(@sorted-data! where { [<] @sorted-data }, Int() :n? = (@sorted-data.elems / $stride).Int --> Num)

These functions return the Qā‚™ statistic of @sorted-data. The Qn0 function calculates the Qā‚™ statistic without the bias correction scale factors.

C Library Documentation

For more details on libgsl see The excellent C Library manual is available here, or here in PDF format.


This module requires the libgsl library to be installed. Please follow the instructions below based on your platform:

Debian Linux and Ubuntu 20.04+

sudo apt install libgsl23 libgsl-dev libgslcblas0

That command will install libgslcblas0 as well, since it's used by the GSL.

Ubuntu 18.04

libgsl23 and libgslcblas0 have a missing symbol on Ubuntu 18.04. I solved the issue installing the Debian Buster version of those three libraries:


To install it using zef (a module management tool):

$ zef install Math::Libgsl::Statistics


Fernando Santagata [email protected]


Copyright 2020 Fernando Santagata

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.

Math::Libgsl::Statistics v0.0.2

An interface to libgsl, the Gnu Scientific Library - Statistics


  • Fernando Santagata




Test Dependencies


  • Math::Libgsl::Raw::Statistics
  • Math::Libgsl::Raw::Statistics::Int16
  • Math::Libgsl::Raw::Statistics::Int32
  • Math::Libgsl::Raw::Statistics::Int64
  • Math::Libgsl::Raw::Statistics::Int8
  • Math::Libgsl::Raw::Statistics::Num32
  • Math::Libgsl::Raw::Statistics::UInt16
  • Math::Libgsl::Raw::Statistics::UInt32
  • Math::Libgsl::Raw::Statistics::UInt64
  • Math::Libgsl::Raw::Statistics::UInt8
  • Math::Libgsl::Statistics
  • Math::Libgsl::Statistics::Int16
  • Math::Libgsl::Statistics::Int32
  • Math::Libgsl::Statistics::Int64
  • Math::Libgsl::Statistics::Int8
  • Math::Libgsl::Statistics::Num32
  • Math::Libgsl::Statistics::UInt16
  • Math::Libgsl::Statistics::UInt32
  • Math::Libgsl::Statistics::UInt64
  • Math::Libgsl::Statistics::UInt8


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