
Uses containers to provide services (such as databases) to ease getting a local development environment set up.


This module aims to ease the process of setting up services (such as Postgres) for the purpose of having a local development environment for Raku projects. For example, one might have a Raku web application that uses a database. In order to try out the application locally, a database instance needs to be set up. Ideally this should be effortless and also isolated.

As the name suggests, this module achieves its aims using containers. It depends on nothing more than Raku and having a functioning docker installation.


Getting Started

Let's assume we have a web application that uses a Postgres database and expects that the DB_CONN_INFO environment variable will be populated with a connection string.

To make a development environment configuration using this module, we create a script devenv.raku:

#!/usr/bin/env raku
use Dev::ContainerizedService;

service 'postgres', :tag<13.0>, -> (:$conninfo, *%) {
    env 'DB_CONN_INFO', $conninfo;

The service function specifies the service ID, a Docker image tag, and a block that should be called when the service is up and running. The env function, located in a service, specifies an environment variable to be set.

We can then (assuming chmod +x devenv.raku) use the script as follows:

./devenv.raku raku -Ilib service.raku

This will:

  1. Pull the Postgres docker container if required

  2. Run the container, setting up a database user/password and binding it to a free port

  3. Run raku -Ilib service.raku with the DB_CONN_INFO environment variable set

If using the cro development tool, one could do:

./devenv.raku cro run

Additional Actions

The service block is run after the container is started (service implementations include readiness checks). As well as - or instead of - specifying environment variables to pass to the process, one can write any Raku code there. For example, one could run database migrations (in the case where it's desired to have them explicitly applied to production, rather than having them applied at application startup time).

Is this magic?

Not really; the Dev::ContainerizedService module exports a MAIN sub, which is how it gets to provide the program entrypoint.

Available Services


Either obtain a connection string:

service 'postgres', :tag<13.0>, -> (:$conninfo, *%) {
    env 'DB_CONN_INFO', $conninfo;

Or the individual parts of the database connection details:

service 'postgres', :tag<13.0>, -> (:$host, :$port, :$user, :$password, :$dbname, *%) {
    env 'DB_HOST', $host;
    env 'DB_PORT', $port;
    env 'DB_USER', $user;
    env 'DB_PASS', $password;
    env 'DB_NAME', $dbname;


Obtain the host and port of the started instance:

service 'redis', :tag<7.0>, -> (:$host, :$port) {
    env 'REDIS_HOST', $host;
    env 'REDIS_PORT', $port;

The service I want isn't here!

  1. Fork this repository.

  2. Add a module Dev::ContainerizedService::Spec::Foo, and in it write a class of the same name that does Dev::ContainerizedService::Spec. See the role's documentation as well as other specs as an example.

  3. Add a mapping to the constant %specs in Dev::ContainerizedService.

  4. Write a test to make sure it works.

  5. Add an example to the

  6. Submit a pull request.

Dev::ContainerizedService v0.1

Uses containers to provide services (such as databases) to ease getting a local development environment set up.


  • Jonathan Worthington




Test Dependencies


  • Dev::ContainerizedService
  • Dev::ContainerizedService::Spec
  • Dev::ContainerizedService::Spec::Postgres
  • Dev::ContainerizedService::Spec::Redis


The Camelia image is copyright 2009 by Larry Wall. "Raku" is trademark of the Yet Another Society. All rights reserved.