
MaxMind GeoIP v2 databases reader.

MaxMind GeoIP v2 libraries reader for Raku language

image not found

Reader for MaxMind databases including:

  • Country

  • City

  • Anonymous IP

  • ISP

  • Domain

  • Connection Type

  • in any distribution form ( Lite, Pro, Enterprise )

  • and any other database in *.mmdb 2.0 format


    use GeoIP2;

    my $geo = path => '/home/me/Database.mmdb' );

    # lookup by IPv4
    say $geo.locate( ip => '' );

    # lookup by IPv6
    say $geo.locate( ip => '2001:4860:4860:0:0:0:0:8888' );

    # show database information
    say $;
    say $geo.ip-version;
    say $geo.languages;
    say $geo.description;


new( path => '/home/me/Database.mmdb' )

Initialize database.

locate( ip => '' )

Return location data for given IP or Nil if IP is not found.

IP can be given as:

  • IPv4 dotted decimal format -

  • IPv6 full format - 2001:4860:4860:0000:0000:0000:0000:8888

  • IPv6 without leading zeroes - 2001:4860:4860:0:0:0:0:8888

  • (IPv6 compressed format - 2001:4860:4860::8888 - is not yet supported)

Note that returned data structure is specific for opened databse type, for example ISP database returns: path => './GeoIP2-ISP.mmdb' ).locate( ip => '' );

    'autonomous_system_number' => 29314,
    'autonomous_system_organization' => 'Vectra S.A.',
    'isp' => 'Jarsat Sp. z o.o.',
    'organization' => 'Jarsat Sp. z o.o.'

Sometimes returned values are localized, like in City database: path => './GeoIP2-City.mmdb' ).locate( ip => '' );

    'country' => {
        'geoname_id' => 798544,
        'names' => {
            'ru' => 'Польша',
            'es' => 'Polonia',
            'pt-BR' => 'Polônia',
            'zh-CN' => '波兰',
            'ja' => 'ポーランド共和国',
            'de' => 'Polen',
            'fr' => 'Pologne',
            'en' => 'Poland'
        'iso_code' => 'PL',
        'is_in_european_union' => True
    'city' => {
        'geoname_id' => 3099434,
        'names' => {
            'ru' => 'Гданьск',
            'es' => 'Gdansk',
            'pt-BR' => 'Gdańsk',
            'zh-CN' => '格但斯克',
            'ja' => 'グダニスク',
            'de' => 'Danzig',
            'fr' => 'Gdańsk',
            'en' => 'Gdańsk'
    'continent' => {
        'geoname_id' => 6255148,
        'names' => {
            'ru' => 'Европа',
            'es' => 'Europa',
            'pt-BR' => 'Europa',
            'zh-CN' => '欧洲',
            'ja' => 'ヨーロッパ',
            'de' => 'Europa',
            'fr' => 'Europe',
            'en' => 'Europe'
    'subdivisions' => [
            'geoname_id' => 3337496,
            'iso_code' => 'PM',
            'names' => {
                'de' => 'Woiwodschaft Pommern',
                'en' => 'Pomerania',
                'es' => 'Pomerania',
                'fr' => 'Voïvodie de Poméranie',
                'ja' => 'ポモージェ県',
                'ru' => 'Поморское воеводство'

In such case list of available languages can be also checked through languages attribute. If your language is not provided out-of-the-box please check TRANSLATIONS section.



DateTime object representing time when database was compiled.


Version object representing largest supported IP type, for example v6.


Set object representing languages that location names are translated to. Check TRANSLATIONS section if language that you need is not on the list.

description / description( 'RU' )

String describing database kind, for example GeoIP2 ISP database. Default is English but it may be requested in any of the supported languages.

binary-format-version / database-type / ipv4-start-node / node-byte-size / node-count / record-size / search-tree-size

Geeky stuff.



Helpful for investigating IP loation and data decoding issues. Can be passed in constructor or turned True / False at any time:

my $geo = path => '/home/me/Database.mmdb', :debug );
$geo.debug = False;
$geo.debug = True;


This is Pure Raku module - maxminddb C library is not required. Here is how to start with free GeoIP Lite libraries right away:


In terminal:

  • Install tool to fetch databases - brew install geoipupdate.

  • Fetch databases - geoipupdate (may take a while).

In code:

my $geo = path => '/usr/local/var/GeoIP/GeoLite2-City.mmdb' );
say $geo.locate( ip => '' );

Ubuntu Linux and derivatives

In terminal:

  • Install tool to fetch databases - sudo apt-get install geoipupdate.

  • Fetch databases - sudo geoipupdate (may take a while).

In code:

my $geo = path => '/var/lib/GeoIP/GeoLite2-City.mmdb' );
say $geo.locate( ip => '' );

Arch Linux and derivatives

In terminal:

  • Install prepackaged databases - pacman -Syu geoip2-database.

In code:

my $geo = path => '/usr/share/GeoIP/GeoLite2-City.mmdb' );
say $geo.locate( ip => '' );

Note that geoipupdate tool method is also possible, but because Arch is a rolling release distro installing prepackaged databases provides the same frequency of database updates as fetching direcltly from MaxMind.


Some databases have built-in translations, however set of supported languages is rather limited. Additional translations can be obtained from by using geoname_id column from results.

The easiest way to do that is to download this file. Inside ZIP archive there is tab-separated alternateNamesV2.txt file, where:

  • second column is geoname_id

  • third column may contain 2 or 3 letter lowercased ISO-639 language code

  • fourth column contains traslation

  • fifth column contains 1 if name is official, otherwise it is empty

So if you need for example Hungarian translation for country from example above you can extract it:

$ cat alternateNamesV2.txt | awk -F "\t" '{ if ( $2 == 798544 && $3 == "hu" ) print $4 }'

Sometimes there are few translations in the same language:

$ cat alternateNamesV2.txt | awk -F "\t" '{ if ( $2 == 798544 && $3 == "en" ) print $4 }'
Republic of Poland

Usually one of them will be marked as "official" (fifth column), so you can treat such translation with higher priority.

Native names

Unfortunately there is no indicator which translation is native for which geoname_id. First you have to check which langauge is used in given country and then find translation in that language.

But beware, there are some countries with more than one official language so you may get more than one native name. It is up to you to decide how to handle such cases.

Caching ideas

For fast access you may want to preload those translations into some fast database, for example Redis. Let's say you need Swedish translations (language code is SV).

Feed unofficial names first (fifth column empty):

cat alternateNamesV2.txt | awk -F "\t" '{ if ( $3 == "sv" && $5 == "" ) print "HSET " $2 " " $3 " \"" $4 "\""}' | redis-cli

Then feed known, official names (fifth column is 1):

cat alternateNamesV2.txt | awk -F "\t" '{ if ( $3 == "sv" && $5 == 1 ) print "HSET " $2 " " $3 " \"" $4 "\""}' | redis-cli

Sometimes official name will overwrite unofficial name.

And to find translation of geoname_id in Swedish language you simply have to query Redis:

> HGET 798544 sv

You can feed more languages into the same database if you need.


This third party reader is released under Artistic-2.0 license and is based on open source database spec released under Creative Commons license. Which means you can use it to read GeoIP2 free and paid databases both for personal and commercial use.

However keep in mind that MaxMind® and GeoIP® are trademarks so if you want to fork this module do it under your own authority to avoid confusion with their official libraries.

GeoIP2 v1.1.2

MaxMind GeoIP v2 databases reader.


  • Paweł bbkr Pabian




Test Dependencies


  • GeoIP2

The Camelia image is copyright 2009 by Larry Wall. "Raku" is trademark of the Yet Another Society. All rights reserved.