
Grammars for Machine Learning entities: classifier names, classifier measures, etc.

Raku DSL::Entity::MachineLearning

Raku grammar classes for Machine Learning (ML) entities (names.)


zef install https://github.com/antononcube/Raku-DSL-Entity-MachineLearning.git

Usage examples

use DSL::Entity::MachineLearning;
use DSL::Entity::MachineLearning::ResourceAccess;

my $pCOMMAND = DSL::Entity::MachineLearning::Grammar;

say $pCOMMAND.parse('DecisionTree', rule => 'machine-learning-entity-command');
say $pCOMMAND.parse('gradient boosted trees', rule => 'machine-learning-entity-command');
say $pCOMMAND.parse('roc curve', rule => 'machine-learning-entity-command');
# ļ½¢DecisionTreeļ½£
#  classifier-entity-command => ļ½¢DecisionTreeļ½£
#   entity-classifier-name => ļ½¢DecisionTreeļ½£
#    0 => ļ½¢DecisionTreeļ½£
#     word-value => ļ½¢DecisionTreeļ½£
# ļ½¢gradient boosted treesļ½£
#  classifier-entity-command => ļ½¢gradient boosted treesļ½£
#   entity-classifier-name => ļ½¢gradient boosted treesļ½£
#    0 => ļ½¢gradient boosted treesļ½£
#     word-value => ļ½¢gradientļ½£
#     word-value => ļ½¢boostedļ½£
#     word-value => ļ½¢treesļ½£
# ļ½¢roc curveļ½£
#  classifier-measurement-entity-command => ļ½¢roc curveļ½£
#   entity-classifier-measurement-name => ļ½¢roc curveļ½£
#    0 => ļ½¢roc curveļ½£
#     word-value => ļ½¢rocļ½£
#     word-value => ļ½¢curveļ½£

Command line interface

The package provide as Command Line Interface (CLI) to its functionalities:

> ToMachineLearningEntityCode --help
# Usage:
#   ToMachineLearningEntityCode <command> [--target=<Str>] [--user=<Str>] -- Conversion of (natural) DSL machine learning entity name into code.
#   ToMachineLearningEntityCode <target> <command> [--user=<Str>] -- Both target and command as arguments.
#     <command>         natural language command (DSL commands)
#     --target=<Str>    target language/system/package (defaults to 'WL-System') [default: 'WL-System']
#     --user=<Str>      user identifier (defaults to '') [default: '']
#     <target>          Programming language.

Remark: (Currently) the CLI script always returns results in JSON format.


Classify and methods

[WRI1] Wolfram Research, Inc., Classify.

[WRI2] Wolfram Research, Inc., Machine Learning Methods.


[AAr1] Anton Antonov, DSL::English::ClassificationWorkflows Raku package, (2020-2022), GitHub/antononcube.

[AAr2] Anton Antonov, DSL::Shared Raku package, (2020), GitHub/antononcube.

[AAr3] Anton Antonov, DSL::Entity::Geographics Raku package, (2021), GitHub/antononcube.

[AAr4] Anton Antonov, DSL::Entity::Jobs Raku package, (2021), GitHub/antononcube.

[AAr5] Anton Antonov, DSL::Entity::Foods Raku package, (2021), GitHub/antononcube.

[AAr6] Anton Antonov, DSL::Entity::Metadata Raku package, (2021), GitHub/antononcube.

DSL::Entity::MachineLearning v0.1.0

Grammars for Machine Learning entities: classifier names, classifier measures, etc.


  • Anton Antonov





Test Dependencies


  • DSL::Entity::MachineLearning
  • DSL::Entity::MachineLearning::Actions::Bulgarian::Standard
  • DSL::Entity::MachineLearning::Actions::English::Standard
  • DSL::Entity::MachineLearning::Actions::Korean::Standard
  • DSL::Entity::MachineLearning::Actions::Raku::System
  • DSL::Entity::MachineLearning::Actions::Russian::Standard
  • DSL::Entity::MachineLearning::Actions::Spanish::Standard
  • DSL::Entity::MachineLearning::Actions::WL::Entity
  • DSL::Entity::MachineLearning::Actions::WL::System
  • DSL::Entity::MachineLearning::Grammar
  • DSL::Entity::MachineLearning::Grammar::EntityNames
  • DSL::Entity::MachineLearning::ResourceAccess

The Camelia image is copyright 2009 by Larry Wall. "Raku" is trademark of the Yet Another Society. All rights reserved.