
A module for detecting numbers in localized format


A regex token for detecting localized numbers

To use, simply include the token <local-number> in anything interpreted as regex.

use Intl::Token::Number;

# (assuming English)
if '15,859,333.41' ~~ /<local-number>/ {
    say ~$<local-number>;  # 15,859,333.41   <-- stringified
    say +$<local-number>;  # 15859333.41     <-- numerical

The <local-number> token defaults to using the language provided by user-language. This makes it quite useful for parsing CLI. Sometimes, though, you'll want / need to specify the language directly. Just include it after a colon:

# Korean uses commas to separate thousands
'1,234' ~~ /<local-number: 'ko'>/;
say +$<local-number>; # 1234

# Spanish uses commas to separate integers from fractionals
'1,234' ~~ /<local-number: 'es'>/;
say +$<local-number>; # 1.234

Formats including percents, permilles, and exponential notation are supported:

# Assuming English
'90%' ~~ /<local-number>/;
say +$<local-number>; # 0.9

'1.23E3' ~~ /<local-number>/;
say +$<local-number>; # 123

For those interested in details about the match, the match object is introspectable:

  • base-number: the number matched, ignoring percent/exponential modifiers

  • exponent: the exponent used (defaults to 1 for non-exponential numbers)

  • number-type: any of standard, percent, permille, exponential

To do

  • Add support for native/traditional/financial-style numbers

  • Add support for lenient parsing (e.g. accept any of <,٫⹁︐﹐,> for ,).

    • This will be very important for languages like Finnish, which uses a non-breaking space, but is probably entered as a plain space by most people.

  • Enforce grouping digits? Present, 1,2,3,4 will parse as 1234.

  • Additional formats like approximately, at least, etc.

Version history

  • v0.6

    • Optimized grammar

    • Now uses RakuAST for generation.

    • Match role provides more introspection

    • Now prefer User::Language to Intl::UserLanguage

  • v.0.5.0

    • First published version as an independent module

    • Adapted to work with newest version of Intl::CLDR

    • Housekeeping

      • Cleaned up code, added documentation, improved tests

  • v.0.4.2

    • Renamed to Intl::CLDR::Numbers

  • v.0.4.1

    • Published as a part of Intl::CLDR (as Intl::CLDR::Numbers::NumberFinder)

    • Support for basic number parsing using default numeric systems

Intl::Token::Number v0.6

A module for detecting numbers in localized format


  • Matthew Stephen Stuckwisch





Test Dependencies


  • Intl::Token::Number
  • Intl::Token::Number::Role


The Camelia image is copyright 2009 by Larry Wall. "Raku" is trademark of the Yet Another Society. All rights reserved.