Distinct primes factors
Gerhard R
The first two consecutive numbers to have two distinct prime factors are:
14 = 2 Ć 7 15 = 3 Ć 5
The first three consecutive numbers to have three distinct prime factors are:
644 = 2Ā² Ć 7 Ć 23 645 = 3 Ć 5 Ć 43 646 = 2 Ć 17 Ć 19.
Find the first four consecutive integers to have four distinct prime factors. What is the first of these numbers?
To run this example, the associated C file (prob047-gerdr.c) needs to be compiled into a shared object library.
In GCC this is achieved like so:
$ gcc --std=c99 -fPIC -c -o prob047-gerdr.o prob047-gerdr.c
$ gcc -shared -o prob047-gerdr.so prob047-gerdr.o
After which, the example can be run as expected:
$ perl6 prob047-gerdr.pl
use v6;
use NativeCall;
sub factors(int32 $n) returns int32 is native($*SPEC.catdir($*PROGRAM-NAME.IO.dirname, 'prob047-gerdr')) { * }
sub MAIN(Int $N = 4) {
my int $n = 2;
my int $i = 0;
while $i != $N {
$i = factors($n) == $N ?? $i + 1 !! 0;
$n = $n + 1;
say $n - $N;
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