Summation of primes
The sum of the primes below 10 is 2 + 3 + 5 + 7 = 17.
Find the sum of all the primes below two million.
use v6;
# The upper bound, defaults to challenge's request
my $upper_bound = shift(@*ARGS) || 2_000_000;
# A simple implementation of Eratosthenes' sieve. Modified to avoid
# registering stuff beyond the $upper_bound.
sub primes_iterator {
return sub {
state %D;
state $q //= 2;
while (%D{$q}:exists) {
my $p = %D{$q};
my $x = $q + $p;
$x += $p while %D{$x}:exists;
%D{$x} = $p if $x <= $upper_bound;
my $q2 = $q * $q;
%D{$q2} = $q if $q2 <= $upper_bound;
return $q++;
my $it = primes_iterator();
my $prime = $it();
my $sum = 0;
my $feedback_threshold = 0; # To give some life signals during computation...
while $prime < $upper_bound {
$sum += $prime;
if $prime > $feedback_threshold {
say "# Processed up to prime number: $prime";
$feedback_threshold += 10000;
$prime = $it();
say 'result: ', $sum;
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