class Telemetry

Collect performance state for analysis
class Telemetry { }

Note: This class is a Rakudo-specific feature and not standard Raku.

On creation, a Telemetry object contains a snapshot of various aspects of the current state of the virtual machine. This is in itself useful, but generally one needs two snapshots for the difference (which is a Telemetry::Period object).

The Telemetry object is really a collection of snapshots taken by different "instruments". By default, the Telemetry::Instrument::Usage and Telemetry::Instrument::ThreadPool instruments are activated.

The Telemetry (and Telemetry::Period) object also Associative. This means that you can treat a Telemetry object as a read-only Hash, with all of the data values of the instruments as keys.

You can determine which instruments Telemetry should use by setting the $*SAMPLER dynamic variable, which is a Telemetry::Sampler object.

Currently, the following instruments are supported by the Rakudo core:

  • Telemetry::Instrument::Usage

Provides (in alphabetical order): cpu, cpu-sys, cpu-user, cpus, id-rss, inb, invcsw, is-rss, ix-rss, majf, max-rss, minf, mrcv, msnd, nsig, nswp, volcsw, outb, util% and wallclock. For complete documentation of the meaning of these data values, see Telemetry::Instrument::Usage.

  • Telemetry::Instrument::Thread

Provides (in alphabetical order): tad, tcd, thid, tjd, tsd and tys. For complete documentation of the meaning of these data values, see Telemetry::Instrument::Thread.

  • Telemetry::Instrument::ThreadPool

Provides (in alphabetical order): atc, atq, aw, gtc, gtq, gw, s, ttc, ttq and tw. For complete documentation of the meaning of these data values, see Telemetry::Instrument::ThreadPool.

  • Telemetry::Instrument::AdHoc

Does not provide any data by itself: one must indicate which variables are to be monitored, which will then become available as methods with the same name on the instrument.

routine T

sub T()

Shortcut for It is exported by default. Since the Telemetry class also provides an Associative interface, one can easily interpolate multiple values in a single statement:

use Telemetry;
say "Used {T<max-rss cpu>} (KiB CPU) so far";

routine snap

multi snap(--> Nil)
    multi snap(Str:D $message --> Nil)
    multi snap(Str $message = "taking heap snapshot...", :$heap!)
    multi snap(@s --> Nil)

The snap subroutine is shorthand for creating a new Telemetry object and pushing it to an array for later processing. It is exported by default. From release 2021.12, it returns the filename it's storing the snapshots in the case it's provided with a :$heap associative parameter.

use Telemetry;
my @t;
for ^5 {
    # do some stuff
    LAST snap(@t);

If no array is specified, it will use an internal array for convenience.

routine snapper

sub snapper($sleep = 0.1, :$stop, :$reset --> Nil)

The snapper routine starts a separate thread that will call snap repeatedly until the end of program. It is exported by default.

By default, it will call snap every 0.1 second. The only positional parameter is taken to be the delay between snaps.

Please see the snapper module for externally starting a snapper without having to change the code. Simply adding -Msnapper as a command line parameter, will then start a snapper for you.

routine periods

multi periods( --> Seq)
    multi periods(@s --> Seq)

The periods subroutine processes an array of Telemetry objects and generates a Seq of Telemetry::Period objects out of that. It is exported by default.

.<cpu wallclock>.say for periods(@t);

# ====================
# (164 / 160)
# (23 / 21)
# (17 / 17)
# (15 / 16)
# (29 / 28)

If no array is specified, it will use the internal array of snap without parameters and will reset that array upon completion (so that new snaps can be added again).

use Telemetry;
for ^5 {
    LAST snap;
say .<cpu wallclock>.join(" / ") for periods;

# ====================
# 172 / 168
# 24 / 21
# 17 / 18
# 17 / 16
# 27 / 27

If only one snap was done, another snap will be done to create at least one Telemetry::Period object.

routine report

multi report(:@columns, :$legend, :$header-repeat, :$csv, :@format)

The report subroutine generates a report about an array of Telemetry objects. It is exported by default. These can have been created by regularly calling snap, or by having a snapper running. If no positional parameter is used, it will assume the internal array to which the parameterless snap pushes.

Below are the additional named parameters of report.

  • :columns

Specify the names of the columns to be included in the report. Names can be specified with the column name (e.g. gw). If not specified, defaults to what is specified in the RAKUDO_REPORT_COLUMNS environment variable. If that is not set either, defaults to:

wallclock util% max-rss gw gtc tw ttc aw atc
  • :header-repeat

Specifies after how many lines the header should be repeated in the report. If not specified, defaults to what is specified in the RAKUDO_REPORT_HEADER_REPEAT environment variable. If that is not set either, defaults to 32.

  • :legend

Specifies whether a legend should be added to the report. If not specified, defaults to what is specified in the RAKUDO_REPORT_LEGEND environment variable. If that is not set either, defaults to True.

If there are snaps available in the internal array at the end of the program, then report will be automatically generated and printed on STDERR.

module snapper

Start a thread taking repeated system state snapshots.

This module contains no subroutines or methods or anything. It is intended as a shortcut for starting the snapper subroutine of the Telemetry module, allowing taking snapshots of the execution of a program without needing to change the program. Simple loading the module with -Msnapper will do all that is needed to start the snapper, and have a report printed on STDERR upon completion of the program.

The RAKUDO_SNAPPER environment variable can be set to indicate the time between snapshots. If not specified, it will default to 0.1 seconds.

The snapper module assumes an orderly shutdown of the process. Killing the process (for instance by pressing Control-c) will not produce a report.

module safe-snapper

Available as of the 2021.09 release of the Rakudo compiler.

This module provides a safe alternative to the snapper module: killing a process by pressing Control-c will produce a report. It is able to do so by installing a signal handler, which may interfere with normal functioning of interactive programs.

Killing a process in any other way, will not produce a report.

See Also

class int

Native integer

class Allomorph

Dual value number and string

class Any


class AST

Abstract representation of a piece of source code

class atomicint

Integer (native storage at the platform's atomic operation size)

class Block

Code object with its own lexical scope

class CallFrame

Captures the current frame state

class Code

Code object

class Collation

Encapsulates instructions about how strings should be sorted

class Compiler

Information related to the compiler that is being used

class Complex

Complex number

class ComplexStr

Dual value complex number and string

class Cool

Object that can be treated as both a string and number

class CurrentThreadScheduler

Scheduler that synchronously executes code on the current thread

class Date

Calendar date

class DateTime

Calendar date with time

class Distribution::Hash


class Distribution::Locally


class Distribution::Path


class Distribution::Resource

Every one of the resources installed with a distribution

class Duration

Length of time

class Encoding::Registry

Management of available encodings

class FatRat

Rational number (arbitrary-precision)

class ForeignCode

Rakudo-specific class that wraps around code in other languages (generally NQP)

class Format

Convert values to a string given a format specification

class Formatter

Produce Callable for given format specification

class HyperSeq

An object for performing batches of work in parallel with ordered output

class HyperWhatever

Placeholder for multiple unspecified values/arguments

class Instant

Specific moment in time

class Int

Integer (arbitrary-precision)

class IntStr

Dual value integer and string

class Junction

Logical superposition of values

class Label

Tagged location in the source code

class Lock::Async

A non-blocking, non-re-entrant, mutual exclusion lock

class Macro

Compile-time routine

class Method

Member function

class Mu

The root of the Raku type hierarchy.

class Nil

Absence of a value or a benign failure

class Num

Floating-point number

role Numeric

Number or object that can act as a number

class NumStr

Dual value floating-point number and string

class ObjAt

Unique identification for an object

class Parameter

Element of a Signature

class Perl

Perl related information

class Proxy

Item container with custom storage and retrieval

class RaceSeq

Performs batches of work in parallel without respecting original order.

class Raku

Raku related information

package RakuAST

Namespace for holding RakuAST related classes

class RakuAST::Doc::Block

Contains the information of a RakuDoc block

class RakuAST::Doc::Declarator

Contains the declarator docs of a RakuAST object

class RakuAST::Doc::Markup

Contains the information about RakuDoc markup

class RakuAST::Doc::Paragraph

Contains the information about a RakuDoc paragraph

class Rat

Rational number (limited-precision)

class RatStr

Dual value rational number and string

class Routine

Code object with its own lexical scope and return handling

class Routine::WrapHandle

Holds all information needed to unwrap a wrapped routine.

class Scalar

A mostly transparent container used for indirections

class Signature

Parameter list pattern

class Str

String of characters

class StrDistance

Contains the result of a string transformation.

class Sub


class Submethod

Member function that is not inherited by subclasses

class Telemetry::Instrument::Thread

Instrument for collecting Thread data

class Telemetry::Instrument::ThreadPool

Instrument for collecting ThreadPoolScheduler data

class Telemetry::Instrument::Usage

Instrument for collecting getrusage data

class Telemetry::Period

Performance data over a period

class Telemetry::Sampler

Telemetry instrument pod

Subset UInt

Unsigned integer (arbitrary-precision)

class ValueObjAt

Unique identification for value types

class Variable

Object representation of a variable for use in traits

class Version

Module version descriptor

class Whatever

Placeholder for the value of an unspecified argument

class WhateverCode

Code object constructed by Whatever-priming

The Camelia image is copyright 2009 by Larry Wall. "Raku" is trademark of the Yet Another Society. All rights reserved.