Holds all information needed to unwrap a wrapped routine.
class WrapHandle { ... }
WrapHandle is a Rakudo private class created and returned by
wrap. Its only use is to unwrap wrapped routines.
Either call unwrap on a routine object or call
the method restore on a Routine::WrapHandle object.
sub f() { say 'f was called' }
my $wrap-handle = &f.wrap({ say 'before'; callsame; say 'after' });
f; # OUTPUT: Ā«beforeā¤f was calledā¤afterā¤Ā»
f; # OUTPUT: Ā«f was calledā¤Ā»
As such private class, it may suffer any kind of changes without prior notice.
It is only mentioned here since it is visible by the user who checks the return
type of the Routine.wrap method.
method restore
method restore(--> Bool:D)
Unwraps a wrapped routine and returns Bool::True on success.