class Instant

Specific moment in time
class Instant is Cool does Real { }

An Instant is a particular moment in time measured in atomic seconds, with fractions. It is not tied to or aware of any epoch.

An Instant can be used to create a DateTime object set to that Instant. The pseudo-constant now returns the current time as an Instant.

Basic math is defined for Instants (as well as Durations). Adding an Instant to a Duration returns another Instant. Subtracting two Instants will yield a Duration. Adding two Instants is explicitly disallowed. All other operations with Instants are undefined.

Future Leap Seconds

The methods that involve knowledge of leap seconds always assume that there will be no further leaps after the last leap second that the implementation knows about, which may not be the last leap second that has actually been scheduled. This means you can get different results, depending on the compiler version you're using. For example, the December 31, 2016 leap second was announced in July and shipped with Rakudo 2016.07, so 2016.06 and earlier releases won't know about it.

$ perl6-2016.06 -e 'say Instant.from-posix: 1485726595'

$ perl6-2016.07 -e 'say Instant.from-posix: 1485726595'

Since a Rakudo compiler always returns 0 for future leap seconds it doesn't know about, you can patch your old code when new leap seconds are announced, so it will give correct results, regardless of what version of the compiler it runs on:

$ perl6-2016.06 -e 'say ($*VM.version before v2016.07 ?? 1 !! 0) + Instant.from-posix: 1485726595'

$ perl6-2016.07 -e 'say ($*VM.version before v2016.07 ?? 1 !! 0) + Instant.from-posix: 1485726595'

These examples require compilers that predate the rename, and so still refer to perl6.


method from-posix

method from-posix($posix, Bool $prefer-leap-second = False)

Converts the POSIX timestamp $posix to an Instant. If $prefer-leap-second is True, the return value will be the first of the two possible seconds in the case of a leap second.

say, True));  # OUTPUT: «1998-12-31T23:59:60Z␤»
    say;        # OUTPUT: «1999-01-01T00:00:00Z␤»

method to-posix

method to-posix()

Converts the invocant to a POSIX timestamp and returns a two element list containing the POSIX timestamp and a Bool. It is the inverse of method from-posix, except that the second return value is True if *and only if* this Instant is in a leap second.

say"1999-01-01T00:00:00Z"); # OUTPUT: «(915148800 False)␤»
    say'1998-12-31T23:59:60Z'); # OUTPUT: «(915148800 True)␤»

method Date

method Date(Instant:D: --> Date:D)

Coerces the invocant to Date.

my $i = "/etc/passwd".IO.modified;
    say $i;             # OUTPUT: «Instant:1451489025.878018␤»
    say $i.Date;        # OUTPUT: «2015-12-30␤»

method DateTime

method DateTime(Instant:D: --> DateTime:D)

Coerces the invocant to DateTime.

say now.DateTime;  # OUTPUT: «2017-05-09T14:02:58.147165Z␤»

See Also

class int

Native integer

class Allomorph

Dual value number and string

class Any


class AST

Abstract representation of a piece of source code

class atomicint

Integer (native storage at the platform's atomic operation size)

class Block

Code object with its own lexical scope

class CallFrame

Captures the current frame state

class Code

Code object

class Collation

Encapsulates instructions about how strings should be sorted

class Compiler

Information related to the compiler that is being used

class Complex

Complex number

class ComplexStr

Dual value complex number and string

class Cool

Object that can be treated as both a string and number

class CurrentThreadScheduler

Scheduler that synchronously executes code on the current thread

class Date

Calendar date

class DateTime

Calendar date with time

class Distribution::Hash


class Distribution::Locally


class Distribution::Path


class Distribution::Resource

Every one of the resources installed with a distribution

class Duration

Length of time

class Encoding::Registry

Management of available encodings

class FatRat

Rational number (arbitrary-precision)

class ForeignCode

Rakudo-specific class that wraps around code in other languages (generally NQP)

class Format

Convert values to a string given a format specification

class Formatter

Produce Callable for given format specification

class HyperSeq

An object for performing batches of work in parallel with ordered output

class HyperWhatever

Placeholder for multiple unspecified values/arguments

class Int

Integer (arbitrary-precision)

class IntStr

Dual value integer and string

class Junction

Logical superposition of values

class Label

Tagged location in the source code

class Lock::Async

A non-blocking, non-re-entrant, mutual exclusion lock

class Macro

Compile-time routine

class Method

Member function

class Mu

The root of the Raku type hierarchy.

class Nil

Absence of a value or a benign failure

class Num

Floating-point number

role Numeric

Number or object that can act as a number

class NumStr

Dual value floating-point number and string

class ObjAt

Unique identification for an object

class Parameter

Element of a Signature

class Perl

Perl related information

class Proxy

Item container with custom storage and retrieval

class RaceSeq

Performs batches of work in parallel without respecting original order.

class Raku

Raku related information

package RakuAST

Namespace for holding RakuAST related classes

class RakuAST::Doc::Block

Contains the information of a RakuDoc block

class RakuAST::Doc::Declarator

Contains the declarator docs of a RakuAST object

class RakuAST::Doc::Markup

Contains the information about RakuDoc markup

class RakuAST::Doc::Paragraph

Contains the information about a RakuDoc paragraph

class Rat

Rational number (limited-precision)

class RatStr

Dual value rational number and string

class Routine

Code object with its own lexical scope and return handling

class Routine::WrapHandle

Holds all information needed to unwrap a wrapped routine.

class Scalar

A mostly transparent container used for indirections

class Signature

Parameter list pattern

class Str

String of characters

class StrDistance

Contains the result of a string transformation.

class Sub


class Submethod

Member function that is not inherited by subclasses

class Telemetry

Collect performance state for analysis

class Telemetry::Instrument::Thread

Instrument for collecting Thread data

class Telemetry::Instrument::ThreadPool

Instrument for collecting ThreadPoolScheduler data

class Telemetry::Instrument::Usage

Instrument for collecting getrusage data

class Telemetry::Period

Performance data over a period

class Telemetry::Sampler

Telemetry instrument pod

Subset UInt

Unsigned integer (arbitrary-precision)

class ValueObjAt

Unique identification for value types

class Variable

Object representation of a variable for use in traits

class Version

Module version descriptor

class Whatever

Placeholder for the value of an unspecified argument

class WhateverCode

Code object constructed by Whatever-priming

The Camelia image is copyright 2009 by Larry Wall. "Raku" is trademark of the Yet Another Society. All rights reserved.