class atomicint

Integer (native storage at the platform's atomic operation size)
class atomicint is Int is repr('P6int') { }

An atomicint is a native integer sized such that CPU-provided atomic operations can be performed upon it. On a 32-bit CPU it will typically be 32 bits in size, and on an a 64-bit CPU it will typically be 64 bits in size. It exists to allow writing portable code that uses atomic operations.

Note: Rakudo releases before 2017.08 had no support for atomicints.

# Would typically only work on a 64-bit machine and VM build.
    my int64 $active = 0;
# Would typically only work on a 32-bit machine and VM build.
    my int32 $active = 0;
# Will work portably, though can only portably assume range of 32 bits.
    my atomicint $active = 0;

The use of the atomicint type does not automatically provide atomicity; it must be used in conjunction with the atomic operations.

# Correct (will always output 80000)
    my atomicint $total = 0;
    await start { for ^20000 { $total⚛++ } } xx 4;
    say $total;
# *** WRONG *** due to lack of use of the atomicint type.
    # Either works correctly or dies, depending on platform.
    my int $total = 0;
    await start { for ^20000 { $total⚛++ } } xx 4;
    say $total;
# *** WRONG *** due to lack of use of the atomic increment operator.
    my atomicint $total = 0;
    await start { for ^20000 { $total++ } } xx 4;
    say $total;


sub atomic-assign

multi atomic-assign(atomicint $ is rw, int $value)
    multi atomic-assign(atomicint $ is rw, Int() $value)

Performs an atomic assignment to a native integer, which may be in a lexical, attribute, or native array element. If $value cannot unbox to a 64-bit native integer due to being too large, an exception will be thrown. If the size of atomicint is only 32 bits, then an out of range $value will be silently truncated. The atomic-assign routine ensures that any required barriers are performed such that the changed value will be "published" to other threads.

sub atomic-fetch

multi atomic-fetch(atomicint $ is rw)

Performs an atomic read of a native integer, which may live in a lexical, attribute, or native array element. Using this routine instead of simply using the variable ensures that the latest update to the variable from other threads will be seen, both by doing any required hardware barriers and also preventing the compiler from lifting reads. For example:

my atomicint $i = 0;
    start { atomic-assign($i, 1) }
    while atomic-fetch($i) == 0 { }

Is certain to terminate, while in:

my atomicint $i = 0;
    start { atomic-assign($i, 1) }
    while $i == 0 { }

It would be legal for a compiler to observe that $i is not updated in the loop, and so lift the read out of the loop, thus causing the program to never terminate.

sub atomic-fetch-inc

multi atomic-fetch-inc(atomicint $ is rw)

Performs an atomic increment on a native integer. This will be performed using hardware-provided atomic operations. Since the operation is atomic, it is safe to use without acquiring a lock. Returns the value as seen before incrementing it. Overflow will wrap around silently.

sub atomic-fetch-dec

multi atomic-fetch-dec(atomicint $ is rw)

Performs an atomic decrement on a native integer. This will be performed using hardware-provided atomic operations. Since the operation is atomic, it is safe to use without acquiring a lock. Returns the value as seen before decrementing it. Overflow will wrap around silently.

sub atomic-fetch-add

multi atomic-fetch-add(atomicint $ is rw, int $value)
    multi atomic-fetch-add(atomicint $ is rw, Int() $value)

Performs an atomic addition on a native integer. This will be performed using hardware-provided atomic operations. Since the operation is atomic, it is safe to use without acquiring a lock. Returns the value as seen before the addition was performed. Overflow will wrap around silently. If $value is too big to unbox to a 64-bit integer, an exception will be thrown. If $value otherwise overflows atomicint then it will be silently truncated before the addition is performed.

sub atomic-fetch-sub

multi atomic-fetch-sub(atomicint $ is rw, int $value)
    multi atomic-fetch-sub(atomicint $ is rw, Int() $value)

Performs an atomic subtraction on a native integer. This will be performed using hardware-provided atomic operations. Since the operation is atomic, it is safe to use without acquiring a lock. Returns the value as seen before the subtraction was performed. Underflow will wrap around silently. If $value is too big to unbox to a 64-bit integer, an exception will be thrown. If $value otherwise overflows atomicint then it will be silently truncated before the subtraction is performed.

sub atomic-inc-fetch

multi atomic-inc-fetch(atomicint $ is rw)

Performs an atomic increment on a native integer. This will be performed using hardware-provided atomic operations. Since the operation is atomic, it is safe to use without acquiring a lock. Returns the value resulting from the increment. Overflow will wrap around silently.

sub atomic-dec-fetch

multi atomic-dec-fetch(atomicint $ is rw)

Performs an atomic decrement on a native integer. This will be performed using hardware-provided atomic operations. Since the operation is atomic, it is safe to use without acquiring a lock. Returns the value resulting from the decrement. Overflow will wrap around silently.

sub cas

multi cas(atomicint $target is rw, int $expected, int $value)
    multi cas(atomicint $target is rw, Int() $expected, Int() $value)
    multi cas(atomicint $target is rw, &operation)

Performs an atomic compare and swap of the native integer value in location $target. The first two forms have semantics like:

my int $seen = $target;
if $seen == $expected {
    $target = $value;
return $seen;

Except it is performed as a single hardware-supported atomic instruction, as if all memory access to $target were blocked while it took place. Therefore it is safe to attempt the operation from multiple threads without any other synchronization. For example:

my atomicint $master = 0;
    await start {
        if cas($master, 0, 1) == 0 {
            say "Master!"
    } xx 4

Will reliably only ever print Master! one time, as only one of the threads will be successful in changing the 0 into a 1.

Both $expected and $value will be coerced to Int and unboxed if needed. An exception will be thrown if the value cannot be represented as a 64-bit integer. If the size of atomicint is only 32 bits then the values will be silently truncated to this size.

The third form, taking a code object, will first do an atomic fetch of the current value and invoke the code object with it. It will then try to do an atomic compare and swap of the target, using the value passed to the code object as $expected and the result of the code object as $value. If this fails, it will read the latest value, and retry, until a CAS operation succeeds. Therefore, an atomic multiply of an atomicint $i by 2 could be implemented as:

cas $i, -> int $current { $current * 2 }

If another thread changed the value while $current * 2 was being calculated then the block would be called again with the latest value for a further attempt, and this would be repeated until success.


infix ⚛=

multi infix:<⚛=>(atomicint $ is rw, int $value)
    multi infix:<⚛=>(atomicint $ is rw, Int() $value)

Performs an atomic assignment to a native integer, which may be in a lexical, attribute, or native array element. If $value cannot unbox to a 64-bit native integer due to being too large, an exception will be thrown. If the size of atomicint is only 32 bits, then an out of range $value will be silently truncated. The ⚛= operator ensures that any required barriers are performed such that the changed value will be "published" to other threads.

prefix ⚛

multi prefix:<⚛>(atomicint $ is rw)

Performs an atomic read of a native integer, which may live in a lexical, attribute, or native array element. Using this operator instead of simply using the variable ensures that the latest update to the variable from other threads will be seen, both by doing any required hardware barriers and also preventing the compiler from lifting reads. For example:

my atomicint $i = 0;
    start { $i ⚛= 1 }
    while ⚛$i == 0 { }

Is certain to terminate, while in:

my atomicint $i = 0;
    start { $i ⚛= 1 }
    while $i == 0 { }

It would be legal for a compiler to observe that $i is not updated in the loop, and so lift the read out of the loop, thus causing the program to never terminate.

prefix ++⚛

multi prefix:<++⚛>(atomicint $ is rw)

Performs an atomic increment on a native integer. This will be performed using hardware-provided atomic operations. Since the operation is atomic, it is safe to use without acquiring a lock. Returns the value resulting from the increment. Overflow will wrap around silently.

postfix ⚛++

multi postfix:<⚛++>(atomicint $ is rw)

Performs an atomic increment on a native integer. This will be performed using hardware-provided atomic operations. Since the operation is atomic, it is safe to use without acquiring a lock. Returns the value as seen before incrementing it. Overflow will wrap around silently.

prefix --⚛

multi prefix:<--⚛>(atomicint $ is rw)

Performs an atomic decrement on a native integer. This will be performed using hardware-provided atomic operations. Since the operation is atomic, it is safe to use without acquiring a lock. Returns the value resulting from the decrement. Overflow will wrap around silently.

postfix ⚛--

multi postfix:<⚛-->(atomicint $ is rw)

Performs an atomic decrement on a native integer. This will be performed using hardware-provided atomic operations. Since the operation is atomic, it is safe to use without acquiring a lock. Returns the value as seen before decrementing it. Overflow will wrap around silently.

infix ⚛+=

multi infix:<⚛+=>(atomicint $ is rw, int $value)
    multi infix:<⚛+=>(atomicint $ is rw, Int() $value)

Performs an atomic addition on a native integer. This will be performed using hardware-provided atomic operations. Since the operation is atomic, it is safe to use without acquiring a lock. Evaluates to the result of the addition. Overflow will wrap around silently. If $value is too big to unbox to a 64-bit integer, an exception will be thrown. If $value otherwise overflows atomicint then it will be silently truncated before the addition is performed.

infix ⚛-=

multi infix:<⚛-=>(atomicint $ is rw, int $value)
    multi infix:<⚛-=>(atomicint $ is rw, Int() $value)

Performs an atomic subtraction on a native integer. This will be performed using hardware-provided atomic operations. Since the operation is atomic, it is safe to use without acquiring a lock. Evaluates to the result of the subtraction. Underflow will wrap around silently. If $value is too big to unbox to a 64-bit integer, an exception will be thrown. If $value otherwise overflows atomicint then it will be silently truncated before the subtraction is performed.

infix ⚛−=

Synonym for ⚛-= using U+2212 minus.

See Also

class int

Native integer

class Allomorph

Dual value number and string

class Any


class AST

Abstract representation of a piece of source code

class Block

Code object with its own lexical scope

class CallFrame

Captures the current frame state

class Code

Code object

class Collation

Encapsulates instructions about how strings should be sorted

class Compiler

Information related to the compiler that is being used

class Complex

Complex number

class ComplexStr

Dual value complex number and string

class Cool

Object that can be treated as both a string and number

class CurrentThreadScheduler

Scheduler that synchronously executes code on the current thread

class Date

Calendar date

class DateTime

Calendar date with time

class Distribution::Hash


class Distribution::Locally


class Distribution::Path


class Distribution::Resource

Every one of the resources installed with a distribution

class Duration

Length of time

class Encoding::Registry

Management of available encodings

class FatRat

Rational number (arbitrary-precision)

class ForeignCode

Rakudo-specific class that wraps around code in other languages (generally NQP)

class Format

Convert values to a string given a format specification

class Formatter

Produce Callable for given format specification

class HyperSeq

An object for performing batches of work in parallel with ordered output

class HyperWhatever

Placeholder for multiple unspecified values/arguments

class Instant

Specific moment in time

class Int

Integer (arbitrary-precision)

class IntStr

Dual value integer and string

class Junction

Logical superposition of values

class Label

Tagged location in the source code

class Lock::Async

A non-blocking, non-re-entrant, mutual exclusion lock

class Macro

Compile-time routine

class Method

Member function

class Mu

The root of the Raku type hierarchy.

class Nil

Absence of a value or a benign failure

class Num

Floating-point number

role Numeric

Number or object that can act as a number

class NumStr

Dual value floating-point number and string

class ObjAt

Unique identification for an object

class Parameter

Element of a Signature

class Perl

Perl related information

class Proxy

Item container with custom storage and retrieval

class RaceSeq

Performs batches of work in parallel without respecting original order.

class Raku

Raku related information

package RakuAST

Namespace for holding RakuAST related classes

class RakuAST::Doc::Block

Contains the information of a RakuDoc block

class RakuAST::Doc::Declarator

Contains the declarator docs of a RakuAST object

class RakuAST::Doc::Markup

Contains the information about RakuDoc markup

class RakuAST::Doc::Paragraph

Contains the information about a RakuDoc paragraph

class Rat

Rational number (limited-precision)

class RatStr

Dual value rational number and string

class Routine

Code object with its own lexical scope and return handling

class Routine::WrapHandle

Holds all information needed to unwrap a wrapped routine.

class Scalar

A mostly transparent container used for indirections

class Signature

Parameter list pattern

class Str

String of characters

class StrDistance

Contains the result of a string transformation.

class Sub


class Submethod

Member function that is not inherited by subclasses

class Telemetry

Collect performance state for analysis

class Telemetry::Instrument::Thread

Instrument for collecting Thread data

class Telemetry::Instrument::ThreadPool

Instrument for collecting ThreadPoolScheduler data

class Telemetry::Instrument::Usage

Instrument for collecting getrusage data

class Telemetry::Period

Performance data over a period

class Telemetry::Sampler

Telemetry instrument pod

Subset UInt

Unsigned integer (arbitrary-precision)

class ValueObjAt

Unique identification for value types

class Variable

Object representation of a variable for use in traits

class Version

Module version descriptor

class Whatever

Placeholder for the value of an unspecified argument

class WhateverCode

Code object constructed by Whatever-priming

The Camelia image is copyright 2009 by Larry Wall. "Raku" is trademark of the Yet Another Society. All rights reserved.