Save solutions as as in other directories where XX is the problem
number and author is!
Please include a specification describing the problem and, ideally, a
description of your solution and the perl6 features that it uses.
Use this as a template for your solutions:
use v6;
# Specification:
# PXX (*) Problem copied from L-99_Ninety-Nine_Lisp_Problems.html
# You are encouraged to modify the specification to fit perl6 thinking.
# For example, P21 originally implied returning a copy of the list,
# since LISP does not have mutable lists; you may change the wording to
# reflect this, or change the spec to allow modification in-place.
# Example: (preferably in the form of a REPL session)
# > say 'Hello, world!'
# Hello, world!
# Explanation of your answer, discussion of perl6 features used
# We create a function which returns its argument to needlessly complicate a
# hello, world program
sub my_func ($x) {
return $x
say my_func('Hello, world!')