P91 (**) Knight's tour
Another famous problem is this one: How can a knight jump on an NxN
chessboard in such a way that it visits every square exactly once?
Hints: Represent the squares by pairs of their coordinates of the form
X/Y, where both X and Y are integers between 1 and N. (Note that '/'
is just a convenient functor, not division!) Define the relation
jump(N,X/Y,U/V) to express the fact that a knight can jump from X/Y to
U/V on a NxN chessboard. And finally, represent the solution of our
problem as a list of N*N knight positions (the knight's tour).
use v6;
my $n = 5;
my $size = $n * $n;
my @track;
my @directions = flat ((1, -1 X 2, -2), (2, -2 X 1, -1));
sub valid_moves($curr, @temp_track=@track) {
my @valid_squares = @directions.map(->$a,$b { ($curr.key + $a) => ($curr.value + $b) }).grep({0 <= all(.key, .value) < $n});
# exclude occupied squares. !eqv doesn't work yet.
@valid_squares.grep({ not $_ eqv any(|@temp_track, $curr) });
sub knight($square) {
return 1 if @track.elems == $size;
# simple heuristic, for move ordering
my @possible_moves = valid_moves($square).sort: ->$a,$b {
valid_moves($a, [|@track,$a]).elems <=> valid_moves($b, [|@track, $b]).elems
or $a.key <=> $b.key
or $a.value <=> $b.value;
return unless @possible_moves.elems;
for @possible_moves -> $try {
my $result = knight($try);
if $result {
return 1;
else {
if knight(0 => 0) {
say "FOUND: " ~ @track.perl;
else {
say "NOT FOUND";
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