Find out what the value of phi(m) is if m is a prime number. Euler's totient
function plays an important role in one of the most widely used public key
cryptography methods (RSA). In this exercise you should use the most
primitive method to calculate this function (there are smarter ways that we
shall discuss later).
P34 (**) Calculate Euler's totient function phi(m).
Euler's so-called totient function phi(m) is defined as the number of
positive integers r (1 <= r < m) that are coprime to m.
# m = 10: r = 1,3,7,9; thus phi(m) = 4. Note the special case: phi(1) = 1.
> say totient_phi 10
use v6;
# from
sub gcds (Int $a, Int $b) {
return ($a, $b, *%* ... 0)[*-2];
# from
our sub infix:<coprime> (Int $a, Int $b) { (gcds($a,$b) == 1).Numeric }
# Example 1: iteration
multi totient_phi_i (1 --> Int) { 1 }
multi totient_phi_i (Int $n --> Int) {
my $total = 0;
for 1..^$n -> $k { $total++ if $n coprime $k }
return $total;
say "phi($_): ", totient_phi_i $_ for (1..20);
# Example 2: Ā«coprimeĀ« hyper operator
multi totient_phi (1 --> Int) { 1 }
multi totient_phi (Int $n --> Int) {
return 1 if $n ~~ 1;
return [+] ($n Ā«coprimeĀ« list(1..^$n));
say "phi($_): ",totient_phi $_ for (1..20);
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