P02 - Find the last two elements of a list.
> say ~my_but_last(<A B C D>);
P02 (*) Find the last but one box of a list.
* (my-but-last '(a b c d))
(C D)
use v6;
# a. One line example
# <> can be used to generate an list, similar to perl 5 - qw<a b c d>
# [] is used to slice a list or array and returns a list
# * means the number of elements
# say is like print to stdout with a new line
# .say can be called as everything is an object
# we pass a list to [] to ask for the second-last and last elements
"{<A B C D E F>.[*-2,*-1]}".say;
# b. Subroutine example
# @l lists can be passed in as parameters - no need to use references
# .elems - is the number of elements, this time called on the object
# say called in procedure form
# This time we use the range operator .. to create a Range object
sub my_but_last (@l) {
return @l[@l.elems-2 .. @l.elems-1];
# ~ operator stringifies the result: ~<a b> goes to 'a b'
say ~my_but_last(<a b c d>);
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