Simple Extras

Some simple extra Pod::Block names and their templates


In a Pod6 content file, just use as

    =XXXX Contents of Block if any

    where XXX is a Block name given below, and no extra configuration is needed.

    =for XXXX :class<some-class-as-specified-below>
    Contents of Block if any

Block names

  • HR Generates a Horizontal rule. No class generates a plain <hr/>.

The following classes exist for HR | Hr | hr

  • yellowish-dots

  • bluish-dots

  • lilac-dots

  • greenish-dots


  • defn-item Is a template for an item block because =defn blocks do not (at time of writing) properly handle internal Pod FormatCodes.

    Use as

        =begin item :template<defn-item>
        some text
        in paragraphs
        =end item
        =for item :template<defn-item>
        Some text, no paragraphs
  • quote Is a template for a paragraph, so that the quoted contents are indented, and optional items are included:

    • author : the authour of the quoation

    • citation: the place where the quotation can be found

Collection-Plugin-Development v0.3.0

Development and working repository for Collection plugins

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