leaflet is plugin for Collection

The plugin is for the render milestone.

It adds the Leaflet JS library and the ExtraMarkers plugin to the page.

Custom blocks


This specifies the map to be placed where the Block is.

There is a wide variety of configuration parameters, together with map providers.

All configuration parameters are provided in the plugin configuration file.

To be useful the minimum configuration requires

  • a map centre in longitude and lattitude (the plugin default is Cardiff Castle in Wales)

  • a map zoom number (the scale of the map, with larger numbers giving more magnification)


Maps are based on tiles that contain the geographic base data, and the tiles are rendered using software of providers.

Most providers offer free accounts for personal or charitable use. A variety of providers and the options they offer are given in the configuration file.

The providers.raku file also provides a web site for each provider. A developer will need to look at the website to understand the options, restrictions and uses of the API.

Google maps is not supported. Google maps has its own API and tiling system. An API key can be obtained from Google, but at the time of writing, an Google map account has (had?) to be linked to a credit card account.

Providers typically require an API key, which is obtained by registration.

OpenStreetMap tiles are the basis for many providers and does not require an API key. But there are strict limits on the number of tiles that may be requested.


The Extramarker plugin for Leaflet is used.

Information about the markers (Longitude, Lattitude, icon) is contained either in a the markers key in the configuration file, in which case markers points to a Hash, or in another configuration file pointed to by the string in the markers key.


The templates are:

Takes a hash of markers and creates a JSON file for use by map
Takes the configuration data for a map, and the JSON file and creates the html needed for Leaflet.

Collection-Plugin-Development v0.3.0

Development and working repository for Collection plugins

The Camelia image is copyright 2009 by Larry Wall. "Raku" is trademark of the Yet Another Society. All rights reserved.