link-error-test is plugin for Collection

The plugin is for the compilation & render milestones

Compiles a list of the links produced by Content files. The plugin cannot handle links in Collection files because the compilation stage occurs after the compilation plugins are run. This plugin generates a web page which is to be included in the output, so it has to be rendered during the compilation stage.

The report stage has access to all links, but Collection stores report output in the report directory. This plugin stores output in the output (html) folder.

One testing approach is to check all links using Javascript within the error page. However, Cross over restrictions make the retrieval of just headers from popular sources, such as Wikipedia, a pain inside a browser.

Consequently, the links are tested in three ways:

  • external links (viz., to http(s):// schemas) are tested using LibCurl and checking the response code.

  • local links, which are links to targets in documents within the Collection, are tested by verifying whether the file exists at the local specified.

  • internal links, which are links within a document (viz. a #target schema), and internal links to local files (viz., a /path/to/file#internal_target schema) are tested by looking at the targets datastructure that ProcessedPod collects. All targets are registered to ensure that they are unique.


Testing remote files is slow, so it can be turned off by setting no-remote to True in the plugin config file.


Links are considered to have an error if:

  • for remote sites, and error is when the site generates a 4xx || 5xx response. The response code is provided.

  • for local links specified as only the file, there is an error if the file does not exist.

  • for local links specified with an internal target, there is an error if the target is not registered for that file

  • for internal links, there is an error if the target is not registered.

Errors are reported in that order.

Custom blocks

Using the following will list the link errors.



linkerrortest is used to render the information generated by the plugin.

Collection-Plugin-Development v0.3.0

Development and working repository for Collection plugins

The Camelia image is copyright 2009 by Larry Wall. "Raku" is trademark of the Yet Another Society. All rights reserved.