Change log for the Collection-Plugins module

2022-08-09 v0.0.2

  • First structural draft.

  • got LeafletMap to work

  • added ordering logic to gather-js

2022-08-11 v0.0.3

  • move plugins to lib/html

  • create symlink to trial/Website

  • remove Website from root

  • new Graphviz plugin

2022-08-14 v0.0.4

  • new para quotation plugin

  • remove Graphiz example from TOC

2022-08-14 v0.0.5

  • new Latex plugin, uses CodeCogs online facility

  • add-plugin generates README.rakudoc, not .pod6

  • Add Test::CollectionPlugin to simplify testing plugins

  • add transfer callables since Collection changed

2022-08-30 v0.0.6

  • completed Test::CollectionPlugin

  • added tests for Test::CollectionPlugin

2022-09-04 v0.0.7

  • added add-collection-plugin utility

  • added modify-collection-plugin-config utility

  • added test-all-collection-plugins utility

  • added tests for add/modify utilities

  • changed README

  • eliminated errors found in existing plugins

  • change name of :generated key in config to :information

  • begin work on refresh-collection-plugins

  • implement mile as a list for modify-collection-plugins

  • added -bump option to modify-plugin

2022-09-05 v0.1.0

  • rename repo and module to collection-plugin-development

  • change name of path for plugins to plugin/$format

  • change plugin auth default from 'finanalyst' to 'collection', changes to README and modify-collection-plugins

  • added rule for naming of plugin, added tests to add-plugin, added to Test::CollectionPlugin

  • RefreshPlugin added

2022-09-08 v0.1.1

  • rename RefreshPlugins to PreparePlugins

  • add code to prepare-plugins in order to compare released and working plugins, and suggest a version bump if files are changed in the working version are later than the released version with the same version number.

  • add tests for compare code

2022-09-08 v0.1.2

  • add final message to AddPlugin

  • add manifest.rakon, which is a manifest of the files in the repository.

  • adding to README about manifest.rakon and changing the behaviour of the PMS

  • changing all mentions of plugins.conf to plugins.rakuon

  • changing xt/9* to only one test after removing all directories.

2022-09-16 v0.2.0

  • fix test broken by v0.1.2

  • add file 'manifest.rakuon' to root of released-dir in prepare-plugins

  • add functionality to prepare :rebuild makes new manifest.rakuon

  • add name to the list of required key in a plugin's config.raku

  • added colour to output of prepare plugins.

  • move all entities used in several modules to Collection::Entities

  • add Camelia images to examples

2022-09-23 v0.3.0

  • remove old files/directories from released plugins when deleted from working copies

2022-10-31 v0.4.0

  • create a new directory (default working) as the source for Collection-Plugins

  • change prepare-plugins to automatically create working by cloning from Collection-Plugins

  • if working exists, then git pull into directory

Collection-Plugin-Development v0.3.0

Development and working repository for Collection plugins

The Camelia image is copyright 2009 by Larry Wall. "Raku" is trademark of the Yet Another Society. All rights reserved.