

In Cro, an HTTP application is a Cro::Transform turning Cro::HTTP::Request objects into Cro::HTTP::Response objects. The Cro::HTTP::Router module provides a declarative way to map HTTP requests to appropriate handlers, which in turn produce responses.

URI segment matching

The router uses Raku signatures to match URLs and extract segments from them. A set of routes are placed in a route block. The empty signature corresponds to /.

my $app = route {
    # GET /
    get -> {

Literal URL segments are expressed as literals:

my $app = route {
    # GET /catalogue
    get -> 'catalogue' {

    # GET /catalogue/products
    get -> 'catalogue', 'products' {

Positional variables are used to capture URI segments. By default, they will be provided as a Str, and so placing a Str type constraint on the parameter is equivalent to leaving it off.

Placing an Int type constraint on the parameter means the route will only match if the segment can be parsed as an integer (/^ '-'? \d+ $/); UInt is recognized and handled in the same way, but only allows positive integers. It is also possible to use int8, uint8, int16, uint16, int32, uint32, int64, and uint64, which work like Int or UInt but perform range validation.

my $app = route {
    # GET /catalogue/products/42
    get -> 'catalogue', 'products', uint32 $id {

    # GET /catalogue/search/saussages
    get -> 'catalogue', 'search', $term {

It is also possible to use where clauses or subset types, in order to do more powerful matching.

my $app = route {
    my subset UUIDv4 of Str where /^
        <[0..9a..f]> ** 12
        4 <[0..9a..f]> ** 3
        <[89ab]> <[0..9a..f]> ** 15

    get -> 'user-log', UUIDv4 $id {

In the case of a subset type, the underlying nominal type must be Str or Int (or Any or Mu, which are treated equivalent to Str). All other types on URL segments are disallowed.

A variable segment may be made optional, in which case the route will match even if the segment is absent.

my $app = route {
    # GET /products/by-tag
    # GET /products/by-tag/sparkly
    get -> 'products', 'by-tag', $tag-name? {

A slurpy positional can be used in order to capture all trailing segments.

route {
    get -> 'catalogue', 'tree', *@path {

Unlike some routing engines, Cro::HTTP::Router does not purely consider the routes based upon their order of declaration. The rules are as follows:

  • Longest literal initial segments win. For example, for a request to GET /category/search, the route get -> 'category', 'search' { } would win over get -> 'category', $name { } no matter what order they were declared in.

  • Declared segments always beat slurpy segments. For example, given GET /tree/describe, the route get -> 'tree', $operation { } would win over get -> 'tree', *@path { } no matter what order they were declared in.

  • Routes with segments which are constrained in some way will always be tried ahead of those which are not. For example, get -> 'product', ISBN13 $i { } would be tried ahead of get -> 'product', Str $query { }, and chosen if it matched. For the purposes of the Cro router, Int is constrained compared to Str. Routes that are constrained in any way are considered "equal", and will be tested in the order they were written in source.

In the event no route matches on segments, the router will produce a HTTP 404 Not Found response.

Request methods

Besides get, the router exports subs for the HTTP methods post, put, delete, and patch.

my $app = route {
    # POST /catalogue/products
    post -> 'catalogue', 'products' {

    # PUT /catalogue/products/42
    post -> 'catalogue', 'products', uint32 $id {

    # DELETE /catalogue/products/42
    delete -> 'catalogue', 'products', uint32 $id {

    # PATCH /catalogue/products/42
    patch -> 'catalogue', 'products', uint32 $id {

These are all short for the http sub:

my $app = route {
    # POST /catalogue/products
    http 'POST', -> 'catalogue', 'products' {

    # PUT /catalogue/products/42
    http 'PUT', -> 'catalogue', 'products', uint32 $id {


Except that it may be used with any HTTP request method:

my $app = route {
    http 'LINK', -> $id {
    http 'UNLINK', -> $id {

However, these will not work unless the Cro::HTTP::Server being used to host the application is configured to accept them using its allowed-methods constructor parameter.

If a route matches on segments, but not on the HTTP method (for example, a PUT was performed, but the only routes matching are for GET and POST), the result will be a HTTP 405 Method Not Allowed response.

Query string, headers, and cookies

Named parameters in a route signature can be used to unpack and constrain the route match on additional aspects of the request. By default, values are taken from the query string, however traits can be applied to have them use data from other sources. Note that named parameters in Raku are optional by default; if the query string parameter is required, then it should be marked as such.

my $app = route {
    # Must have a search term in the query string.
    get -> 'search', :$term! {

    # Mininum and maximum price filters are optional; sourced from the query
    # string.
    get -> 'category', $category-name, :$min-price, :$max-price {

    # Must have a term in the query string (the `is query` trait here is purely
    # for documentation purposes).
    get -> 'search', :$term! is query {

As with URL segments, the Int, UInt, int64, uint64, int32, uint32, int16, uint16, int8 and uint8 types may be used to parse parameters as an integer and range-check them. Further, subset types based on Int, UInt, and Str are also allowed.

Sometimes, multiple values may be provided for a given name in the query string. In these cases, if there is no type constraint, then an object of type Cro::HTTP::MultiValue will be passed. This object inherits from List, and so can be iterated to get the values. It also does the Stringy role, and stringifies to the various values joined by a comma. To rule this out, a Str constraint may be applied, which will refuse to accept the request if there are multiple values. To explicitly allow multiple values, use the @ sigil (note that this may not be used in conjunction with other type constraints). This will also happily accept zero or one values, giving an empty and 1-element list respectively. Use a where clause to further constrain this.

my $app = route {
    # Require a single city to search in, and allow multiple selection of
    # interesting numbers of rooms.
    get -> 'apartments', Str :$city!, :@rooms {

To get all query string data, a hash named parameter may be used (optionally with the is query trait):

my $app = route {
    # Get a hash of all query string parameters
    get -> 'search', 'advanced', :%params {

Both cookies and headers may also be unpacked into named parameters, using the is cookie and is header traits. The same rules about multiple values are taken into account for headers (cookies may not have duplicate values for per name). The is header trait is the only one that functions in a case-insensitive manner, since request headers are defined as case-insensitive.

my $app = route {
    # Gets the accept header, if there is one.
    get -> 'article', $name, :$accept is header {

    # Gets the super-sneaky-tracking-id cookie; does not match if there
    # is no such cookie (since it's marked required).
    get -> 'viral', $meme, :$super-sneaky-tracking-id! is cookie {

    # Gets all the cookies and all the headers in hashes.
    get -> 'dump', :%cookies is cookie, :%headers is header {

Named parameters do not take part in the initial routing of a request, which is done using the route segments. However, they may tie-break between multiple possible routes that match the same route segments. In this case, they will be tried in the order that they are written in the source, with the exception that route handlers without any named parameters will be tried last. This means it is possible to differentiate handlers by required named parameters.

my $app = route {
    # /search?term=mountains&images=true
    get -> search, :$term!, :$images where 'true' {

    # /search?term=mountains
    get -> search, :$term! {

If there is at least one route handler that matches on the URL segments, but all of the candidates fail to match on conditions expressed using named parameters, then the router will produce a HTTP 400 Bad Request response.

Accessing the Cro::HTTP::Request instance

Inside of a request handler, the request term may be used to obtain the Cro::HTTP::Request object that corresponds to the current request. In many request handlers, this will not be required, since signatures allow for unpacking the most common forms of request information. If the full set of request headers were needed in their original order, however, they could be accessed using request.

my $app = route {
    get -> {
        say "Request headers:";
        for request.headers {
            say "{.name}: {.value}";
            content 'text/plain', 'Response';

Request bodies

Requests will be dispatched by Cro::HTTP::Router as soon as the headers are available; the request body, if any, will become available once it has arrived over the network. The request term provides the Cro::HTTP::Request object, which has various methods for accessing the request body (body, body-text, and body-blob), all returning a Promise. As a convenience, the router also exports the subs request-body, request-body-text, and request-body-blob, which take a block. These routines will call the appropriate method on the request object, await it, and then invoke the block with it. For example:

post -> 'product' {
    # Get the body produced by the body parser for a JSON request body (it
    # is deserialized automatically if the content-type of the request
    # indicates JSON).
    request-body -> %json-object {
        # Save it, and then...
        created 'product/42', 'application/json', %json-object;

post -> 'photos', 'add' {
    # Given a HTML form using enctype="multipart/form-data", with a text
    # input "title" and an file upload input "photo", get the title and
    # uploaded file's filename and contents.
    request-body -> (:$title, :$photo, *%rest) {
        my $file-name = $photo.filename;
        my $file-content = $photo.body-blob;
        # Process the upload

put -> 'product', $id, 'description' {
    # Get the body as text (assumes the client set the body to some text; note
    # this is not something a web browser form would do).
    request-body-text -> $description {
        # Save it; produce no content response

put -> 'product', $id, 'image', $filename {
    # Get the body as a binary blob (again, this assumes that a client send a
    # request with a body that's a bunch of bytes that we want; this may happen
    # in a HTTP API, but not from a browser).
    request-body-blob -> $image {
        # Save it; produce no content

The block signature may use Raku signatures in order to unpack the data that was submitted. This is useful to, for example, unpack a JSON object:

post -> 'product' {
    request-body -> (:$name!, :$description!, :$price!) {
        # Do stuff here...

In the event that the signature cannot be bound, an exception will be thrown that results in a 400 Bad Request response. This means that signatures may be used to do basic validation of the request body also.

In the event that request-body, request-body-text, or request-body-blob are passed a Pair, the key will be taken as a media type to be matched against the Content-type header of the request. Any parameters on the media type will be ignored (for example, a Content-type header of text/plain; charset=UTF-8 will only have the text/plain part considered). If the request does not match the Content-type, then an exception will be thrown that results in a 404 Bad Request response.

post -> 'product' {
    request-body 'application/json' => -> (:$name!, :$description!, :$price!) {
        # Do stuff here...

If multiple arguments are given, then they will be tried in order until one matches, with an exception thrown that results in a 400 Bad Request response if none match. The arguments may be Blocks, Pairs, or a mixture. This allows switching on Content-type of the request body:

put -> 'product', $id, 'image' {
        'image/gif' => -> $gif {
        'image/jpeg' => -> $jpeg {

Or switching on Content-type, but providing a block at the end as a fallback:

put -> 'product', $id, 'image' {
        'image/gif' => -> $gif {
        'image/jpeg' => -> $jpeg {
            bad-request 'text/plain', 'Only gif or jpeg allowed';

If the parameter of the body block has either a type constraint, a where constraint, or a sub-signature, then this will be tested to see if it matches the body object. If it does not, then the next alternative will be tried. This allows for pattern-matching on the structure and content of some incoming data:

post -> 'log' {
        -> (:$level where 'error', :$message!) {
            # Process errors specially
        -> (:$level!, :$message!) {
            # Process other levels

Adding custom request body parsers

By default, five body parsers are provided for requests:

  • Cro::HTTP::BodyParser::WWWFormUrlEncoded - used whenever the content-type is application/x-www-form-urlencoded; parses the form data and provides it as an instance of Cro::HTTP::Body::WWWFormUrlEncoded

  • Cro::HTTP::BodyParser::MultiPartFormData - used whenever the content-type is multipart/form-data; parses the multipart document and provides it as an instance of Cro::HTTP::Body::MultiPartFormData

  • Cro::HTTP::BodyParser::JSON - used whenever the content-type is either application-json or anything with a +json suffix; parses the data using the JSON::Fast module, which returns a Hash or Array

  • Cro::HTTP::BodyParser::TextFallback - used whenever the content-type has a type text (for example, text/plain, text/html); uses body-text

  • Cro::HTTP::BodyParser::BlobFallback - used as a last resort and will match any message; uses body-blob

Cro can be extended with further body parsers, which would implement the Cro::HTTP::BodyParser role. These can be added globally by passing them when setting up Cro::HTTP::Server. They can also be applied within the scope of a route block:

my $app = route {
    body-parser My::Custom::BodyParser;

    post -> 'product' {
        request-body -> My::Type $body {

Here, a body parser My::Custom::BodyParser has been used, which presumably produces objects of type My::Type. This might be used from anything, from using a YAML or XML parser up to parsing requests into application-specific domain objects.

Producing responses

Before calling the request handler, the router creates a Cro::HTTP::Response object. The default response is 204 No Content, or 200 OK if a body is set. This object can be accessed using the response term. Therefore, responses may be produced by calling methods on the response term:

my $app = route {
    get -> 'test' {
        given response {
            .append-header('Content-type', 'text/html');
            .set-body: q:to/HTML/;
                <h1>Did you know...</h1>
                  Aside from fingerprints, everyone has a unique tongue print
                  too. Lick to login could really be a thing.

This can be rather long-winded, so the router module also exports various routines that take care of the most common cases of forming responses.

The header routine calls response.append-header. It can accept two strings (name and value), a single string of the form Name: value, or an instance of Cro::HTTP::Header.

The content routine takes a content type and the data that should make up the body of the response. The data will be processed by a body serializer. The default set of body serializers in effect allow for:

  • Setting the content-type to application/json or any media type with the +json suffix, and provided a body that can be handled by JSON::Fast

  • Providing a Str body, which will be encoded according to any charset parameter in the content-type

  • Providing a Blob, which will be used as the body

  • Providing a Supply, which will be taken to mean the body will produced over time; unless a content-length header has been set explicitly, then the response will be sent with the chunked transfer coding

Therefore, a simple HTML response can be written as:

my $app = route {
    get -> 'test' {
        content 'text/html', q:to/HTML/;
            <h1>Did you know...</h1>
              Aside from fingerprints, everyone has a unique tongue print
              too. Lick to login could really be a thing.

The created routine is used to respond to POST requests that create a new resource. It results in a HTTP 201 response. It can take either:

  • A single positional argument specifying the location of the created resource, which will be used to populate the Location header

  • Three positional arguments. The first will be used to set the Location header; the remaining two will be passed on to the content routine. This is for convenience, saving a call to created followed a call to content.

The redirect routine is used for redirects. It takes a single positional argument specifying the URL to redirect to, which it places into the Location response header. By default, redirect will result in a HTTP 307 temporary redirect. The :permanent named parameter may be used to indicate that a HTTP 308 permanent redirect should be done instead. For documentation purposes, it is possible to pass :temporary. Alternatively, :see-other may be used to achieve a HTTP 303 response; this is temporary, but indicates that a GET request should be performed on the target rather than preserving the original request method.

my $app = route {
    get -> 'testing' {
        redirect :permanent, '/test';

For a redirect response including a body, the three-argument form of the redirect routine may be used; the second two arguments will be used to call content (and so this is precisely equivalent to calling content after redirect).

Further routines exist for the most common HTTP error codes. These all take either zero arguments or two arguments; the two-argument form passes its two arguments on to content after setting the status code. They are:

  • not-found, for HTTP 404 Not Found

  • bad-request, for HTTP 400 Bad Request

  • forbidden, for HTTP 403 Forbidden

  • conflict, for HTTP 409 Conflict

If the request handler evaluates to ... (that is, the Raku syntax for stub code), then a HTTP 510 Not Implemented response will be produced. If evaluating the route handler produces an exception, then the exception will be passed on. It will then typically be handled by the response serializer, which will produce a HTTP 500 Internal Server Error response, however other middleware may be inserted to change what happens (for example, serving custom error pages).

All other response codes are produced by explicitly setting response.status.

Serving static content from files

The static routine is used to serve static content from a file. It sets the content of the request body to the content of the file being served, and the content type according to the extension of the file.

In its simplest form, static serves an individual file:

get -> {
    static 'www/index.html';

In its multi-argument form, it treats the first argument as a base directory, and then slurps the remaining arguments and treats them as path segments to append to the base directory. This is useful for serving content from a base directory:

get -> 'css', *@path {
    static 'css', @path;

This form will never serve content outside of the base directory; a path that tries to do ../ tricks shall not be able to escape. The base can also be specified as an IO::Path object.

For either of these forms, if no file is found then a HTTP 404 response will be served. If the path resolves to anything that is not a normal file (such as a directory) or a file that cannot be read, then a HTTP 403 response will be served instead.

The default set of file extension to MIME type mappings are derived from the list provided with the Apache web server. If no mapping is found, the content type will be set to application/octet-stream. To provide extras or to override the default, pass a hash of mappings to the mime-types named argument.

get -> 'downloads', *@path {
    static 'files', @path, mime-types => {
        'foo' => 'application/x-foo'

To serve an index file when a directory is requested (so, for example, a request to content/foo/ would serve downloads/foo/index.html), pass the indexes named argument, specifying the filenames that should be considered:

get -> 'content', *@path {
    static 'static-data/content', @path,
        :indexes<index.html index.htm>;

Serving static content from resources

Those who wish for their web applications to be installable using standard Raku installation tools, such as zef, should serve static content from the distribution resources instead of files. First, the resources-from routine must be used to associate the correct %?RESOURCES with the route block. Then, the resource routine can be used to serve resources.

my $app = route {
    resources-from %?RESOURCES;

    get -> {
        # An exact resource
        resource 'static/index.html';

    get -> 'css', *@path {
        # Concatenate the css prefix with the other path parts to form
        # the resource path
        resource 'css', @path;

The mime-types and indexes options work as for static.

Adding custom response body serializers

Custom body serializers implement the Cro::BodySerializer role. They can decide when they are applicable by considering the type of the body and/or the response headers (most typically the content-type header).

Body serializers can be applied when configuring Cro::HTTP::Server, in which case they will be applicable to all requests. They may also be applied within a given route block:

my $app = route {
    body-serializer Custom::Serializer::YAML;

    get -> 'userlevels' {
        content 'application/yaml', <reader moderator producer admin>;

Setting response cachability

The cache-control sub provides a convenient way to set the Cache-control header in the HTTP response, which controls whether, and for how long, the response may be cached. If there already is a cache control header, it will be removed and a new one added as specified.

The cache-control sub may be passed the following named parameters:

  • :public - may be stored by any cache

  • :private - may only be stored by a single-user cache (for example, in the browser)

  • :no-cache - cache entry may never be used without checking if it's still valid

  • :no-store - response may never even be stored in a cache

  • :max-age(600) - how old the content can become before the cache should evict it

  • :s-maxage(600) - as for maxage but applies only to shared caches

  • :must-revalidate - the response may not be used after the max-age has passed

  • :proxy-revalidate - same as must-revalidate but for shared proxies

  • :no-transform - the response must not be transformed (e.g. recompressing images)

It will emit a single Cache-control header with the options comma-separated.

A typical usage to cache image assets for up to 10 minutes in any cache would be:

cache-control :public, :max-age(600);

This could be used with static file serving:

get -> 'css', *@path {
    cache-control :public, :max-age(300);
    static 'css', @path;

To state a response should never be stored in a cache, it is in theory enough to state:

cache-control :no-store;

However, given differing interpretations by different user-agents, it is wise to instead use:

cache-control :no-store, :no-cache;

Push Promises

HTTP/2.0 allows the response to include push promises. A push promise is used to push content associated with the response to the client. For example, CSS, JavaScript, or images needed for a page might be pushed, so as to save the client from needing to request them as it parses the page.

The push-promise function provided by the router is the most convenient way to include a push promise with the current response. The simplest approach is to call it with the route of the resource to respond with:

get -> {
    push-promise '/css/main.css';
    content 'text/html', $some-content;
get -> 'css', *@path {
    cache-control :public, :max-age(300);
    static 'assets/css', @path;

In the case that the route is reached via an include or delegate with a prefix, the leading / will be interpreted as relative the enclosing route block (put another way, any prefixes will be prepended to form the URL that is being promised).

Push promises are processed like requests; they are emitted by the HTTP/2.0 message parser, and thus will go through all middleware that a normal request would.

By default, no headers are included in the push promise request. To include them, pass the headers named parameter, with either a Hash or a List of Pair (the latter form exists in case header ordering or multiple headers of the same name are desired). To simply pass on any headers as they appear in the request currently being processed, use * as the value; if the current request doesn't have such a header, it will not be included into the push promise.

get -> {
    push-promise '/js/strings.js', headers => {
        Accept-language => *
    content 'text/html', $some-content;

In the case that the request currently being processed was not a HTTP/2.0 request, the push-promise function does nothing.

Composing routers

For any non-trivial service, defining all of the routes and their handlers in a single file will become difficult to manage. With include, it is possible to move them out to different modules. For example, a module OurService::Products could be written as follows:

sub product-routes() is export {
    route {
        get -> 'products' { ... }
        get -> 'products', uint32 $id { ... }
        # ...

And then its routes included into a top-level routing table:

use OurService::Products;

my $app = route {
    get -> { ... }
    include product-routes;

This is still a little repetitive due to every route in the module having to include products at the start of its routes. So, refactoring the module as:

sub product-routes() is export {
    route {
        get -> { ... }
        get -> uint32 $id { ... }
        # ...

The URL structure could be preserved by including it with a prefix:

use OurService::Products;

my $app = route {
    get -> { ... }
    include products => product-routes;

Note that multiple segment bases should be passed as a list, not as a string with a / in it (which would instead look for a URL-encoded '/' within a segment):

my $app = route {
    get -> { ... }
    include <catalogue products> => product-routes;

The include function can accept multiple routes or pairs, so there is no need to repetitively type include:

my $app = route {
    include products  => product-routes,
            forum     => forum-routes,

An include merges the included routes with those declared locally, meaning that they are considered together in a "flat" manner. This applies even when there is a prefix, meaning one can confidently factor route handlers out into modules. Prefixes are considered just as additional literal segments up front. A further welcome consequence of this design is that there will be no routing performance loss from splitting route handlers over multiple files.

If the including route block has body parsers and body serializers, they will be visible to the routes in the included route block also, making it possible to factor out use of body parsers and serializers. Body parsers and serializers declared by a route block that is being included will be preferred over those provided by an including route block.

The include operation can only be used to apply routes from another HTTP router constructed using Cro::HTTP::Router.

Delegating routes to another Cro::Transform

Using Cro::HTTP::Router isn't the only way to write a HTTP request handler. The router can delegate either a specific path, or all paths below a prefix, to any Cro::Transform that consumes a Cro::HTTP::Request and produces a Cro::HTTP::Response. It is used as follows:

my $app = route {
    # Delegate requests to /special to MyTransform
    delegate special => MyTransform;

    # Delegate requests to /multi/part/path to AnotherTransform
    delegate <multi part path> => AnotherTransform;

    # Delegate requests to /proxy *and* everything beneath it to ProxyTransform
    delegate <proxy *> =>;

It is possible to pass multiple pairs to a single delegate call, so the examples above could be expessed as:

my $app = route {
    delegate special           => MyTransform,
             <multi part path> => AnotherTransform,
             <proxy *>         =>|%some-config);

When using delegate, the Cro::HTTP::Request object will be shallow-copied, and the copy will have the prefix stripped from its target; this will also impact the return values of path and path-segments. The original-target, original-path, and original-path-segments methods return the original paths.

Since a route { } block makes an object that does Cro::Transform, it is possible to use it with delegate too. This has slightly different semantics from include: the request will first be routed based upon the prefix by the delegate, and then the route block that is delegated to will processs the request using the adjusted target:

my $app = route {
    delegate <first *> => route {
        get -> 'second' {
            note;            # /second
            note request.original-target;   # /first/second

The main reason to use delegate over include for composing route blocks is when wishing to only have authorization or session middleware act on some URLs.

Body parsers declared in the route block will be prefixed to the request's body parser selector before it is passed to the transform. Any body serializers declared in the route block will be prefixed to the body serializer selector of the response produced by the transform.

Applying middleware in a route block

Note: The semantics described here are for Cro 0.8.0 and above. Earlier versions lacked the current before and after semantics, and instead their before and after had the semantics now provided by before-matched and after-matched.

In Cro, middleware is a component in the request processing pipeline. It may be installed at the server level (see Cro::HTTP::Server for more), but also per route block using the before, before-matched, after, and after-matched functions. For readers new to middleware in Cro, the HTTP middleware guide gives an overview of what middleware is, and the trade-offs between the different ways of writing and using HTTP middleware in Cro.

The before function is used to have middleware applied before the route block is processed. Similarly, after applies the middleware after the route block has been processed. Therefore:

my $app = route {
    before SomeMiddleware;
    after SomeOtherMiddleware;
    get -> {
        content 'text/plain', 'Hello with middleware';

Is equivalent to:

my $routes = route {
    get -> {
        content 'text/plain', 'Hello with middleware';
my $app = Cro.compose(SomeMiddleware, $routes, SomeOtherMiddleware);

This is mainly useful when the middleware:

  • Might influence what routes match (for example, session and authorization middleware)

  • Should be executed whether or not any routes from the route block match

A route block which uses before and after cannot be used with include. The middleware should run before matching, however before matching it's not possible to know if one of the included routes would match. Use delegate instead.

By contrast, before-matched and after-matched specify middleware to be used only when a route has been matched. Therefore, it is possible to use include on a route block that uses them.

Therefore, the overall process can be seen as:

Run any before middleware
If a route matches then
    Run applicable before-matched middleware
    Run the route handler
    Run applicable after-matched middleware
Run any after middleware

Both before and before-matched may be called with any Cro::Transform that consumes a Cro::HTTP::Request and produces a Cro::HTTP::Request.

Both after and after-matched may be called with a Cro::Transform that consumes a Cro::HTTP::Response and produces a Cro::HTTP::Response.

It is allowed to use all of the middleware addition functions multiple times in a single route block, and the middleware will be added in the order that it appears.

As a convenience, the before, before-matched, after, and after-matched functions may be passed a Block. This will be invoked with the Cro::HTTP::Request or Cro::HTTP::Response object as an argument, and it can mutate the request or response (the return value of the block is ignored). The various response helper functions that are available inside of a route handler are also available, so adding an extra header to the response can be achieved by:

after {
    header 'Strict-transport-security', 'max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains'

In some cases, it is desirable for before middleware to itself produce the response. When using the block form, the response symbol and all functions that aid in producing responses are available. The before will be considered to have produced a response if, after it has run, the status of the response has been set. For example, producing a 403 Forbidden response to all requests not coming from the loopback interface could be achieved using:

before {
    forbidden unless .connection.peer-host eq '' | '::1';

A before actually inserts two pipeline components: one that runs the block, and one that outputs any "early" responses produced by the middleware. The latter component is inserted as if it were introducd by an after immediately after the before. This means that any after middleware specified prior to the before block making the early response will be skipped over.

# WRONG - the first `after` will be skipped over and so never see the 403
# Forbidden
after {
    if .status == 403 && !.has-body {
        content 'text/html', '<h1>Forbidden</h1>';
before {
    forbidden unless .request.connection.peer-host eq '' | '::1';

# CORRECT - the `after` is placed after any early response from the `before`
# is inserted into the output pipeline, and so will add the content to the
# response, as desired.
before {
    forbidden unless .request.connection.peer-host eq '' | '::1';
after {
    if .status == 403 && !.has-body {
        content 'text/html', '<h1>Forbidden</h1>';

When include is used, the before-matched middleware of the including route block will be applied ahead of any middleware in the target of the include, and the after-matched middleware of the including route block will be applied after the target of the include. Effectively, the middleware of the including route block wraps around those of the included.

Wrapping route handlers

The around function can be used at route-block level to wrap all handlers within that route block. This could be used to provide uniform exception handling across a set of request handlers.

my $application = route {
    around -> &handler {
        # Invoke the route handler
        CATCH {
            # If any handler produces this exception...
            when Some::Domain::Exception::UpdatingOldVersion {
                # ...return a HTTP 409 Conflict response.

Both request and response are available inside of an around handler. At the point it is called, the handler to call and its arguments will already have been determined. The most you can do is choose not to invoke the handler. Unlike with after-matched middleware, the default mapping of unhandled exceptions to a 500 status code will not have been performed yet, making it a good place to factor out mapping of domain exceptions into HTTP errors.

The first around call will be the innermost wrapping. Wrappings from an included route block will be considered inner to those in the route block doing the include. If one around handler throws an exception, another handler outer to it may catch it. Unlike with middleware, around handlers are not considered pipeline components.

cro v0.8.8

Libraries and tools for building reactive services in Raku. This installs the cro command line and web tool, along with HTTP (including HTTPS and HTTP/2.0) and WebSocket support.


  • Jonathan Worthington





Test Dependencies


  • Cro::Tools::CLI
  • Cro::Tools::CroFile
  • Cro::Tools::Link::Editor
  • Cro::Tools::LinkTemplate
  • Cro::Tools::LinkTemplate::HTTP
  • Cro::Tools::LinkTemplate::HTTPS
  • Cro::Tools::LinkTemplate::WS
  • Cro::Tools::LinkTemplate::WSS
  • Cro::Tools::Runner
  • Cro::Tools::Serve
  • Cro::Tools::Services
  • Cro::Tools::Template
  • Cro::Tools::Template::Common
  • Cro::Tools::Template::HTTPService
  • Cro::Tools::Template::ReactReduxSPA
  • Cro::Tools::Template::ZeroMQWorkSinkService
  • Cro::Tools::Template::ZeroMQWorkerService
  • Cro::Tools::TemplateLocator
  • Cro::Tools::Web

The Camelia image is copyright 2009 by Larry Wall. "Raku" is trademark of the Yet Another Society. All rights reserved.