

The Cro::HTTP::Client class provides a flexible asynchronous HTTP and HTTPS client, scaling from simple to more complex use cases. It can be consumed in two ways:

  • By making calls on the type object (Cro::HTTP::Client.get($url)). This is good for one-off requests, but does not provide connection re-use when making multiple requests to the same server (such as by using HTTP/1.1 persistent connections or HTTP/2.0 mutliplexing).

  • By making an instance of Cro::HTTP::Client. By default, this enables re-use of a pool of connections (HTTP/1.1) or multiplexing (HTTP/2.0). It may also be configured with a default base URL, default authorization data to pass along, and even middleware to insert into the request/response processing pipeline. An instance of Cro::HTTP::Client may be used concurrently.

In general, if you are going to make a one-off request, just use the type object. If you are going to make many requests to the same server or set of servers, make an instance.

By default, a HTTPS request will use ALPN to negotiate whether to do HTTP/2 or HTTP/1.1, and a HTTP request will always use HTTP/1.1.

Making basic requests

The get, post, put, delete, patch and head methods may be called on either the type object or an instance of Cro::HTTP::Client. They will all return a Promise, which will be kept if the request is successful or broken if an error occurs.

my $resp = await Cro::HTTP::Client.get('');

The response will be provided as a Cro::HTTP::Response object. It will be produced as soon as the request headers are available; the body may not yet have been received.

If making an instance of Cro::HTTP::Client, a base URI may be specified. The URI passed to request methods will be appended to the base URI using the relative URI resolution algorithm.

my $client = => "");
await $client.get('added');             #
await $client.get('/rooted');           #
await $client.get('');   #

Error handling

By default, error responses (4xx and 5xx status codes) will result in an exception that does the X::Cro::HTTP::Error role. Such exceptions have a response property containing the Cro::HTTP::Response object.

my $resp = await Cro::HTTP::Client.delete($product-url);
    when X::Cro::HTTP::Error {
        if .response.status == 404 {
            say "Product not found!";
        else {
            say "Unexpected error: $_";

The actual exception type will be either X::Cro::HTTP::Error::Client for 4xx errors, and X::Cro::HTTP::Error::Server for 5xx errors (which is useful when setting up retries that should distinguish server errors from client errors).

The exception also has a request property, which provides access to the Cro::HTTP::Request that was sent.

my $resp = await Cro::HTTP::Client.get($url);
    when X::Cro::HTTP::Error {
        say "Problem fetching " ~;

This method simply delegates to .response.request, since each response object has the request that was sent attached to it. In the event of a redirect, the request object will be that of the redirected request, not the originally sent request.

Setting the user agent

By default, Cro::HTTP::Client sends a User-agent header with the value Cro. This can be done at the request level:

my $resp = await Cro::HTTP::Client.get: '',
    user-agent => 'MyCrawler v42';

Or set at construction time when making an instance of the client, in which case it will be used for all requests (unless overridden in a specific request):

my $client =
    user-agent => 'MyCrawler v42';

To suppress sending a User-agent header, pass either False, Nil, or the empty string.

Adding extra request headers

One or more headers can be set for a request by passing an array to the headers named argument. It may contain either Pair objects, instances of Cro::HTTP::Header, or a mix of the two.

my $resp = await Cro::HTTP::Client.get: '',
    headers => [
        referer => '',
            name => 'X-MyCustomHeader',
            value => 'pancake'

If the headers should be added to all requests, they can be set by default at construction time:

my $client =
    headers => [
        X-MyCustomHeader => 'strudel'

Adding query string parameters

Query string parameters can be added to the request by passing the query named argument. It can be either a list of Pairs or a Hash. Both keys and values will be encoded.

my $resp = await Cro::HTTP::Client.get: '',
    query => { location => 'Chengdu', maxweight => 90 };

Setting the request body

To give the request a body, pass the body named argument. The content-type named argument should typically be passed too, to indicate the type of the body. For example, a request with a JSON body can be sent as:

my %panda = name => 'Bao Bao', eats => 'bamboo';
my $resp = await '',
    content-type => 'application/json',
    body => %panda;

If writing a client for a JSON API, it may become tedious to set the content type on every request. In this case, it can be set when constructing an instance of the client, and used by default (note that it will only be used if a body is set):

# Configure with JSON content type.
my $client = content-type => 'application/json';

# And later get it added by default.
my %panda = name => 'Bao Bao', eats => 'bamboo';
my $resp = await $ '', body => %panda;

The Cro::HTTP::Client class uses a Cro::BodySerializer in order to serialize request bodies for sending. Besides JSON, there are body parsers encoding and sending a Str:

my $resp = await '',
    content-type => 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8',
    body => "99% of a Panda's diet consists of bamboo";

A Blob:

my $resp = await Cro::HTTP::Client.put: '',
    content-type => 'image/jpeg',
    body => slurp('baobao.jpg', :bin);

Form data formatted according to application/x-www-form-urlencoded (this is the default in a web browser):

my $resp = await '',
    content-type => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
    # Can use a Hash; an Array of Pair allows multiple values per name
    body => [
        name => 'Bao Bao',
        eats => 'bamboo'

Or form data formatted according to multipart/form-data (this is used in web browsers for forms that contain file uploads):

my $resp = await '',
    content-type => 'multipart/form-data',
    body => [
        # Simple pairs for simple form values
        name => 'Bao Bao',
        eats => 'bamboo',
        # For file uploads, make a part object
            headers => [
                name => 'Content-type',
                value => 'image/jpeg'
            name => 'photo',
            filename => 'baobao.jpg',
            body-blob => slurp('baobao.jpg', :bin)

To replace the set of body serializers that a client will use, pass an array of them when constructing an instance of Cro::HTTP::Client using the body-serializers named argument:

use Cro::HTTP::BodySerializers;

my $client =
    body-serializers => [

To instead retain the existing set of body serializers and add some new ones (which will have higher precedence), use add-body-serializers:

my $client =
    add-body-serializers => [ My::BodySerializer::XML ];

It is also possible to have the body come from a stream of bytes by passing a Supply to body-byte-stream.

my $resp = await '',
    content-type => 'application/octet-stream',
    body-byte-stream => $supply;

The body and body-byte-stream arguments cannot be used together; trying to do so will result in a X::Cro::HTTP::Client::BodyAlreadySet exception.

Getting the response body

The response body is always provided asynchronously, either by a Promise (if requesting the enitre body) or a Supply (when the body is to be delivered as it arrives).

The body method returns a Promise that will be kept when the body has been received and parsed.

my $resp = await Cro::HTTP::Client.get($some-json-api-url);
my $json = await $resp.body;

The body method will offer the response to each available body parser, and returns a Promise that will be kept when the first applicable body parser has completely parsed the body. The default body parsers available are:

  • JSON, which will be used when the Content-type header is either application/json or uses the +json suffix. JSON::Fast will be used to perform the parsing.

  • String fallback, which is used when the Content-type type is text/*. A Str will be returned.

  • Blob fallback, which is used in all other cases and returns a Blob with the body.

A Cro::HTTP::Client instance can be configured either with a replacement set of body parsers by passing the body-parsers argument:

use Cro::HTTP::BodyParsers;

my $client =
    body-parsers => [

Or to prepend extra body parsers to the default set, use add-body-parsers:

my $client =
    add-body-parsers => [ My::BodyParser::XML ];

To get the response body as a Supply that will emit the bytes as they arrive over the network, use the body-byte-stream method:

react {
    whenever $resp.body-byte-stream -> $chunk {
        say "Got chunk: $chunk.gist()";

To get the entire response body as a Blob, use the body-blob method:

my Blob $body = await $resp.body-blob();

To get the entire response body as a Str, use the body-text method:

my Str $body = await $resp.body-text();

This method will look at the Content-type header to see if a charset is specified, and decode the body using that. Otherwise, it will see if the body starts with a BOM and rely on that. If it is not passed, the a heuristic will be used: if the body can be decoded as utf-8 then it will be deemed to be utf-8, and failing that it will be decoded as latin-1 (which can never fail as all bytes are valid).


By default, cookies in the response are ignored. However, constructing a Cro::HTTP::Client with the :cookie-jar option (that is, passing True) will create an instance of Cro::HTTP::Client::CookieJar. This will be used to store all cookies set in responses. Relevant cookies will automatically be included in follow-up requests.

my $client =;

Cookie relevance is determiend by considering host, path, and the Secure extension. Cookies that have passed their expiration date for maximum age will automatically be removed from the cookie jar.

It is also possible to pass in an instance of Cro::HTTP::Client::CookieJar, which makes it possible to share one cookie jar amongst several instances of the client (or to pass in a subclass that adds extra features).

my $jar =;
my $client = => $jar);
my $json-client =
    cookie-jar => $jar,
    content-type => 'application/json';

To include a particular set of cookies with a request, pass them in a hash using the cookies named argument when making a reuqest:

my $resp = await $client.get: '',
    cookies => {
        session => $fake-session-id

Cookies passed in this way will override any cookies from a cookie jar.

To get the cookies set by a response, use the cookies method on the Cro::HTTP::Response object, which returns a List of Cro::HTTP::Cookie objects.

Following redirects

By default, Cro::HTTP::Client will follow HTTP redirect responses, with a limit of 5 redirects being enforced in order to avoid circular redirects. If there are more than 5 redirections, X::Cro::HTTP::Client::TooManyRedirects will be thrown.

This behavior can be configured when constructing a new Cro::HTTP::Client or on a per-request basis, with the per-request setting overriding the behavior configured at construction time. In either case, it is done using the follow named argument.

:follow         # follow redirects (up to 5 times per request)
:!follow        # never follow redirects
:follow(2)      # follow redirects (up to 2 times per request)
:follow(10)     # follow redirects (up to 10 times per request)

The 301, 307 and 308 redirects are treated identically at this time; no caching of permanent redirects takes place. They retain the original request method. 302 and 303 instead cause a GET request to be issued, regardless of the original request method.

The .request property of the response object will refer to the final request that was issued after a redirect (or sequence of redirects). Therefore, to get the URI that a request was eventually redirected to, use the .uri property of that request object.

my $resp = await Cro::HTTP::Client.get($some-url);
say "Eventually requested $resp.request.uri()";


Both basic authentication and bearer authentication are supported directly by Cro::HTTP::Client. These can be configured when instantiating the client, or per request (which will override that configured on the instance).

For basic authentication, pass the auth option with a hash containing a username and a password.

auth => {
    username => $user,
    password => $password

For bearer authentication, pass the auth option with a hash containing a bearer:

auth => { bearer => $jwt }

Failing to pass precisely either username and password or bearer will result in an X::Cro::Client::InvalidAuth exception.

In both cases, the authentication information will be sent immediately with the request. In order to only have it sent if the server responds to the initial request with a 401 response, set the if-asked option to True.

auth => {
    username => $user,
    password => $password,
    if-asked => True

TLS configuration

The ca argument, passed either at construction time or to a request method, is used to provide TLS configuration. Its primary use is for providing a custom CA certificate:

my $client =
    ca => { ca-file => 't/certs-and-keys/ca-crt.pem' };

However, the hash may contain any arguments that the connect method of the TLS module accepts. Of note, one can disable certificate checking by passing the insecure option:

my $client = await Cro::HTTP::Client.get: 'https://badly-configur.ed/',
    ca => { :insecure };

As the name suggests, this is not a secure configuration; transmissions are encrypted, but there's no checking that the server is who it claims to be.


By default, Cro::HTTP::Client will honor the HTTP_PROXY, HTTPS_PROXY and NO_PROXY enrivonment variables. It is also possible to pass the http-proxy and/or https-proxy named arguments when constructing Cro::HTTP::Client; these will be used for all requests made with that instance (and take preference over any proxy found via the environment, and furthermore cause NO_PROXY to be disregarded).

It is not possible to override the proxy at a per-request level. There is no mechanism to ignore the HTTP_PROXY or HTTPS_PROXY environment variables, however one could delete them from %*ENV if needed.

Persistent connections

An instance of Cro::HTTP::Client will use persistent connections by default. When many requests are being made to the same server, this can enable better throughput by not requiring a new connection to be established each time. To not use persisted connections, pass :!persistent to the constructor. When using the type object (for example, Cro::HTTP::Client.get($url), then no persistent connection cache will be used.


By default, Cro::HTTP::Client enforces:

  • A 60s timeout on establishing a connection to the target server

  • A 60s timeout on receiving the response headers once a connection has been established and the request sent

  • No timeout on receiving the entire response body

  • No overall bounding timeout for the entire HTTP request/response

These can be configured by passing the timeout setting, either at an instance or per-request level. One may pass:

  • A Real value, which will be interpreted as the total number of seconds for the entire HTTP request/response (including the body being downloaded). This will not increase the default connection and headers timeouts, however they will be clipped to the total time budget if it is smaller.

  • A hash with the keys connection, headers, body, and total (any not provided will have the default values of 60, 60, Inf, and Inf) respectively.

  • An object that does the Cro::Policy::Timeout role, should one wish to implement a more complex scheme.

In the case persistent connections are being used:

  • For HTTP/1.1, the connection will be closed in the event of any timeout

  • For HTTP/2.0, in the event of a body timeout, only the individual stream will be reset, and the connection left intact

HTTP version

The :http option can be passed, either at construction or per request, to control which versions of HTTP should be used. It can be passed a single item or list. Valid options are 1.1 (which will implicitly handle HTTP/1.0 too) and 2.

:http<1.1>      # HTTP/1.1 only
:http<2>        # HTTP/2 only
:http<1.1 2>    # HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2 (HTTPS only; selected by ALPN)

The default is :http<1.1> for a HTTP request, and :http<1.1 2> for a HTTPS request. It is not legal to use :http<1.1 2> with a HTTP connection, as ALPN is the only supported mechanism for deciding which protocol to use.

Push promises

HTTP/2.0 provides push promises, which allow the server to push extra resources to the client as part of the response. By default, Cro::HTTP::Client will instruct the remote server to not send push promises. To opt in to this feature, either:

  • If making an instance of Cro::HTTP::Client, pass :push-promises to the constructor to enable them for all requests made with the client instance

  • Otherwise, pass :push-promises when making a request (for example, to the get method). However, when using HTTP/2.0, it's usually wise to make an instance and re-use the connection for many requests.

Push promises are obtained by calling the push-promises method of the Cro::HTTP::Response object that the request produces. This returns a Supply that emits an instance of Cro::HTTP::PushPromise for each push promise the server sends. Each of those in turn has a response property that returns a Promise that will be kept with a Cro::HTTP::Response object when the push promise is fulfilled.

Making a request and obtaining all push promises can therefore be achieved as follows:

react {
    my $client =;
    my $response = await $client.get($url);
    whenever $response.push-promises -> $prom {
        whenever $prom.response -> $resp {
            say "Push promise for $ had status $resp.status()";

Custom HTTP methods

The get, post, put, delete, patch and head methods are convenience forms of the more general request method, which takes the HTTP request method as a first argument. The request method can be used to make requests with other HTTP methods. For example, making a request with the LINK method can be achieved using:

my $resp = await Cro::HTTP::Client.request('LINK', $url);

This may also be useful if the request method to use is held in a variable.


To debug problems with the Cro HTTP client, or to understand in more detail exactly what is being sent and received, set CRO_TRACE=1 in the environment. (Note that this turns on tracing for all Cro components, not just the client.)

Long binary blobs (such as dumps of the TCP packets arriving) will be truncated in the debug output. To raise the limit, put something like CRO_TRACE_MAX_BINARY_DUMP=8192 in the environment (you may wish to pick a higher value).

cro v0.8.8

Libraries and tools for building reactive services in Raku. This installs the cro command line and web tool, along with HTTP (including HTTPS and HTTP/2.0) and WebSocket support.


  • Jonathan Worthington





Test Dependencies


  • Cro::Tools::CLI
  • Cro::Tools::CroFile
  • Cro::Tools::Link::Editor
  • Cro::Tools::LinkTemplate
  • Cro::Tools::LinkTemplate::HTTP
  • Cro::Tools::LinkTemplate::HTTPS
  • Cro::Tools::LinkTemplate::WS
  • Cro::Tools::LinkTemplate::WSS
  • Cro::Tools::Runner
  • Cro::Tools::Serve
  • Cro::Tools::Services
  • Cro::Tools::Template
  • Cro::Tools::Template::Common
  • Cro::Tools::Template::HTTPService
  • Cro::Tools::Template::ReactReduxSPA
  • Cro::Tools::Template::ZeroMQWorkSinkService
  • Cro::Tools::Template::ZeroMQWorkerService
  • Cro::Tools::TemplateLocator
  • Cro::Tools::Web

The Camelia image is copyright 2009 by Larry Wall. "Raku" is trademark of the Yet Another Society. All rights reserved.