

The Cro::HTTP::Request class does the Cro::HTTP::Message role, which provides methods for working with headers and the request body. This class adds functionality specific to HTTP requests.

Request method and target

The method property can be used to get or set the HTTP request method (such as GET or POST). The target property can be used to get or set the request target. This typically contains a path and optionally a query string part.

Working directly with the target is usually not convenient, so there are a range of methods for accessing it. These read-only methods include:

  • path, which gets the path part of the target without performing any kind of decoding

  • path-segments, which gets a List of the path segments (for /foo/bar it would give a list 'foo', 'bar') and decodes any % escapes

  • query, which gets the query part of the target without performing any kind of decoding

  • query-hash, which gets a Hash mapping keys in the query string to values; if there are multiple values for a key, Cro::HTTP::MultiValue is returned (which inherits from List but stringifies to the values comma separated)

  • query-value($key) - looks up a value in the query-hash

Full request URI

The uri method returns the full request URI as an instance of Cro::Uri. In the case of a client side request, it is the URI that was requested. In the case of a server side request, the URI is reconstructed using available information, such as the host header or - should that be missing - the remote host and port information from the underlying socket.

Underlying connection

The connection method returns the underlying connection, which - in the context of a HTTP server - will be either a Cro::TCP::Connection or a Cro::TLS::Connection. Either way, that object has peer-host and peer-port methods, which can be used to obtain the host and port of the client making the request.

note "Request from {.peer-host}:{.peer-port}" given request.connection;


Cookies in a request are placed in a single Cookie header. This is somewhat inconvenient to work with, and so Cro::HTTP::Request provides higher level methods for working with cookies also.

Accessing cookies

The has-cookie($name) method checks if there is a cookie with the specified name. The name is matched case-sensitively. If there is a cookie with this name, True is returned; otherwise, False is returned.

The cookie-value($name) method retrieves the value of the cookie with specified name, matched case-sensitively. If there is no cookie with this name, Nil is returned.

The cookie-hash method returns a Hash mapping cookie names to cookie values. Note that mutation of the returned hash has no affect upon the Cro::HTTP::Request object.

Manipulating cookies

The add-cookie method has two multi candidates:

  • set-cookie(Cro::HTTP::Cookie) - adds or updates any existing Cookie header line to include the cookie name and value specified in the Cro::HTTP::Cookie instance. If there is already a cookie with that name in the Cookie header value, it will be replaced with the new value.

  • add-cookie(Str $name, Str() $value) - creates a Cro::HTTP::Cookie instance from specified name and value (to ensure they do not contain any disallowed characters), and delegate to the first add-cookie candidate

The remove-cookie($name) method removes the cookie with the specified name from the Cookie header, provided such a cookie exists. It returns True if a cookie was actually removed, and False otherwise.


Calling the Str method on a Cro::HTTP::Request will serialize the request line and headers, giving the HTTP/1.* wire representation of the message but excluding the body.

cro v0.8.8

Libraries and tools for building reactive services in Raku. This installs the cro command line and web tool, along with HTTP (including HTTPS and HTTP/2.0) and WebSocket support.


  • Jonathan Worthington





Test Dependencies


  • Cro::Tools::CLI
  • Cro::Tools::CroFile
  • Cro::Tools::Link::Editor
  • Cro::Tools::LinkTemplate
  • Cro::Tools::LinkTemplate::HTTP
  • Cro::Tools::LinkTemplate::HTTPS
  • Cro::Tools::LinkTemplate::WS
  • Cro::Tools::LinkTemplate::WSS
  • Cro::Tools::Runner
  • Cro::Tools::Serve
  • Cro::Tools::Services
  • Cro::Tools::Template
  • Cro::Tools::Template::Common
  • Cro::Tools::Template::HTTPService
  • Cro::Tools::Template::ReactReduxSPA
  • Cro::Tools::Template::ZeroMQWorkSinkService
  • Cro::Tools::Template::ZeroMQWorkerService
  • Cro::Tools::TemplateLocator
  • Cro::Tools::Web

The Camelia image is copyright 2009 by Larry Wall. "Raku" is trademark of the Yet Another Society. All rights reserved.