
% Game Type TODOs

Reviewed 2021-03-03 by japhb

These todo items represent the creation or refinement of entire game types, such as puzzle games or twitch arcade games.

Note: () indicates unimplemented, and may be marked so for an entire genre, particular games, or selected UIs for otherwise implemented games

  • General

    • Genre tags searchable by players

    • Support for skill rating

      • And skill matching?

  • Test

    • Simple "games" designed to help test MUGS itself

    • "Games"

      • Echo

        • (Optional transforms: testability and config error handling)

  • TurnBased ur-genre

    • Next turn hook, advanced enough to handle games with moving start player, changing order, repeated turns, non-integer turn lengths, etc.

    • Additional time limits: per turn and per character

  • Guessing -- CLI, WebSimple, (GTK, TUI, WebSPA, WebCanvas)

    • Games

      • NumberGuess -- CLI, WebSimple

      • Snowman -- CLI, WebSimple

      • (FourDigits)

  • CardGame

  • BoardGame

    • (Subgenres)

      • (Mancala)

      • (Checkerboard)

        • (Draughts/Checkers)

        • (Chesslike)

    • (Go)

  • (Puzzle)

    • Games

      • (?)

  • (SimpleArcade)

    • Will need to reduce latency for actions

    • Games

      • ("Snake game" -- GTK, TUI, WebCanvas)

        • (3D first person multiuser snake inside a cube -- WebGL)

      • (Side-scroller schmup -- TUI, WebCanvas)

      • (Side-scroller plaformer -- TUI, WebCanvas)

      • (In general, any 70's/80's-style arcade game, but NOT actual clones)

  • IF -- Interactive Fiction

    • WIP: Basic adventure -- CLI, (GTK, TUI, WebSimple)

      • Will need a good natural language parser

    • (MUD -- CLI, TUI, WebSimple)

  • (Roguelike)

    • (Single character -- TUI, WebCanvas)

    • (Party RPG -- TUI, WebCanvas)

  • (Social)

    • (Chat Room)

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