
% Caches and Invalidation

Reviewed 2021-03-03 by japhb


For performance and scalability reasons, some of the storage-authoritative or transient game data is cached in and served from server memory. For example, character objects for all characters that have joined a game are cached in the MUGS::Server::Game object residing in the MUGS::Server that is authoritative for that game.

There are (at least) three cache invalidation problems here:

#. When one session (whether player or admin) changes some global information, such as a character's identity details, that information should be quickly reflected in all games, sessions, and servers that share the same logical namespace/shard (which may be equivalent to sharing backing storage). #. Some games will be served by multiple servers working together, regardless of actual topology. These servers must all see the same state for shared game data, though some games may allow slight time skew before consistency guarantees kick in. (Thus an authoritative leader node or shared storage access may be required by some games while others can get by with an eventually-consistent network.) #. Some games will last long enough that their state will need to survive server restart or migration even of the authoritative leader node. For these, even game instance-specific data will need to be persist{able,ed} and cannot exist only within in-memory data structures.

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