
% Chain of Identity Rights

Reviewed 2021-03-03 by japhb


Administrator Rights

Rather than a single root-like superadmin account, MUGS uses a finer-grained admin rights system. A key feature of this system is that users do not hold ambient admin rights; trusted users merely have the right to request higher rights when needed, as if using sudo, and only within a particular scope. There exists a REQUEST_FOO_ADMIN grant in each appropriate scope for every FOO_ADMIN right, and even the most powerful users only carry these REQUEST grants normally.

For example, a root-like user would be granted REQUEST_*_ADMIN for all key *_ADMIN variants, but a user trusted only with account repair work would instead be granted only REQUEST_IDENTITY_ADMIN in the identity DB.

Universes and the Admin Bootstrap

The largest scope of admin rights is a single identity namespace, known as a MUGS "universe". A new universe is created with a single account, whose owner is granted REQUEST_META_ADMIN for that universe. From that point on, only users holding META_ADMIN can create widely-scoped admins of any type.

Likewise, only users holding SINGLE_ACCOUNT_META_ADMIN for a given account (which by default only the account owner can request) can define new narrowly-scoped admins in that account.

Finally, game creators are given default grants allowing them control of the games they have created, but the exact set depends on the universe config and any restrictions or rights that the game creating user had.

Admin Variants

The base widely-scoped admin rights are as follows:

META_ADMIN : Can grant REQUEST_*_ADMIN for any widely-scoped admin right in a given universe. To prevent DB_ADMIN or SERVER_ADMIN from effectively having META_ADMIN, the list of meta-admins is kept in the universe config -- outside the universe identity database and read-only to all server types.

DB_ADMIN : Full rights to change anything in a particular database, and thus total power over persisted state. Can perform low-level database repair and maintenance.

IDENTITY_ADMIN : Full rights to create or make modifications to any identity information in a particular identity database, including accounts, users, user credentials, user grants, personas, characters, etc.

SERVER_ADMIN : Full rights to change anything about a particular server's configuration or server-global state; ability to kick sessions, add users and endpoints to deny or allow lists; etc.

GAME_ADMIN : Full rights to create, delete, and control the configuration and state of any game known to a particular server.

There are also narrowly-scoped admin rights, held by individual account owners over their own account, game creators over games they created, and so on:

SINGLE_ACCOUNT_META_ADMIN : Rights to manage an individual account, its admins, and its identity info.

SINGLE_PERSONA_ADMIN : Rights to manage an individual persona and its characters.

SINGLE_GAME_ADMIN : Rights to manage a game owned (and usually created) by that user.

See Identity Rules below for more details on these narrowly-scoped admin rights.

Server Types

MUGS servers need not be a single monolithic binary; they can be split into smaller, more focused services for security (minimizing attack surface and potential damage if subverted) or scalability reasons.

The following assumes a full defense-in-depth, least-rights deployment. All log types are only writeable by server types that explicitly list them.

Login Server




  • Read and locally enforce anti-abuse configuration

  • Read identity and credential info sufficient for minimal login

  • Grant an expiring verifiable login ticket

  • XXXX: Redirect logged in user to appropriate Account Server?

  • Append to login logs


  • Read or write any other info

Account Server


  • Valid Login Server tickets


  • Create account/account-owner pairs

  • Read and write identity and credential info according to Identity Rules

  • Append to identity and credential logs


  • Read or write any game data/metadata

Game Admin Server


  • Valid Login Server tickets


  • Read identity info

  • Create, administer, and end games

  • Assign games to Game Play Servers

  • Read and write game metadata

  • XXXX: Direct joining users to correct Game Play Server?

  • Append to game admin logs


  • Read credential info

  • Write to any identity info

Game Play Server


  • Valid Login Server tickets

  • Game Admin Server


  • Read identity info (XXXX: Limit this?)

  • Serve games assigned to the server

  • Read game metadata for assigned games

  • Read and write game data for assigned games

  • Append to game play logs for assigned games


  • Read credential info

  • Read data or metadata for unassigned games

  • Write to any other types of data or metadata

Identity Rules

Account owners can:

  • Act as an admin for that account

  • Designate other users in the account as owners or admins

  • Revoke owner or admin status of other users in the account

Account admins can:

  • Set/reset credentials for users in that account

  • Create additional users in that account

  • Create personas in that account

Players with valid user credentials can:

  • Log on as that user

  • Add/change credentials for that user

Persona creators can:

  • Add authorized users from their account to that persona

  • Create and modify characters for that persona

Authorized persona users can:

  • Select that persona

  • Select any character in that persona

Characters can:

  • Join, play, and leave games

The Camelia image is copyright 2009 by Larry Wall. "Raku" is trademark of the Yet Another Society. All rights reserved.