
[Raku LibXML Project] / [LibXML Module] / PushParser

class LibXML::PushParser

LibXML based push parser


# Perl Compatible Interface
use LibXML;
use LibXML::Document;
my LibXML $parser .= new;
my $doc = $parser.finish-push;

# Raku
use LibXML::Document;
use LibXML::PushParser;
my LibXML::PushParser $push-parser .= new(
    :$chunk, :$path, :$sax-handler, :$html, |%parser-opts
my $doc = $parser.finish-push;


LibXML::PushParser provides a push parser interface. Rather than pulling the data from a given source the push parser waits for the data to be pushed into it.

This allows one to parse large documents without waiting for the parser to finish. The interface is especially useful if a program needs to pre-process the incoming pieces of XML (e.g. to detect document boundaries).

While the LibXML parse method require the data to be a well-formed XML, the push parser will take any arbitrary string that contains some XML data. The only requirement is that all the pushed strings are together a well formed document. With the push parser interface a program can interrupt the parsing process as required, where the parse-*() functions give not enough flexibility.

The push parser is not able to find out about the documents end itself. Thus the calling program needs to indicate explicitly when the parsing is done.

An initial chunk is usually supply to the push parser new method as a Str or Blob :$chunk option. This allows the push parser to detect encoding. Subsequent chunks may be supplied as types Str or Blob.


method parse-chunk (alias push)

multi method parse-chunk(Str $chunk, Bool :$terminate) returns Mu;
multi method parse-chunk(Blob $chunk, Bool :$terminate) returns Mu;
$parser.parse-chunk($string?, :$terminate);
$parser.parse-chunk($blob?, :$terminate);

parse-chunk() tries to parse a given chunk, or chunks of data, which isn't necessarily well balanced data. The function takes two parameters: The chunk of data as a Str or Blob and optional a termination flag. If the termination flag is set to a True, the parsing will be stopped and the resulting document will be returned as the following example describes:

my  LibXML::PushParser $push-parser .= new: :chunk("<foo");
for ' bar="hello world"', "/>" {
     $push-parser.parse-chunk( $_ );
my LibXML::Document $doc = $push-parser.finish-push; # terminate the parsing

Internally LibXML provides three functions that control the push parser process:

method append


This function pushes the data stored inside the array to libxml2's parser. Each entry in @chunks must be a Blob or Str. This method can be called repeatedly.

method finish-push

method finish-push( Str :$URI, Bool :$recover );

This function returns the result of the parsing process, usually a LibXML::Document object. If this function is called without a parameter it will complain about non well-formed documents. If :$recover is True, the push parser can be used to restore broken or non well formed (XML) documents as the following example shows:

try {
    $parser.push( "<foo>", "bar" );
    $doc = $parser.finish-push();    # will report broken XML
if ( $! ) {
   # ...

This can be annoying if the closing tag is missed by accident. The following code will restore the document:

try {
    $parser.push( "<foo>", "bar" );
    $doc = $parser.finish-push(:recover);   # will return the data parsed
                                      # unless an error happened

print $doc.Str(); # returns "<foo>bar</foo>"


2001-2007, AxKit.com Ltd.

2002-2006, Christian Glahn.

2006-2009, Petr Pajas.


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0 http://www.perlfoundation.org/artistic_license_2_0.

LibXML v0.6.12

Raku bindings to the libxml2 native library


  • David Warring





Test Dependencies


  • LibXML
  • LibXML::Attr
  • LibXML::Attr::Map
  • LibXML::Comment
  • LibXML::Config
  • LibXML::Dict
  • LibXML::Document
  • LibXML::DocumentFragment
  • LibXML::Dtd
  • LibXML::Dtd::AttrDecl
  • LibXML::Dtd::ElementContent
  • LibXML::Dtd::ElementDecl
  • LibXML::Dtd::Entity
  • LibXML::Dtd::Notation
  • LibXML::Element
  • LibXML::EntityRef
  • LibXML::Enums
  • LibXML::ErrorHandling
  • LibXML::HashMap
  • LibXML::HashMap::Maker
  • LibXML::InputCallback
  • LibXML::Item
  • LibXML::Namespace
  • LibXML::Node
  • LibXML::Node::List
  • LibXML::Node::Set
  • LibXML::PI
  • LibXML::Parser
  • LibXML::Parser::Context
  • LibXML::Pattern
  • LibXML::PushParser
  • LibXML::Raw
  • LibXML::Raw::DOM::Attr
  • LibXML::Raw::DOM::Document
  • LibXML::Raw::DOM::Element
  • LibXML::Raw::DOM::Node
  • LibXML::Raw::Defs
  • LibXML::Raw::Dict
  • LibXML::Raw::HashTable
  • LibXML::Raw::RelaxNG
  • LibXML::Raw::Schema
  • LibXML::Raw::TextReader
  • LibXML::Reader
  • LibXML::RegExp
  • LibXML::RelaxNG
  • LibXML::SAX
  • LibXML::SAX::Builder
  • LibXML::SAX::Handler
  • LibXML::SAX::Handler::SAX2
  • LibXML::SAX::Handler::SAX2::Locator
  • LibXML::SAX::Handler::XML
  • LibXML::Schema
  • LibXML::Text
  • LibXML::Types
  • LibXML::XPath::Context
  • LibXML::XPath::Expression
  • LibXML::XPath::Object
  • LibXML::_CharacterData
  • LibXML::_DomNode
  • LibXML::_Options
  • LibXML::_ParentNode
  • LibXML::_Validator

The Camelia image is copyright 2009 by Larry Wall. "Raku" is trademark of the Yet Another Society. All rights reserved.