[Raku LibXML Project] / [LibXML Module] / PI

class LibXML::PI

LibXML Processing Instructions


use LibXML::Document;
use LibXML::PI;
# Only methods specific to Processing Instruction nodes are listed here,
# see the LibXML::Node documentation for other methods

my LibXML::Document $dom .= new;
my LibXML::PI $pi = $dom.createProcessingInstruction("abc");

$pi.setData( $data_string );
$pi.setData( name=>string_value [...] );

$pi.data ~~ s/xxx/yyy/; # Stringy Interface - see LibXML::Text


Processing instructions are implemented with LibXML with read and write access. The PI data is the PI without the PI target (as specified in XML 1.0 [17]) as a string. This string can be accessed with getData as implemented in LibXML::Node.

Many processing instructions have attribute like data. Therefore setData() provides, in addition to the DOM spec, the passing of named parameters. So the code segment:

my LibXML::PI $pi = $dom.createProcessingInstruction("abc");
$pi.setData(foo=>'bar', foobar=>'foobar');
$dom.appendChild( $pi );

will result the following PI in the DOM:

<?abc foo="bar" foobar="foobar"?>

Which is how it is specified in the DOM specification. This three step interface creates a temporary Raku object. This can be avoided while using the insertProcessingInstruction() method. Instead of the three calls described above, the call

$dom.insertProcessingInstruction("abc",'foo="bar" foobar="foobar"');

will have the same result as above.

LibXML::PI's implementation of setData() documented below differs a bit from the standard version as available in LibXML::Node:


method setData

multi method setData( Str $data_string ) returns Mu
multi method setData( %params ) returns Mu

This method allows one to change the content data of a PI. Additionally to the interface specified for DOM Level2, the method provides a named parameter interface to set the data. This parameter list is converted into a string before it is appended to the PI.


2001-2007, AxKit.com Ltd.

2002-2006, Christian Glahn.

2006-2009, Petr Pajas.


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0 http://www.perlfoundation.org/artistic_license_2_0.

LibXML v0.6.12

Raku bindings to the libxml2 native library


  • David Warring





Test Dependencies


  • LibXML
  • LibXML::Attr
  • LibXML::Attr::Map
  • LibXML::Comment
  • LibXML::Config
  • LibXML::Dict
  • LibXML::Document
  • LibXML::DocumentFragment
  • LibXML::Dtd
  • LibXML::Dtd::AttrDecl
  • LibXML::Dtd::ElementContent
  • LibXML::Dtd::ElementDecl
  • LibXML::Dtd::Entity
  • LibXML::Dtd::Notation
  • LibXML::Element
  • LibXML::EntityRef
  • LibXML::Enums
  • LibXML::ErrorHandling
  • LibXML::HashMap
  • LibXML::HashMap::Maker
  • LibXML::InputCallback
  • LibXML::Item
  • LibXML::Namespace
  • LibXML::Node
  • LibXML::Node::List
  • LibXML::Node::Set
  • LibXML::PI
  • LibXML::Parser
  • LibXML::Parser::Context
  • LibXML::Pattern
  • LibXML::PushParser
  • LibXML::Raw
  • LibXML::Raw::DOM::Attr
  • LibXML::Raw::DOM::Document
  • LibXML::Raw::DOM::Element
  • LibXML::Raw::DOM::Node
  • LibXML::Raw::Defs
  • LibXML::Raw::Dict
  • LibXML::Raw::HashTable
  • LibXML::Raw::RelaxNG
  • LibXML::Raw::Schema
  • LibXML::Raw::TextReader
  • LibXML::Reader
  • LibXML::RegExp
  • LibXML::RelaxNG
  • LibXML::SAX
  • LibXML::SAX::Builder
  • LibXML::SAX::Handler
  • LibXML::SAX::Handler::SAX2
  • LibXML::SAX::Handler::SAX2::Locator
  • LibXML::SAX::Handler::XML
  • LibXML::Schema
  • LibXML::Text
  • LibXML::Types
  • LibXML::XPath::Context
  • LibXML::XPath::Expression
  • LibXML::XPath::Object
  • LibXML::_CharacterData
  • LibXML::_DomNode
  • LibXML::_Options
  • LibXML::_ParentNode
  • LibXML::_Validator

The Camelia image is copyright 2009 by Larry Wall. "Raku" is trademark of the Yet Another Society. All rights reserved.