
[Raku LibXML Project] / [LibXML Module] / Enums

module LibXML::Enums

Native enumerations


The Lib::XML::Enums module exports a large number of libxml2 native enumerations.

All are prefixed XML_*.

These are mostly low-level and encapsulated by LibXML. For example for nodes of type LibXML::Element always have a type of XML_ELEMENT_NODE.

The code attribute of X::LibXML exceptions (see LibXML::ErrorHandling) may be useful, if you wish to detect various libxml errors, for example:

use LibXML;
use LibXML::Enums;

try LibXML.parse: :string("<foo>42</bar>");
with $! -> X::LibXML $err {
    if $err.code == XML_ERR_TAG_NAME_MISMATCH {
        warn "your tags don't match";
    else {
        warn $err;

The libxml [error documentation](error documentation) lists possible error codes. Enumerations should be defined for all of these.


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0 http://www.perlfoundation.org/artistic_license_2_0.

LibXML v0.6.12

Raku bindings to the libxml2 native library


  • David Warring





Test Dependencies


  • LibXML
  • LibXML::Attr
  • LibXML::Attr::Map
  • LibXML::Comment
  • LibXML::Config
  • LibXML::Dict
  • LibXML::Document
  • LibXML::DocumentFragment
  • LibXML::Dtd
  • LibXML::Dtd::AttrDecl
  • LibXML::Dtd::ElementContent
  • LibXML::Dtd::ElementDecl
  • LibXML::Dtd::Entity
  • LibXML::Dtd::Notation
  • LibXML::Element
  • LibXML::EntityRef
  • LibXML::Enums
  • LibXML::ErrorHandling
  • LibXML::HashMap
  • LibXML::HashMap::Maker
  • LibXML::InputCallback
  • LibXML::Item
  • LibXML::Namespace
  • LibXML::Node
  • LibXML::Node::List
  • LibXML::Node::Set
  • LibXML::PI
  • LibXML::Parser
  • LibXML::Parser::Context
  • LibXML::Pattern
  • LibXML::PushParser
  • LibXML::Raw
  • LibXML::Raw::DOM::Attr
  • LibXML::Raw::DOM::Document
  • LibXML::Raw::DOM::Element
  • LibXML::Raw::DOM::Node
  • LibXML::Raw::Defs
  • LibXML::Raw::Dict
  • LibXML::Raw::HashTable
  • LibXML::Raw::RelaxNG
  • LibXML::Raw::Schema
  • LibXML::Raw::TextReader
  • LibXML::Reader
  • LibXML::RegExp
  • LibXML::RelaxNG
  • LibXML::SAX
  • LibXML::SAX::Builder
  • LibXML::SAX::Handler
  • LibXML::SAX::Handler::SAX2
  • LibXML::SAX::Handler::SAX2::Locator
  • LibXML::SAX::Handler::XML
  • LibXML::Schema
  • LibXML::Text
  • LibXML::Types
  • LibXML::XPath::Context
  • LibXML::XPath::Expression
  • LibXML::XPath::Object
  • LibXML::_CharacterData
  • LibXML::_DomNode
  • LibXML::_Options
  • LibXML::_ParentNode
  • LibXML::_Validator

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