class Promise

Status/result of an asynchronous computation
my enum PromiseStatus (:Planned(0), :Kept(1), :Broken(2));
    class Promise {}

A Promise is used to handle the result of a computation that might not have finished. It allows the user to execute code once the computation is done (with the then method), execution after a time delay (with in), combining promises, and waiting for results.

my $p = Promise.start({ sleep 2; 42});
    $p.then({ say .result });   # will print 42 once the block finished
    say $p.status;              # OUTPUT: «Planned␀»
    $p.result;                  # waits for the computation to finish
    say $p.status;              # OUTPUT: «Kept␀»

There are two typical scenarios for using promises. The first is to use a factory method (start, in, at, anyof, allof, kept, broken) on the type object; those will make sure that the promise is automatically kept or broken for you, and you can't call break or keep on these promises yourself.

The second is to create your promises yourself with If you want to ensure that only your code can keep or break the promise, you can use the vow method to get a unique handle, and call keep or break on it:

sub async-get-with-promise($user-agent, $url) {
    my $p =;
    my $v = $p.vow;

    # do an asynchronous call on a fictive user agent,
    # and return the promise:
            on-error => -> $error {
            on-success => -> $response {
    return $p;

Further examples can be found in the concurrency page.


method start

method start(Promise:U: &code, :$scheduler = $*SCHEDULER --> Promise:D)

Creates a new Promise that runs the given code object. The promise will be kept when the code terminates normally, or broken if it throws an exception. The return value or exception can be inspected with the result method.

The scheduler that handles this promise can be passed as a named argument.

There is also a statement prefix start that provides syntactic sugar for this method:

# these two are equivalent:
    my $p1 = Promise.start({ ;#`( do something here ) });
    my $p2 = start { ;#`( do something here ) };

As of the 6.d version of the language, start statement prefix used in sink context will automatically attach an exceptions handler. If an exception occurs in the given code, it will be printed and the program will then exit, like if it were thrown without any start statement prefixes involved.

use v6.c;
start { die }; sleep ⅓; say "hello"; # OUTPUT: «hello␀»
use v6.d;
start { die }; sleep ⅓; say "hello";
# Unhandled exception in code scheduled on thread 4
# Died
#     in block  at -e line 1

If you wish to avoid this behavior, use start in non-sink context or catch the exception yourself:

# Don't sink it:
my $ = start { die }; sleep ⅓; say "hello"; # OUTPUT: «hello␀»
# Catch yourself:
start { die; CATCH { default { say "caught" } } };
sleep ⅓;
say "hello";
# OUTPUT: «caught␀hello␀»

This behavior exists only syntactically, by using an alternate .sink method for Promise objects created by start blocks in sink context, thus simply sinking a Promise object that was created by other means won't trigger this behavior.

method in

method in(Promise:U: $seconds, :$scheduler = $*SCHEDULER --> Promise:D)

Creates a new Promise that will be kept in $seconds seconds, or later.

my $proc ='raku', '-e', 'sleep 10; warn "end"');
my $result = await Promise.anyof(
        my $promise = $proc.start,  # may or may not work in time {       # fires after 5 seconds no matter what
            unless $promise {       # don't do anything if we were successful
                note 'timeout';
    ).then: { $promise.result }
    # OUTPUT: «timeout␀»

$seconds can be fractional or negative. Negative values are treated as 0 (i.e. keeping the returned Promise right away).

Please note that situations like these are often more clearly handled with a react and whenever block.

method at

method at(Promise:U: $at, :$scheduler = $*SCHEDULER --> Promise:D)

Creates a new Promise that will be kept $at the given time—which is given as an Instant or equivalent Numeric—or as soon as possible after it.

my $p = + 2).then({ say "2 seconds later" });
    # do other stuff here
await $p;   # wait here until the 2 seconds are over

If the given time is in the past, it will be treated as now (i.e. keeping the returned Promise right away).

Please note that situations like these are often more clearly handled with a react and whenever block.

method kept

multi method kept(Promise:U: \result = True --> Promise:D)

Returns a new promise that is already kept, either with the given value, or with the default value True.

method broken

multi method broken(Promise:U: --> Promise:D)
    multi method broken(Promise:U: \exception --> Promise:D)

Returns a new promise that is already broken, either with the given value, or with the default value => "Died")

method allof

method allof(Promise:U: *@promises --> Promise:D)

Returns a new promise that will be kept when all the promises passed as arguments are kept or broken. The result of the individual Promises is not reflected in the result of the returned promise: it simply indicates that all the promises have been completed in some way. If the results of the individual promises are important then they should be inspected after the allof promise is kept.

In the following requesting the result of a broken promise will cause the original Exception to be thrown. (You may need to run it several times to see the exception.)

my @promises;
    for 1..5 -> $t {
        push @promises, start {
            sleep $t;
    my $all-done = Promise.allof(@promises);
    await $all-done;
    say "Promises kept so we get to live another day!";

method anyof

method anyof(Promise:U: *@promises --> Promise:D)

Returns a new promise that will be kept as soon as any of the promises passed as arguments is kept or broken. The result of the completed Promise is not reflected in the result of the returned promise which will always be Kept.

You can use this to wait at most a number of seconds for a promise:

my $timeout = 5;
    await Promise.anyof($timeout),
        start {
            # do a potentially long-running calculation here

method then

method then(Promise:D: &code)

Schedules a piece of code to be run after the invocant has been kept or broken, and returns a new promise for this computation. In other words, creates a chained promise. The Promise is passed as an argument to the &code.

# Use code only
    my $timer =;
    my $after = $timer.then({ say '2 seconds are over!'; 'result' });
    say $after.result;
    # OUTPUT: «2 seconds are over␀result␀»
# Interact with original Promise
    my $after => $p { say $p.status; say '2 seconds are over!'; 'result' });
    say $after.result;
    # OUTPUT: «Kept␀2 seconds are over␀result␀»

method keep

multi method keep(Promise:D: \result = True)

Keeps a promise, optionally setting the result. If no result is passed, the result will be True.

Throws an exception of type X::Promise::Vowed if a vow has already been taken. See method vow for more information.

my $p =;
if Bool.pick {
    else {

method break

multi method break(Promise:D: \cause = False)

Breaks a promise, optionally setting the cause. If no cause is passed, the cause will be False.

Throws an exception of type X::Promise::Vowed if a vow has already been taken. See method vow for more information.

my $p =;
    say $p.status;          # OUTPUT: «Broken␀»
    say $p.cause;           # OUTPUT: «sorry␀»

method result

method result(Promise:D:)

Waits for the promise to be kept or broken. If it is kept, returns the result; otherwise throws the result as an exception.

method cause

method cause(Promise:D:)

If the promise was broken, returns the result (or exception). Otherwise, throws an exception of type X::Promise::CauseOnlyValidOnBroken.

method Bool

multi method Bool(Promise:D:)

Returns True for a kept or broken promise, and False for one in state Planned.

method status

method status(Promise:D --> PromiseStatus)

Returns the current state of the promise: Kept, Broken or Planned:

say "promise got Kept" if $promise.status ~~ Kept;

method scheduler

method scheduler(Promise:D:)

Returns the scheduler that manages the promise.

method vow

my class Vow {
    has Promise $.promise;
    method keep() { ... }
    method break() { ... }
method vow(Promise:D: --> Vow:D)

Returns an object that holds the sole authority over keeping or breaking a promise. Calling keep or break on a promise that has vow taken throws an exception of type X::Promise::Vowed.

my $p   =;
    my $vow = $p.vow;
    say $p.status;          # OUTPUT: «Kept␀»

method Supply

method Supply(Promise:D:)

Returns a Supply that will emit the result of the Promise being Kept or quit with the cause if the Promise is Broken.

sub await

multi await(Promise:D --> Promise)
    multi await(*@ --> Array)

Waits until one or more promises are all fulfilled, and then returns their values. Also works on Channels. Any broken promises will rethrow their exceptions. If a list is passed it will return a list containing the results of awaiting each item in turn.

See Also

class Attribute

Member variable

class Cancellation

Removal of a task from a Scheduler before normal completion

class Channel

Thread-safe queue for sending values from producers to consumers

class CompUnit


class CompUnit::Repository::FileSystem


class CompUnit::Repository::Installation


class Distro

Distribution related information

class Grammar

Formal grammar made up of named regexes

class IO::ArgFiles

Iterate over contents of files specified on command line

class IO::CatHandle

Use multiple IO handles as if they were one

class IO::Handle

Opened file or stream

class IO::Notification

Asynchronous notification for file and directory changes

class IO::Notification::Change

Changes in a file, produced by watch-file

class IO::Path

File or directory path

class IO::Path::Cygwin

IO::Path pre-loaded with IO::Spec::Cygwin

class IO::Path::Parts

IO::Path parts encapsulation

class IO::Path::QNX

IO::Path pre-loaded with IO::Spec::QNX

class IO::Path::Unix

IO::Path pre-loaded with IO::Spec::Unix

class IO::Path::Win32

IO::Path pre-loaded with IO::Spec::Win32

class IO::Pipe

Buffered inter-process string or binary stream

class IO::Socket::Async

Asynchronous socket in TCP or UDP

class IO::Socket::Async::ListenSocket

A tap for listening TCP sockets

class IO::Socket::INET

TCP Socket

class IO::Spec

Platform specific operations on file and directory paths

class IO::Spec::Cygwin

Platform specific operations on file and directory paths for Cygwin

class IO::Spec::QNX

Platform specific operations on file and directory paths QNX

class IO::Spec::Unix

Platform specific operations on file and directory paths for POSIX

class IO::Spec::Win32

Platform specific operations on file and directory paths for Windows

class IO::Special

Path to special I/O device

class Kernel

Kernel related information

class Lock

A low-level, re-entrant, mutual exclusion lock

class Lock::ConditionVariable

Condition variables used in locks

class Match

Result of a successful regex match

class Pod::Block

Block in a Pod document

class Pod::Block::Code

Verbatim code block in a Pod document

class Pod::Block::Comment

Comment in a Pod document

class Pod::Block::Declarator

Declarator block in a Pod document

class Pod::Block::Named

Named block in a Pod document

class Pod::Block::Para

Paragraph in a Pod document

class Pod::Block::Table

Table in a Pod document

class Pod::Defn

Pod definition list

class Pod::FormattingCode

Pod formatting code

class Pod::Heading

Heading in a Pod document

class Pod::Item

Item in a Pod enumeration list

class Proc

Running process (filehandle-based interface)

class Proc::Async

Running process (asynchronous interface)

class Regex

String pattern

class Semaphore

Control access to shared resources by multiple threads

class Supplier

Live Supply factory

class Supplier::Preserving

Cached live Supply factory

class Supply

Asynchronous data stream with multiple subscribers

class Tap

Subscription to a Supply

class Thread

Concurrent execution of code (low-level)

class ThreadPoolScheduler

Scheduler that distributes work among a pool of threads

class Unicode

Unicode related information

class VM

Raku Virtual Machine related information

The Camelia image is copyright 2009 by Larry Wall. "Raku" is trademark of the Yet Another Society. All rights reserved.