
Provide &doctest that tests Raku code contained in a Markdown file (typically a README) &doctest's primary purpose is to run examples in READMEs and other documentation to ensure that all examples compile and run – nothing’s worse than broken examples!

&doctest scans the Markdown file for any fenced code blocks with 'raku' in their info string and tests the code in each block.

If the code block has OUTPUT: «…» comments, &doctest captures the code’s output and tests it against the expected output; if the code block doesn’t have OUTPUT comments, &doctest tests whether the code can be EVALed ok.

&doctest also supports adding configuration info by preceding the code block with a <!-- doctest --> comment; currently, the only config option is to provide setup code that’s run as part of the test without being displayed in the Markdown file; in the future, this will likely include more option, such as expecting tests to fail.

_ v0.0.1

A meta package for zero-dependency micro packages of under 70 lines of code


  • Daniel Sockwell




Test Dependencies


  • Pattern::Match
  • Print::Dbg
  • Self::Recursion
  • Test::Doctest::Markdown
  • Test::Fluent
  • Text::Paragraphs
  • Text::Wrap
  • _

The Camelia image is copyright 2009 by Larry Wall. "Raku" is trademark of the Yet Another Society. All rights reserved.