
Provides the variable &_ as a shorter alias for &?ROUTINE, which allows for more concise anonymous recursion. For example, you can define a naive Fibonacci function as

sub fib(UInt $n) { $n == 0|1  ?? $n !! &_($n-1) + &_($n-2) }
say fib(5);           # OUTPUT: «5»
say (^11).map(&fib);  # OUTPUT: «(0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55)»

Using &_ has the same advantages main advantages as using &?ROUTINE – namely that it clearly expresses the intent to self-recourse, you don't need to change the name if you rename fib, and it can be used in an anonymous function. The only advantage &_ provides over &?ROUTINE is a shorter name (well, and that it completes the pattern created by $_, @_, and %_).

sub f(UInt $n) { $n == 0|1  ?? $n !! &_($n-1) + &_($n-2) }
say f(5);           # OUTPUT: «85»

Please note that (as the lack of a ? in its name indicates) &_ is a run-time construct rather than a compile-time one and thus has significantly worse performance than &?ROUTINE, specifically in situations where an implementation would inline a call to &?ROUTINE (e.g., deeply recursive calls to a simple function, such as fib from above). Once Raku has stable support for Raku-AST-based macros, I plan to add a &?_ variable. Until that time, you should avoid using &_ in performance-critical code/with very deep recursion.

_ v0.0.1

A meta package for zero-dependency micro packages of under 70 lines of code


  • Daniel Sockwell




Test Dependencies


  • Pattern::Match
  • Print::Dbg
  • Self::Recursion
  • Test::Doctest::Markdown
  • Test::Fluent
  • Text::Paragraphs
  • Text::Wrap
  • _

The Camelia image is copyright 2009 by Larry Wall. "Raku" is trademark of the Yet Another Society. All rights reserved.