Raku *::Driver::Memory

Raku classes to implement the in-memory table store


Raku *::Driver::Memory - Raku classes to implement the in-memory table store


Tim Nelson - https://github.com/wayland


class	Table::Driver::Memory does Table::Driver {


The Easy Options

Table.new(name => 'countries', action => 'can-create'),

The default database (if none is specified) is a Memory database, so there's not much you need to specify when using one of these.

The Flexible Option

$memdb = Database.new(
		name => 'MyMemoryDatabase',
	$memdb.useTable(name => 'countries');

The parameters to Database.useTable are basically the same as are passed to Table.new().

TOP v0.0.1

Table-Oriented Programming (TOP) module for Raku

The Camelia image is copyright 2009 by Larry Wall. "Raku" is trademark of the Yet Another Society. All rights reserved.