

Postgres Driver - The Postgres driver for Raku TOP


Postgres Driver


The Postgres driver for Raku TOP


Tim Nelson -


class	Database::Driver::Postgres does Database::Driver {

Currently uses a cursor for all reads. What we'd like to change is:

  • The user can specify a mode:

    • Key: Uses a key field (default: primary key) to track rows; doesn't matter if we miss some when paginating, etc (ie. if others have been added into the sequence)

    • NumKey: Like Key, but the key has to be numeric

    • Sort+Key: Like Key, but also applies an ordering to the table (ie. an ordering other than by Key)

    • Cursor: Uses cursors to match things up; could be suitable for eg. batch jobs

The current (only) behaviour is Cursor. We'd like to make the other options available, and default to NumKey (since it's probably the quickest, and loads the database least).



method	useTable(Table :$table, Str :$action = 'use', :%fields = {}) {

Table :$table

The frontend table object that's going to reference this backend

Str :$action = 'use'

Documented in TOP

:%fields = {}

The fields to be used on the table.

TOP v0.0.1

Table-Oriented Programming (TOP) module for Raku

The Camelia image is copyright 2009 by Larry Wall. "Raku" is trademark of the Yet Another Society. All rights reserved.