
Sparrow6 DSL

Sparrow6 DSL allows one to run Sparrow tasks using even better Raku functions shortcuts. In comparison with task-run function, DSL provides input parameters validation and dedicated function names. DSL is limited to a certain subset of Sparrow plugins.

Functions List

Following a list of DSL functions and specifications.

User accounts

functiondescriptionusageSparrow6 plugin
user-createcreate useruser-create($name)user
user-deletedelete useruser-delete($name)user
usercreate/delete useruser($name,[%args])user


user-create 'alexey'; # create user `alexey'
user-delete 'alexey'; # delete user `alexey'
user 'alexey'; # short form of user create
user 'alexey', %(action => 'create'); # hash parameters form of user create
user 'alexey', %(action => 'delete'); # hash parameters form of user delete

User groups

functiondescriptionusageSparrow6 plugin
group-createcreate groupgroup-create($name)group
group-deletedelete groupgroup-delete($name)group
groupcreate/delete groupgroup($name,[%args])group


group-create 'sparrows'; # create group `sparrows'
group-delete 'sparrows'; # delete group `sparrows'
group 'sparrows'; # short form of group create
group 'sparrows', %(action => 'create'); # hash parameters form of group create
group 'sparrows', %(action => 'delete'); # hash parameters form of group delete


functiondescriptionusageSparrow6 plugin
package-installinstall software packagepackage-install(@list|$list)package-generic
cpan-package-installinstall CPAN packagecpan-package-install(@list|$list,%opts)cpan-package
cpan-packagealias for cpan-install function**
zefinstall Raku modules using zefzef "identity",[%params]*


System packages

# pass list as Array
package-install ('nano', 'tree', 'mc');

# pass list as String, 
# packages are space separated items 
package-install 'nano tree mc';
package-install 'nano';

CPAN packages

# install 3 cpan modules, system wide paths
cpan-package-install ('CGI', 'Config::Tiny', 'HTTP::Tiny');

# short form of above
cpan-package ('CGI', 'Config::Tiny', 'HTTP::Tiny');

# install 3 cpan modules, users install
cpan-package-install 'CGI Config::Tiny HTTP::Tiny', %(
    user =>'foo',
    install-base => '/home/foo/',

# the same as above but passing cpan modules list as Array
cpan-package-install ('CGI', 'Config::Tiny', 'HTTP::Path'), %(
    user =>'foo',
    install-base => '/home/foo/',

Raku modules

functiondescriptionusageSparrow6 plugin
zefinstall zef modulezef($module,[%params])*


# install DBIish module
zef 'DBIish';

# Force install
zef 'DBIish', %( force => True );

# User's install
zef 'DBIish', %( user => 'me' );

# Skip tests
zef 'DBIish', %( notest => True );

# Only dependencies, inside CWD
zef '.', %( depsonly => True );

# Sets custom description
zef 'DBIish', %( description => 'Database interface module' );

# Show debug info when install
zef 'DBIish', %( debug => True );


functiondescriptionusageSparrow6 plugin
service-startstart serviceservice-start($name)service
service-restartrestart serviceservice-restart($name)service
service-stopstop serviceservice-stop($name)service
service-enableenable serviceservice-enable($name)service
service-disabledisable serviceservice-disable($name)service
servicestart/stop/restart/enable/disable serviceservice($name, %args)service


service-enable 'nginx';

service-start 'nginx';

service-stop 'nginx';

service-restart 'nginx';

service 'nginx', %( action => 'stop' );

service 'nginx', %( action => 'disable' );

service-disable 'nginx';


Sparrowdo provides limited and poorly tested API for Systemd scripts. Here is example how you can use it:

user "foo";

# install systemd script for some service and reload systemd daemon
systemd-service "long-dream", %(
  user => "foo",
  workdir => "/home/foo",
  command => "/bin/bash -c 'sleep 10000'"

# start service
service-start "long-dream";

Basically it's systemd-service function with parameters:

  • name - service name

  • user - sets the user to own service process

  • command - sets the service command

  • workdir - sets working directory

All the parameters are required.


functiondescriptionusageSparrow6 plugin
directory-createcreate directorydirectory-create($path,%args)directory
directory-deletedelete directorydirectory-delete($path)directory
directorycreate/delete directorydirectory($path,[%args])directory


directory '/tmp/baz';

directory-create '/tmp/baz';

directory-create '/tmp/foo/bar', %(
  recursive => 1 ,
  owner => 'foo',
  mode => '755'

directory '/tmp/foo/bar/bar/123', %(
  action => 'create',
  recursive => 1 ,
  owner => 'foo',
  mode => '755'

directory-delete '/tmp/foo/bar';


functiondescriptionusageSparrow6 plugin
file-createcreate filefile-create($path,%args)file
file-deletedelete filefile-delete($path)file
filecreate/delete filefile($path,[%args])file


# just create (touch) an empty file
file-create '/var/data/animals.txt';

# shortcut for file-create
file '/var/data/animals.txt';

# copy file from source
file '/var/data/animals.txt', %( source => '/var/data/backup/animals.txt' );

# sets file attributes
file '/var/data/animals.txt', %(
  owner => 'zookeeper',
  group => 'animals' ,
  mode => '644',
  content => 'I am read fox!'

# sets file content explicitly
file '/var/data/animals.txt', %(
  action  => 'create',
  owner   => 'zookeeper',
  group   => 'animals' ,
  mode    => '644',
  content => 'I am read fox!'

file-delete '/var/data/animals.txt';

# the same as above
file '/var/data/animals.txt', %( action => 'delete' );

Copy local files

Sparrowdo copies all files located at data/ to a remote server, so you can copy it to various locations from here:

copy-local-file 'data/hello.txt','/tmp/hello.txt';


Templates are files gets populated from templates sources in Template-Toolkit format.

functiondescriptionusageSparrow6 plugin
template-createcreate templatetemplate-create($path,%args)templater
templatealias for template-create**


# build /var/data/animals.txt from template

$ cat examples/templates/animals.tmpl

Hello, my name is [% name %]!
I speak [% language %]

template-create '/var/data/animals.txt', %(
  source => ( slurp 'examples/templates/animals.tmpl' ),
  owner => 'zookeeper',
  group => 'animals' ,
  mode => '644',
  variables => %(
    name => 'red fox',
    language => 'English'

# trigger action when /var/data/animals.txt changed

template-create '/var/data/animals.txt', %(
  source => ( slurp 'examples/templates/animals.tmpl' ),
  variables => %(
    name => 'green fox',
    language => 'Spanish'
  on_change => "echo /var/data/animals.txt changed"

Bash commands

This function executes bash code.

functiondescriptionusageSparrow6 plugin
bashexecute bash, default userbash($command)bash
bashexecute bash, for userbash($command,$user)bash
bashexecute bash, generic formbash($command,%args)bash


# execute bash for default user 
  set -e;
  touch /tmp/sparrow123.txt
  echo one
  echo two
  echo three

# one-liner
bash('echo hello world');

# execute command for `foo' user    
bash('pwd', 'foo');

# pass parameters as Hash, many options here:

# check STDOUT from executed command
bash 'pwd', %(
  user => 'foo',
  expect_stdout => '/home/foo'

# enable debug mode ( set -x ):
bash 'very-long-command', %( debug => 1 );

# or passing environment variables:
bash 'echo $FOO; echo $BAR', %(
  envvars => %(
    FOO => 'the-foo',
    BAR => 'the-bar',

# sets description for bash command 
# ( will be printed at sparrowdo report instead of dummy "execute bash command" )
bash "ls -l", %( 
  description => "use this description for bash command" 

Source control


git-scmcheckout source from git repositoryssh($source,[%args])


# checkout source from https://github.com/melezhik/sparrow.git
# to the current working directory
git-scm 'https://github.com/melezhik/sparrow.git';

# checkout source from https://github.com/melezhik/sparrow.git
# into /tmp/foo directory
directory '/tmp/foo';
git-scm 'https://github.com/melezhik/sparrow.git', %( to => '/tmp/foo' );

# Specify ssh key for authentication
git-scm 'ssh://[email protected]/melezhik/sparrow.git', %( to => '/tmp/foo', ssh-key => '/tmp/my.key' );

# ssh authentication with unknown server key
git-scm 'ssh://[email protected]/melezhik/sparrow.git', %( to => '/tmp/foo', ssh-key => '/tmp/my.key', accept-hostkey => True );

# checkout under user
git-scm 'https://github.com/melezhik/sparrow.git', %( to => '/tmp/foo', user => 'alexey' );

# checkout a branch
git-scm 'https://github.com/melezhik/sparrow.git', %( branch => 'dev/foo-bar' );

# enable debug
git-scm 'https://github.com/melezhik/sparrow.git', %( to => '/tmp/foo', debug => True );


This function executes ssh commands.

sshexecute ssh commandsssh($command,%args)
sshalias for ssh with command set via %argsssh(%args)


# ssh to and execute 'uptime'
# a shortest form, only obligatory parameters are set:
ssh 'uptime', %( host => '' )

# the same but add description for command:
ssh 'uptime', %( host => '' , description => "how old are you?" );

# use sshpass to pass a password
ssh 'uptime', %( host => '', password => 'qwerty', user => 'admin');

# authentication by private key
ssh 'uptime', %( host => '', ssh-key => '~/.ssh/key.pem'   );

# an example of multiline command
ssh q:to/CMD/, %( host => '', user => 'old_dog');
  set -e
  apt-get update
  DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y -qq curl

# create $create file upon successful execution
# prevent from running ssh command next time if file $create exist:
ssh "run-me", %(  host => '' , create => '/do/not/run/twice' )


This function copies files from/to target host from/to remote host

scpcopy files remotely by scpscp(%args)


# copy files dir1/file1 dir2/file2 dir3/file3 to target server to
scp %( 
  data    => "dir1/file1 dir2/file2 dir3/file3",
  host    => "", 

# copy files dir1/file1 dir2/file2 dir3/file3 to target server to
# set ssh private key and user id 
scp %( 
  data    => "dir1/file1 dir2/file2 dir3/file3",
  host    => "", 
  user    => 'old-dog',
  ssh-key => 'keys/id_rsa'

# copy file dir1/file1 from target server to, destination dir2
scp %( 
  data    => "dir2/",
  host    => "", 
  user    => "Me",
  pull    => 1, 

# copy files dir1/file1 dir2/file2 dir3/file3 to target server to
# do not copy if /tmp/do/not/copy/twice exists at target server
scp %( 
  data    => "dir1/file1 dir2/file2 dir3/file3",
  host    => "", 
  create  => "/tmp/do/not/copy/twice"


Asserts are functions to audit your server state. Here are some examples ( list is not full , I will add more eventfully )

Check if process exists

# ensure existence by PID taken from /var/run/sshd.pid
proc-exists 'sshd';

# ensure existence by footprint
proc-exists-by-footprint 'sshd', 'sshd\s+-D';

# ensure existence by footprint
proc-exists-by-pid 'sshd', '/var/run/sshd.pid';

Check if http resource accessible

It's just simple check by curl's GET with follow redirect enabled.

http-ok 'http://perl6.org';

Ignore http proxy when making request:

http-ok 'localhost', %( no-proxy => True );

Use ssh host command line parameter as URL:


The same as above but with port and path:

http-ok %( port  => '8080' , path => '/Foo/Bar' );

Checks that web page has content:

http-ok 'http://perl6.org', %( has-content => "'Perl 6'" );

Helper functions

Sparrow6::DSL provides set of helpers function might be useful when developing cross platform scenarios

  • os()

This function returns the remote server OS name.

For example:

if os() ~~ m/centos/ {
  'package-install' ( 'epel-release', 'nginx' );
} else {
  'package-install' 'nginx' ;

The list of OS names is provided by os() function:


Though os() function return a wide list of different operation systems, respected Sparrow6 plugins can support different operation system selectively

See also

Sparrowdo - configuration management tool based on Sparrow6.

Sparrow6 v0.0.33

Sparrow is a Raku based automation framework


  • Alexey Melezhik





Test Dependencies


  • Sparrow6
  • Sparrow6::Common::Config
  • Sparrow6::Common::Helpers
  • Sparrow6::DSL
  • Sparrow6::DSL::Assert
  • Sparrow6::DSL::Bash
  • Sparrow6::DSL::CPAN::Package
  • Sparrow6::DSL::Common
  • Sparrow6::DSL::Directory
  • Sparrow6::DSL::File
  • Sparrow6::DSL::Git
  • Sparrow6::DSL::Group
  • Sparrow6::DSL::Package
  • Sparrow6::DSL::Service
  • Sparrow6::DSL::Ssh
  • Sparrow6::DSL::Systemd
  • Sparrow6::DSL::Template
  • Sparrow6::DSL::User
  • Sparrow6::DSL::Zef
  • Sparrow6::RakuTask
  • Sparrow6::SparrowTask
  • Sparrow6::Task
  • Sparrow6::Task::Check
  • Sparrow6::Task::Check::Context
  • Sparrow6::Task::Check::Context::Common
  • Sparrow6::Task::Repository
  • Sparrow6::Task::Repository::Helpers::Common
  • Sparrow6::Task::Repository::Helpers::Index
  • Sparrow6::Task::Repository::Helpers::Init
  • Sparrow6::Task::Repository::Helpers::Plugin
  • Sparrow6::Task::Runner
  • Sparrow6::Task::Runner::Helpers::Bash
  • Sparrow6::Task::Runner::Helpers::Check
  • Sparrow6::Task::Runner::Helpers::Common
  • Sparrow6::Task::Runner::Helpers::Perl
  • Sparrow6::Task::Runner::Helpers::Perl6
  • Sparrow6::Task::Runner::Helpers::Powershell
  • Sparrow6::Task::Runner::Helpers::Python
  • Sparrow6::Task::Runner::Helpers::Ruby
  • Sparrow6::Task::Runner::Helpers::Test

The Camelia image is copyright 2009 by Larry Wall. "Raku" is trademark of the Yet Another Society. All rights reserved.