
Sparrow Development Guide

This document describes how to develop Sparrow6 tasks.


A task in Sparrow represents a script being executed. A user could write a task code on many languages.

To create task simply create task.* file in the current directory:



  say "What is your name?";
  say "Rakudo!";


  print "What is your name?\n";
  print "Camel!\n";



  echo "What is your name?"
  echo "Bash!"


  print "What is your name?"
  print "Python!"



  puts "What is your name?"
  puts "Ruby"



  Write-Host "What is your name?"
  Write-Host "Powershell"

Now a task could be run either as a Raku API:

task-run ".";

Or as a command line:

$ s6 --task-run .

Sparrow supports six languages to write tasks:

  • Raku

  • Perl

  • Bash

  • Python

  • Ruby

  • Powershell

This table describes file name -> language mapping:

| Language   | File         |
| Raku       | task.pl6     |
| Perl       |      |
| Bash       | task.bash    |
| Python     |      |
| Ruby       | task.rb      |
| Powershell | task.ps1     |

Task folders structure

By default task root folder is a current working directory.

This is where Sparrow looks for a code when execute a task.

However you can organize a folders structure as you wish:


  say "I make milk";


  say "I drink milk";


  say "I buy milk";

To run task from none default location override task path when call task-run function:

 task-run "animals/cow";
 task-run "people/me";

Or through command line:

$ s6 --task-run people/me

Task configuration

To define configuration available across tasks create config.yaml in the root directory:


main :
  foo : 1
  bar : 2

Configuration data is accessible via config function.

Example for Raku:

  my $foo = config()<main><foo>;
  my $bar = config()<main><bar>;

Example for Perl:

  my $foo = config()->{main}->{foo};
  my $bar = config()->{main}->{bar};

Examples for other languages:




  from sparrow6lib import *

  foo = config()['main']['foo']
  bar = config()['main']['bar']


  foo = config['main']['foo']
  bar = config['main']['bar']


  $config = config 'main'
  $foo = $
  $bar = $

Overriding configuration

One can override default configuration through an optional task-run function Hash parameter:

task-run "task1", %(
  main => %(
    foo => 1,
    bar => 2

Or in command line (*):

$ s6 --task-run [email protected]=1,

(*) Use dot separated notation to pass nested Hash like parameters.


Subtasks are tasks that get called by other tasks.

You can think subtasks as functions which you call from other tasks.


  run_task "system", %( command => "uptime" )


  $(task_var command)

How to create and use subtasks?

  • To create a subtask place a task code into reserved tasks/ folder

For example:

$ mkdir -p tasks/system
$ nano tasks/system/task.bash
  • To call subtask one has to create a hook file and use run_task within it

For example:

$ nano hook.pl6
  • A run_task function accepts relative folder within a tasks/ directory

For example:


run_task "system", %( command => "uptime" )
  • A subtask handles input parameters through a task_var function

For example:


$(task_var command)

run_task function signatures for Sparrow6 supported languages:

| Language   | Signature                                    |
| Raku       | run_task(String,HASH)                        |
| Perl       | run_task(SCALAR,HASHREF)                     |
| Bash       | run_task TASK_NANE NAME VAL NAME2 VAL2       |
| Python(*)  | run_task(STRING,DICT)                        |
| Ruby       | run_task(STRING,HASH)                        |
| Powershell | run_task(STRING,HASH)                        |

(*) You need to use from sparrow6lib import * to import run_task function.

task_var function signatures for Sparrow6 supported languages:

| Language         | Signature                                      |
| Raku             | task_var(STRING)                               |
| Perl             | task_var(SCALAR)                               |
| Python(*)        | task_var(STRING)                               |
| Ruby             | task_var(STRING)                               |
| Bash (1-st way)  | $foo                                           |
| Bash (2-nd way)  | $(task_var foo)                                |
| Powershell       | task_var(STRING)                               |

(*) You need to use from sparrow6lib import * to import task_var function.

In Bash you can use alternative notation to access subtask parameters:


  echo $he say $hello world

Compare with:


  echo $(task_var he) say $(task_var hello) world

You can call subtask from other subtask using a subtask's hooks.


  • Hooks are scripts that run before tasks

  • One task might have one and only one hook associated with it

  • Usually hooks are used to call other subtasks

  • But hooks could also do other useful job

  • The only difference between task and hook, that hook always runs before task and an output from hook does not appear in STDOUT

This table describes file name -> language mapping for hooks:

| Language   | File         |
| Raku       | hook.pl6     |
| Perl       |      |
| Bash       | hook.bash    |
| Python     |      |
| Ruby       | hook.rb      |
| Powershell | hook.ps1     |

Set hook output

By default an output from hook script is suppressed and does not appear in STDOUT.

To generate hook's output use set_stdout function:


  set_stdout "Hello from hook"

If hook send an output through a set_stdout function, and the same folder task's been executed, the task output get merged with the hook's one:


  if config<mood> eq "sleepy" {
    set_stdout("Black Coffee")


  say "Sandwich"

$ task-run .@mood=sleepy


set_stdout function signatures for Sparrow6 supported languages:

| Language    | signature             |
| Raku        | set_stdout(STRING)    |
| Perl        | set_stdout(SCALAR)    |
| Bash        | set_stdout(STRING)    |
| Python(*)   | set_stdout(STRING)    |
| Ruby        | set_stdout(STRING)    |
| Powershell  | set_stdout(STRING)    |

(*) You need to from sparrow6lib import * to import set_stdout function.

Hook might not have the same folder tasks, in this case it's just a hook that is executed.

Helper functions

Sparrow provides some helper function that could be useful.

Those functions are available inside tasks and hooks.

Following is the list of helper functions:

  • root_dir() - task root directory.

  • cache_root_dir() - cache root directory, every task has a cache directory served for it's purposes

  • cache_dir() - task cache directory, every task has a cache directory served for it's purposes

  • task_dir() - task directory relative to root_dir()

  • config() - task configuration object

  • os() - mnemonic name of underlying operation system

Function usage specific for Bash and Python:

  • You need to use from sparrow6lib import * in Python to import helpers functions

  • In Bash these functions are represented by variables, e.g. os, so on

Recognizable OS list

Sparrow provides an os() helper function which returns a mnemonic name for underlying OS where tasks are executed.

Following is the list of recognizable OS:

  • alpine

  • amazon

  • archlinux

  • centos5

  • centos6

  • centos7

  • debian

  • fedora

  • minoca

  • ubuntu

  • funtoo

  • darwin

  • windows

Task descriptions

Task description (*) is just a plain text file with useful description of a task.

Task description is printed out when task is executed.


  This task do this or that

(*) - currently is not supported, a future request

Ignore task failures

If a task fails ( a task exit code is not equal to zero ), the task runner stops and raises an exception.

To prevent the task runner from stop use ignore_error function inside a task hook:



ignore_error function signatures for Sparrow6 supported languages:

| Language    | signature         |
| Raku        | ignore_error()    |
| Perl        | ignore_error()    |
| Bash        | ignore_error      |
| Python(*)   | ignore_error()    |
| Ruby        | ignore_error()    |
| Powershell  | ignore_error()    |

Task states

Task state is a piece of data that is shared across tasks and returned when task's finished:


my %state = task-run "my-task", "task";

say %state<foo>;

say %state<bar>;

This feature allows to write tasks like functions and run tasks in a "pipeline" style,

where the next task gets input parameters taken as a result of the previous one.

Any task or hook get an access to a task data through a couple of functions:

  • get_state

Return current task state. The return object is a Hash.

  • update_state(hash)

Updates a current task state. The input parameter should be a Hash.

Here is en example for task written in Perl:


  update_state({ foo => config<foo>})

  task "foo"


  my $foo = get_state()->{foo};


  update_state({ foo => $foo });

And this is how task state is returned and used in a Raku API:


my %state = task-run "set foo", "set-foo", %( foo => 100 );

task-run "set foo", "set-foo";

%state = task-run "set foo", "set-foo", %( foo => %state<foo> );

say %state<foo>; # 101

get_state function signatures for Sparrow6 supported languages:

| Language    | signature         |
| Raku        | get_state()       |
| Perl        | get_state()       |
| Bash        | not supported     |
| Python(*)   | get_state()       |
| Ruby        | get_state()       |
| Powershell  | get_state()       |

update_state function signatures for Sparrow6 supported languages:

| Language    | signature                   |
| Raku        | update_state(array|hash)    |
| Perl        | update_state(array|hash)    |
| Bash        | not supported               |
| Python(*)   | update_state(array|hash)    |
| Ruby        | update_state(array|hash)    |
| Powershell  | update_state(array|hash)    |

Language libraries

One can share some language specific libraries across tasks:



  function helper1 {
    # some code here





  def helper1
    # some code here

  def helper2
    # some code here





This table describes file name -> language mapping for libraries:

| Language  | file            | locations              |
| Bash      | common.bash     | $root_dir/common.bash  |
|           |                 | $task_dir/common.bash  |
| Ruby      | common.rb       | $root_dir/common.rb    |
|           |                 | $task_dir/common.bash  |


$root_dir/lib path is added to $RAKULIB variable.

This make it easy to place custom Raku modules under a task root directory:


  unit module Foo;


  use Foo;


$root_dir/lib path is added to $PERL5LIB variable.

This make it easy to place custom Perl modules under a task root directory:


  package Foo::Bar::Baz;


  use Foo::Bar::Baz;


$root_dir/lib path is added to RUBYLIB variable.


$root_dir/lib path is added to PYTHONPATH variable.


$root_dir/bin path is added to PATH variable.

Package managers

Sparrow supports following package managers:

  • raku/rakufile

  • bundler/Gemfile

  • cpan/cpanfile

  • pip/requirements.txt *

Just place an appropriate file to a $root_dir and Sparrow will handle related dependencies and install them locally, so they are available with task.

(*) Python3/pip3 is the only supported Python.

Some examples.

An example for cpanfile:


requires "HTTP::Tiny"

An example for rakufile:


App::Mi6 --/test

Args stringification

Args stringification the process of coercing args array into command line parameters.

It allows one to easily create wrappers around existing command line utilities, without declaring configuration parameters and reuse an existing command line api.

Consider a simple example.

We want to create a wrapper for some external script which accepts the following command line arguments:

script {flags} {named parameters} {value}


Flags are:


Named parameters are:

  --foo foo-_value
  --var bar_value

And value is just a string:


The above scenario is implemented by passing args List to task-run function that run a task:

task-run "task1", %(
    args => [
      [ 'debug', 'verbose' ],
      %( 'foo' => 'foo_value', 'bar' => 'bar_value' ),

Inside Bash task args argument is represented as a string:


  script $(config args)

So that script run with the following command line arguments:

--debug --verbose --foo foo_value --bar bar_value  value

args coercion semantic

args should be an array of elements representing command line arguments

The logic of constructing of command line arguments by an array elements is following:

  • For every elements a rule is applied depending on element's type

  • Str/Int are turned into value parameters: value ---> value

  • Array/List and lists are turned into flags: (debug, verbose) ---> --debug --verbose.

  • Hash/Pair are turned into named parameters: %( foo => foo_value, bar => bar_value ) ---> --foo foo_value --bar => bar_value

Single or double dashes

Double dashes are chosen by default when coercing args Array/List/Hash/Pair elements into strings.

For single dashes use explicit notation, by adding - before a parameter name:

  task-run "task1", %(
    args => [
      [ '-debug', '-verbose' ],
      %( '--foo' => 'foo_value', '-bar' => 'bar_value' ),

Results in the following command line:

 -debug -verbose --foo foo_value --bar bar_value  value

For named parameters in a=value notation, prepend Hash values with =, thus

args => [                                                                                                                                                                        args => [
  %( foo => "=value" )

Will result in the following command line:


Single element args array

Because Raku's iteration of nested arrays has none trivial logic one needs to be cautious when using single element args array:

# Results in `foo bar` command line parameters
# Iterator will "flatten" args array into [ 'foo', 'bar' ] array

args => [
  ['foo', 'bar']

Adding trailing comma to the end of args array usually does the trick:

# Iterator will handle args array as a single element list 
# With first element ['foo', 'bar']

args => [
  ['foo', 'bar'],

See also

Sparrow6 plugin manager


Aleksei Melezhik

Thanks to

God as the One Who inspires me in my life!

Sparrow6 v0.0.33

Sparrow is a Raku based automation framework


  • Alexey Melezhik





Test Dependencies


  • Sparrow6
  • Sparrow6::Common::Config
  • Sparrow6::Common::Helpers
  • Sparrow6::DSL
  • Sparrow6::DSL::Assert
  • Sparrow6::DSL::Bash
  • Sparrow6::DSL::CPAN::Package
  • Sparrow6::DSL::Common
  • Sparrow6::DSL::Directory
  • Sparrow6::DSL::File
  • Sparrow6::DSL::Git
  • Sparrow6::DSL::Group
  • Sparrow6::DSL::Package
  • Sparrow6::DSL::Service
  • Sparrow6::DSL::Ssh
  • Sparrow6::DSL::Systemd
  • Sparrow6::DSL::Template
  • Sparrow6::DSL::User
  • Sparrow6::DSL::Zef
  • Sparrow6::RakuTask
  • Sparrow6::SparrowTask
  • Sparrow6::Task
  • Sparrow6::Task::Check
  • Sparrow6::Task::Check::Context
  • Sparrow6::Task::Check::Context::Common
  • Sparrow6::Task::Repository
  • Sparrow6::Task::Repository::Helpers::Common
  • Sparrow6::Task::Repository::Helpers::Index
  • Sparrow6::Task::Repository::Helpers::Init
  • Sparrow6::Task::Repository::Helpers::Plugin
  • Sparrow6::Task::Runner
  • Sparrow6::Task::Runner::Helpers::Bash
  • Sparrow6::Task::Runner::Helpers::Check
  • Sparrow6::Task::Runner::Helpers::Common
  • Sparrow6::Task::Runner::Helpers::Perl
  • Sparrow6::Task::Runner::Helpers::Perl6
  • Sparrow6::Task::Runner::Helpers::Powershell
  • Sparrow6::Task::Runner::Helpers::Python
  • Sparrow6::Task::Runner::Helpers::Ruby
  • Sparrow6::Task::Runner::Helpers::Test

The Camelia image is copyright 2009 by Larry Wall. "Raku" is trademark of the Yet Another Society. All rights reserved.