
Red starter tutorial

This document is an introduction tutorial which shows the most basic usage examples of Red. For more in-depth introduction about Red architecture visit Red architecture page.

Models and tables

Red is an Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) tool for Raku

Simply speaking, it allows you to "hide" the layer of interaction with your relational database and work with Raku objects instead.

Currently, PostgreSQL and SQLite3 relation databases are supported.

Let's start with a simple table:

   name varchar(255) NOT NULL

With this query executed in your database console, a table named person was created with two columns: id which is an integer ID of the record, it is a primary key and is incremented automatically, and name which is a string of maximum 255 characters, which is not null.

In Red, each table is represented using a special type of class called "model". It can do everything what a usual class can do, but also helps you to interact with your table.

Red models use model keyword instead of class:

model Person {
    has Int $.id is serial;
    has Str $.name is column is rw;

my $*RED-DB = database โ€œSQLiteโ€;

We described a model called Person. The first attribute $.id is typed to be Int and is marked with is serial trait. This trait marks the column as a primary one with autoincrement enabled. The next attribute $.name is marked with is column trait, which means this attribute will be mapped onto a column in the table, and is typed as Str.

Note we don't need to specify that the column is not nullable, as it is the default.

The second statement specifies a database to work with. In this case, an in-memory SQLite database is used, which means all changes will be lost after the script termination. To avoid this, we can specify a name for the database file:

my $*RED-DB = database โ€œSQLiteโ€, database => 'test.sqlite3'; # Now a file `test.sqlite3` will be created

Next, we need to create a table itself:


Methods marked with ^ are called "meta methods" and are used in Red for all kinds of operations on models. In this case, calling ^create-table creates a table with name person.

Insertion of new records

Let's insert a new record into it. In SQL it could be:

INSERT INTO person (name) VALUES 'John';

In Red we can express it this way:

my $person = Person.^create(name => 'John');

We call the ^create method on type object Person and assign the result to the $person variable. The assignment is not necessary:

Person.^create(name => 'John');

The ^create method returns the created object to work with, though this result can be simply ignored.

The $.id attribute is auto-generated and there is no need to specify it, while $.name attribute must not be null, so we have to specify it:

Person.^create; # error

Update of records

Let's try to update our record. In SQL it could be:

UPDATE person SET name = 'John Doe' WHERE id = 1;

To do the same in Red, we use setters and a call to ^save:

$ = 'John Doe';

All changes to an object that represents the record are lazy, which means the database connection is not used until the ^save method is called.

The method ^save is useful not only for UPDATE operation, but it can be used on INSERT too:

my $person2 = => 'Joan'); # ^create is not used
$person2.^save; # does INSERT, not UPDATE

Selecting records

Lets add some more records:

Person.^create(name => "Paul"); # Method call with parentheses and an arrow pair
Person.^create: :name<Miki>;    # Semicolon form of method call is used

Lets begin with selecting all records of the table:

SELECT * FROM person;

In Red, ^all method is used:

for Person.^all -> $person { say $person }

Method ^all returns an instance of class Seq that is a lazy sequence of records returned.

SELECT * FROM person WHERE like 'Jo%';

The query above selects all records where name starts with 'Jo'. In Red, you can use Raku grep method to specify clauses of the select query:

for Person.^all.grep(*.name.starts-with('Jo')) -> $person { say $person }

Note that this call chain will result into an equivalent of the SQL code above, filtering values happens at the database level, not at Raku level.

SELECT * FROM person WHERE like 'Jo%' AND = 2;

To express the query above, calls to grep can be combined:

for Person.^all.grep(*.name.starts-with('Jo')).grep(*.id == 2) -> $person { say $person }

Alternatively, boolean operators can be used:

for Person.^all.grep({ $'Jo') && $ == 2}) -> $person { say $person }

Selecting a single record

To get a single record, ^load method is used. It accepts an arbitrary number of pairs describing the object properties for the WHERE clause of a SELECT statement. One difference between using ^all and ^load is that the ^load method returns either a value or a Nil if there are no fitting records, while ^all returns a Seq that might come with an arbitrary number of elements. The second difference is that ^all can express various SELECT statements, while ^load is restricted to work with columns marked as PRIMARY and UNIQUE only.

say Person.^load(id => 4); # correct
# when the primary column is unambiguous, only its value can be passed
say Person.^load(4);      # correct, same as `id => 4`
# however, `^load does not work for non-primary columns:
say Person.^load(:name<Foo>); # error

Deleting rows

To delete rows, the ^delete method is used. It can be called on an individual object or on a model to delete all records:

# DELETE FROM person WHERE = 42;
# DELETE FROM person;

Here, we covered basics of Red usage. Refer to Red cookbook for different examples without a particular order or visit the next tutorial in this series, related to expressing table relationships using Red, here.

Red v0.1.55

A Raku ORM


  • Fernando Correa de Oliveira





Test Dependencies


  • CX::Red::Bool
  • MetamodelX::Red::Comparate
  • MetamodelX::Red::Describable
  • MetamodelX::Red::Dirtable
  • MetamodelX::Red::Id
  • MetamodelX::Red::Migration
  • MetamodelX::Red::Model
  • MetamodelX::Red::OnDB
  • MetamodelX::Red::Populatable
  • MetamodelX::Red::Refreshable
  • MetamodelX::Red::Relationship
  • MetamodelX::Red::Specialisable
  • MetamodelX::Red::Supply
  • Red
  • Red::AST
  • Red::AST::AddForeignKeyOnTable
  • Red::AST::BeginTransaction
  • Red::AST::Case
  • Red::AST::Chained
  • Red::AST::ChangeColumn
  • Red::AST::Comment
  • Red::AST::CommitTransaction
  • Red::AST::Constraints
  • Red::AST::CreateColumn
  • Red::AST::CreateTable
  • Red::AST::DateTimeFuncs
  • Red::AST::Delete
  • Red::AST::Divisable
  • Red::AST::DropColumn
  • Red::AST::Empty
  • Red::AST::Function
  • Red::AST::Generic::Infix
  • Red::AST::Generic::Postfix
  • Red::AST::Generic::Prefix
  • Red::AST::Infix
  • Red::AST::Infixes
  • Red::AST::Insert
  • Red::AST::Intersect
  • Red::AST::IsDefined
  • Red::AST::JsonItem
  • Red::AST::JsonRemoveItem
  • Red::AST::LastInsertedRow
  • Red::AST::Minus
  • Red::AST::MultiSelect
  • Red::AST::Next
  • Red::AST::Operator
  • Red::AST::Optimizer::AND
  • Red::AST::Optimizer::Case
  • Red::AST::Optimizer::OR
  • Red::AST::RollbackTransaction
  • Red::AST::Select
  • Red::AST::StringFuncs
  • Red::AST::TableComment
  • Red::AST::Unary
  • Red::AST::Union
  • Red::AST::Update
  • Red::AST::Value
  • Red::Attr::Column
  • Red::Attr::Query
  • Red::Attr::Relationship
  • Red::Class
  • Red::Cli
  • Red::Cli::Column
  • Red::Cli::Relationship
  • Red::Cli::Table
  • Red::Column
  • Red::ColumnMethods
  • Red::Config
  • Red::DB
  • Red::Database
  • Red::DefaultResultSeq
  • Red::Do
  • Red::Driver
  • Red::Driver::Cache
  • Red::Driver::Cache::Memory
  • Red::Driver::CacheInvalidateOnWrite
  • Red::Driver::CacheWithStrKey
  • Red::Driver::CommonSQL
  • Red::Driver::Mock
  • Red::Driver::Pg
  • Red::Driver::SQLite
  • Red::Driver::SQLite::SQLiteMaster
  • Red::Driver::SQLite::SchemaReader
  • Red::Event
  • Red::Formatter
  • Red::FromRelationship
  • Red::HiddenFromSQLCommenting
  • Red::Migration::Column
  • Red::Migration::Migration
  • Red::Migration::Table
  • Red::Model
  • Red::Operators
  • Red::Phaser
  • Red::PrepareCode
  • Red::ResultAssociative
  • Red::ResultSeq
  • Red::ResultSeq::Iterator
  • Red::ResultSeqSeq
  • Red::Schema
  • Red::SchemaReader
  • Red::Statement
  • Red::Traits
  • Red::Type
  • Red::Type::Json
  • Red::Utils
  • X::Red::Exceptions


The Camelia image is copyright 2009 by Larry Wall. "Raku" is trademark of the Yet Another Society. All rights reserved.