
Red ORM documentation

Welcome to Red ORM documentation.


If you are looking for tutorials, you can visit:

API documentation

If you are looking for pure API docs, here you go:


More examples can be found at the project Wiki page.

For developers

How to contribute to documentation

I want to document something

To document an entity of Red itself (class, operator, routine etc), do it as Pod6 in the source file. For example, before:

sub prefix:<Ī£>( *@number-list ) is export {
    [+] @number-list


#| A prefix operator that sums numbers
#| It accepts an arbitrary length list of numbers and returns their sum
#| Example: say Ī£ (13, 16, 1); # 30
sub prefix:<Ī£>( *@number-list ) is export {
    [+] @number-list

Then execute perl6 tools/make-docs.p6 to generate documentation pages with your symbols included.

If you want to add a tutorial, write it as Markdown and add to docs directory of this repository.

I want to change existing documentation

Depending on what it is, the documentation might be generated or not.

  • Try to run a search in the repository for a line you want to change, for example, grep -R "bad typo" .

  • If you see more than two files, try to narrow your search pattern

  • If you see two files found, most likely one will be corresponding to sources or generated Markdown documentation. Please, patch the documentation in sources and, after re-generating pages with tools/make-docs.p6 script, send a PR.

  • If you see a single file found, Markdown file with a tutorial or this introduction text, please, patch it and send a PR.

  • When not sure, please, create a ticket at Red bugtracker

All pull requests are welcome!

Red v0.1.55

A Raku ORM


  • Fernando Correa de Oliveira





Test Dependencies


  • CX::Red::Bool
  • MetamodelX::Red::Comparate
  • MetamodelX::Red::Describable
  • MetamodelX::Red::Dirtable
  • MetamodelX::Red::Id
  • MetamodelX::Red::Migration
  • MetamodelX::Red::Model
  • MetamodelX::Red::OnDB
  • MetamodelX::Red::Populatable
  • MetamodelX::Red::Refreshable
  • MetamodelX::Red::Relationship
  • MetamodelX::Red::Specialisable
  • MetamodelX::Red::Supply
  • Red
  • Red::AST
  • Red::AST::AddForeignKeyOnTable
  • Red::AST::BeginTransaction
  • Red::AST::Case
  • Red::AST::Chained
  • Red::AST::ChangeColumn
  • Red::AST::Comment
  • Red::AST::CommitTransaction
  • Red::AST::Constraints
  • Red::AST::CreateColumn
  • Red::AST::CreateTable
  • Red::AST::DateTimeFuncs
  • Red::AST::Delete
  • Red::AST::Divisable
  • Red::AST::DropColumn
  • Red::AST::Empty
  • Red::AST::Function
  • Red::AST::Generic::Infix
  • Red::AST::Generic::Postfix
  • Red::AST::Generic::Prefix
  • Red::AST::Infix
  • Red::AST::Infixes
  • Red::AST::Insert
  • Red::AST::Intersect
  • Red::AST::IsDefined
  • Red::AST::JsonItem
  • Red::AST::JsonRemoveItem
  • Red::AST::LastInsertedRow
  • Red::AST::Minus
  • Red::AST::MultiSelect
  • Red::AST::Next
  • Red::AST::Operator
  • Red::AST::Optimizer::AND
  • Red::AST::Optimizer::Case
  • Red::AST::Optimizer::OR
  • Red::AST::RollbackTransaction
  • Red::AST::Select
  • Red::AST::StringFuncs
  • Red::AST::TableComment
  • Red::AST::Unary
  • Red::AST::Union
  • Red::AST::Update
  • Red::AST::Value
  • Red::Attr::Column
  • Red::Attr::Query
  • Red::Attr::Relationship
  • Red::Class
  • Red::Cli
  • Red::Cli::Column
  • Red::Cli::Relationship
  • Red::Cli::Table
  • Red::Column
  • Red::ColumnMethods
  • Red::Config
  • Red::DB
  • Red::Database
  • Red::DefaultResultSeq
  • Red::Do
  • Red::Driver
  • Red::Driver::Cache
  • Red::Driver::Cache::Memory
  • Red::Driver::CacheInvalidateOnWrite
  • Red::Driver::CacheWithStrKey
  • Red::Driver::CommonSQL
  • Red::Driver::Mock
  • Red::Driver::Pg
  • Red::Driver::SQLite
  • Red::Driver::SQLite::SQLiteMaster
  • Red::Driver::SQLite::SchemaReader
  • Red::Event
  • Red::Formatter
  • Red::FromRelationship
  • Red::HiddenFromSQLCommenting
  • Red::Migration::Column
  • Red::Migration::Migration
  • Red::Migration::Table
  • Red::Model
  • Red::Operators
  • Red::Phaser
  • Red::PrepareCode
  • Red::ResultAssociative
  • Red::ResultSeq
  • Red::ResultSeq::Iterator
  • Red::ResultSeqSeq
  • Red::Schema
  • Red::SchemaReader
  • Red::Statement
  • Red::Traits
  • Red::Type
  • Red::Type::Json
  • Red::Utils
  • X::Red::Exceptions


The Camelia image is copyright 2009 by Larry Wall. "Raku" is trademark of the Yet Another Society. All rights reserved.