

OO::Plugin::Registry - to register 'em all!


Plugin::Registry.instance.plugin-names;     # list of all registered plugins


This module provides process-wide registration functionality for keeping track of various objects related to OO::Plugin framework. Most of the needed functionality is provided via higher-level means by OO::Plugin and OO::Plugin::Manager modules and described in OO::Plugin::Manual.


class Plugin::Registry

This class is a singleton and it provides the complete API of this module.

submethod instance

Returns the instance of this class.

method register-plugin

Creates a record mapping plugin FQN (fully qualified name) into its type.

method plugin-names

Returns all FQNs of registered plugins.

method plugin-types

Returns all types of registered plugins.

method plugin-type

plugin-type( Str:D $plugin-FQN )

Returns type for a given plugin FQN. Fails with X::OO::Plugin::NotFound exception if no such plugin found.

method plugin-meta

Registers or returns plugin's meta.

  • plugin-meta( %meta, Mu:U \plugin-type )

    Registers meta for plugin-type.

    Note that only new keys from %meta will be registerd. I.e. if we do:

    my $r = Plugin::Registry.instance;
    $r.plugin-meta( {key1 => "a"}, Plugin1 );
    $r.plugin-meta( {key1 => "a2", key2 => "b2"}, Plugin1 );

    The final version of meta hash will be:

    key1 => "a", key2 => "b2"

    Another special case is handling of before, around, after keys. While they conform to the above restriction, ther values from the %meta parameter will be converted to a list and stored as a Set.

  • plugin-meta( Str:D $plugin ) plugin-meta( Str:D :$fqn ) plugin-meta( Plugin:U \plugin-type )

    These variants return registered plugin meta. Note that the first one attempts to convert short name to FQN whlie two other don't and thus they're a little bit faster.

method pluggable-classes

Returns all classes registered as pluggable. Consider the OO::Plugin::Manual with regard to strict or loose modes of operation of the plugin manger class.

method is-pluggable

  • is-pluggable( Mu:U \class ) is-pluggable( Str:D $class-fqn )

    True if class is pluggable.

  • is-pluggable( Str:D $class-fqn, Str:D $method )

    True if method of a class is pluggable.

method type

type( Str:D $class-fqn )

Returns type object for a pluggable class FQN.

method short2fqn

  • short2fqn( Str:D $what, Str:D $name )

  • short2fqn( $what => $name )

Converts short name of a pluggable class or a plugin into its FQN. $what is either string 'classes' or 'plugins'. Returns the $name parameter if the name is not found.

method fqn2short

  • fqn2short( Str:D $what, Str:D $name )

  • fqn2short( $what => $name )

Converts FQN of a pluggable class or a plugin into its short name. $what is either string 'classes' or 'plugins'.

method fqn-class-name

  • fqn-class-name( Str:D $name )

Shortcut for short2fqn( 'classes', $name )

method fqn-plugin-name

  • fqn-plugin-name( Str:D $name )

Shortcut for short2fqn( 'plugins, $name )

method has-autogen-class

has-autogen-class( Str:D $class-fqn )

Returns True if $class-fqn is already in the registry of auto-generated classes. Helps in avoiding generation of duplicate class names.

method registry

Returns a deep copy of the registry Hash, excluding plugins and classes.

method plugs

Returns a deep copy of registered plugs. This branch of registry is currently contains only method handlers but other types of plugs might be invented in the future.

method methods

Returns a copy of registered method handlers Hash. It's keys are (by nesting level):

  • pluggable class FQN

  • method of the class

  • plugin FQN

  • method call stage: before, around, after

Leafs are handler methods.

method pluggables

Returns a copy of pluggables registry. Currently only contains methods key.

method extended classes

Returns a copy of the hash of all classes listed in for trait of plug-class declarations. The keys are:

  • class FQN

  • plugin FQN

The leafs are list of plug-class type objects.

method plug-classes

Returns a copy of the hash of all registered plug-classes. The keys are:

  • plugin FQN

  • plug-class FQN

The leafs are hashes of two keys:

  • type - plug-class type object

  • extends - Set of class names

method inventory

Returns a copy of inventory hash. It currently only has one key: autogen-classs which is a set of framework-generated class names.


OO::Plugin::Manual, OO::Plugin, OO::Plugin::Manager, OO::Plugin::Class


Vadim Belman [email protected]

OO::Plugin v0.0.8

Framework for working with OO application plugins


  • Vadim Belman





Test Dependencies


  • OO::Plugin
  • OO::Plugin::Class
  • OO::Plugin::Declarations
  • OO::Plugin::Exception
  • OO::Plugin::Manager
  • OO::Plugin::Metamodel::PlugRoleHOW
  • OO::Plugin::Metamodel::PluginHOW
  • OO::Plugin::Registry

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