

OO::Plugin::Class - collection for service classes.



class PluginMessage

This class is used to provide a plugin with information about the current call. In its pure form the plugin manager is using objects of this class to communicate with callbacks.

has Capture:D $.params

Parameters the method has been called with

has Mu $.private

Data only available to a single plugin. This data would exists strictly within one execution chain and won't be exposed to the code from other plugins.

has Associative %.shared

Data shared among all the plugins. This attribute is similar to .private except this data is shared; i.e. what is set by one plugin can be read or changed by others.

method set-rc

method set-rc(
    $!rc is copy
) returns Nil

This method sets the suggested return value for the current execution chain.

method reset-rc

method reset-rc() returns Nil

Reset the suggested return value.

method has-rc

method has-rc() returns Bool

Returns True if the suggested return value has been set.

method rc

method rc() returns Mu

Suggested return value

class MethodHandlerMsg

Inherits from PluginMessage. Used to provide information for method handlers.

has Any:D $.object

Instance of the object the original method has been called upon.

has Str:D $.method

Name of the method being called.

has $.stage

Stage of method call. Can be one of three strings: before, around, after.


The base class of all plugins.

has $.plugin-manager

The plugin manager object which created this plugin instance.

has Str:D $.name

Plugin's fully qualified name.

has Str:D $.short-name

Plugin's short name.

method on-event

method on-event(
    Str:D $name,
) returns Mu

Event handler.

method on-callback

method on-callback(
    Str:D $cb-name,
    OO::Plugin::Class::PluginMessage:D $msg,
) returns Mu

Callback handler.

SEE Also

OO::Plugin::Manual, OO::Plugin::Manager, OO::Plugin::Class


Vadim Belman [email protected]

OO::Plugin v0.0.8

Framework for working with OO application plugins


  • Vadim Belman





Test Dependencies


  • OO::Plugin
  • OO::Plugin::Class
  • OO::Plugin::Declarations
  • OO::Plugin::Exception
  • OO::Plugin::Manager
  • OO::Plugin::Metamodel::PlugRoleHOW
  • OO::Plugin::Metamodel::PluginHOW
  • OO::Plugin::Registry

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