
 1  n = T.length
 2  m = P.length
 3  pi = Compute-Prefix-Function(P)
 4  q = 0                                            // number of characters matched
 5  for i = 1 to n                                   // scan the text from left to right
 6      while q > 0 and P[q + 1] not equal T[i]
 7          q = pi[q]                                // next character does not match
 8      if P[q + 1] == T[i]
 9          q = q + 1                                // next character matches
10      if q == m                                    // is all of P matched?
11          print "Pattern occurs with shift" i - m
12          q = pi[q]                                // look for the next match
# I believe the above line (line 12) is wrong. I think q should be reset to zero.
 1  m = P.length
 2  let pi[1..m] be a new array
 3  pi[1] = 0
 4  k = 0
 5  for q = 2 to m
 6      while k > 0 and P[k + 1] not equal P[q]
 7          k = pi[k]
 8      if P[k + 1] == P[q]
 9          k = k + 1
10      pi[q] = k
11  return pi

AlgorithmsIT v0.0.1

Provides some functions from 'Introduction to Algorithms', Third Edition


  • Tom Browder




Test Dependencies


  • AlgorithmsIT
  • Classes

The Camelia image is copyright 2009 by Larry Wall. "Raku" is trademark of the Yet Another Society. All rights reserved.