Functions from Introduction to Algorithms, Third Edition

The functions below have been translated from the psuedo code in the book into Raku. To ease the translation, Raku classes were created to mimic contructs in the pseudo code as much as possible.

Raku classes


(Note the class has a short name for convenience: A1B.)

The main feature of this class is that its first slot is at index 1 as opposed to 0 in Raku arrays. Only necessary features of a normal array have been added, so its feature list is not exhaustive. However, users are encouraged to ask for additional features or submit a PR for such.

The class provides the following ways to instantiate an array:

An empty but extendible array

my $a =;

From a text string

my $a = "abbxide x";

As an array filled with a number sequence M..N

Specifying beginning and end:

my $a = 2, 6;

Specifying end only (beginning is 1 by default):

my $a = 5;

From a list

my $a = @list;

Raku functions (subroutines)

The following two functions are used to employ the Knuth-Morris-Pratt (KMP) algorithms for pattern matching. See examples of their use in the test routines.

The functions will find all non-overlapping matches of a specified pattern in an input text string. (It should be very useful in DNA analysis.) Following is an example of a pattern and its matches. The results of a KMP pattern match is a list of the "shifts" for each match. A shift is a number representing the number of characters after the first character of the input string. No shifts will be reported for a situation with no matches. Of course an attempted match of an input string with a longer pattern will result in no match.

A pattern: "AACT". A DNA string: "AAACTTTAACTAA" (13 characters).

The matches:

    AAACTTTAACTAA  # 13 characters in this string
     AACT  AACT    # two matches: the 1st at a shift of 1, the 2nd is at a shift of 7

KMP-Matcher (Ref. 1, p. 1005)

Following is the pseudo code from Ref. 1:

 1  n = T.length
 2  m = P.length
 3  pi = Compute-Prefix-Function(P)
 4  q = 0                                            // number of characters matched
 5  for i = 1 to n                                   // scan the text from left to right
 6      while q > 0 and P[q + 1] not equal T[i]
 7          q = pi[q]                                // next character does not match
 8      if P[q + 1] == T[i]
 9          q = q + 1                                // next character matches
10      if q == m                                    // is all of P matched?
11          print "Pattern occurs with shift" i - m
12          q = pi[q]                                // look for the next match

Line 12 is in error and should read: q = 0 (a bug report has been filed with the publisher).

The Raku signature:

KMP-Matcher(ArrayOneBased $T, ArrayOneBased $P --> List)

Compute-Prefix-Function (Ref. 1, p. 1006)

Following is the pseudo code from Ref. 1:

 1  m = P.length
 2  let pi[1..m] be a new array
 3  pi[1] = 0
 4  k = 0
 5  for q = 2 to m
 6      while k > 0 and P[k + 1] not equal P[q]
 7          k = pi[k]
 8      if P[k + 1] == P[q]
 9          k = k + 1
10      pi[q] = k
11  return pi

The Raku signature:

Compute-Prefix-Function(ArrayOneBased $P --> ArrayOneBased)

AlgorithmsIT v0.0.1

Provides some functions from 'Introduction to Algorithms', Third Edition


  • Tom Browder




Test Dependencies


  • AlgorithmsIT
  • Classes

The Camelia image is copyright 2009 by Larry Wall. "Raku" is trademark of the Yet Another Society. All rights reserved.