Opening a file
Scott Penrose
You want to read or write a file from Perl.
#!/usr/bin/env raku
use v6;
my $path = $*SPEC.catdir($*PROGRAM-NAME.IO.dirname, "07-01opening_file.p6");
my $input = open($path, :r)
or die "Could not open $path for reading $!\n";
my $filename = "test_file";
my $output = open($filename, :w)
or die "Could not open $filename for writing $!\n";
# File-access modes
# If you want to use any of the mode parameters you have to put parenthese () after the open.
# :r read, this is the defaul open mode
# :w write, automatically creating non existing files and emptying existing files
# :a append, keep the file intact and enable to write at the end of it
# :rw read and write
# :r, :w
# :ra read and append
# :r, :a
# write and read (overwriting a a file) will we have this?
# Closing the file
$input.close or die $!;
say "ok last";
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